Hunting High School

Chapter 2 The Basic Cultivation Of Nobility

"As we all know, there will be a powerful spell on the Merlin Medal by the Witch League. Would you mind telling everyone what the spell on your Medal is?"

"It's a summoning technique." Zheng Qing replied very simply, then shook his head resolutely, refusing to explain in more detail.

Xin Fatty shrugged in disappointment, and continued to ask:

"When did you know you were awarded the Order of Merlin?"

"After the regular class meeting last weekend, Lao Yao told me."

"Didn't you hear any rumors before?"

"Before?" Zheng Qing wrinkled his nose, and replied with some uncertainty: "I haven't received it... However, when I was dealing with that wild monster in Damingfang, Andrew was the chubby young commissioner of the Three-pointed Sword , once told me that he would apply for some kind of award, but he didn't say that it would be the Merlin Medal."

"Why didn't you tell us about this kind of thing earlier." Xin Fatty crossed his arms and watched the own quill dancing happily on the letter paper, his tone was full of envy and regret.

"I thought that little Fatty was just joking." Although Zheng Qing tried his best to be modest, the smile on his face couldn't be restrained: "Actually, what I was most concerned about at the time was whether there was a bonus..."

"Tacky," Sim Fatty concluded sourly.

"Didn't you ask if there is any credit reward?" A voice suddenly interrupted this pretentious interview, which shocked the two young people at the desk.


"Scared the young master to death!"

Zheng Qing turned his head, and Dylan's thick curtain lifted a small corner at some point, revealing Mr. Vampire Werewolf's bluish-white face and slightly red eyes.

Perhaps because of the noon, his spirits seemed a little sluggish.

"Is your coffin with a sliding lid?" Zheng Qing took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled: "How come there is no sound at all!"

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"As a bedroom item, quietness is a necessary moral standard." Although the spirit is not good, Mr. Vampire Werewolf's answer is still polite: "As a nobleman, of course I will consider everyone's feelings."

"If you think about it, you shouldn't put such a thing in the dormitory." Zheng Qing couldn't help but slander.

"Before climbing out of the coffin next time, can you say hello in advance!" Xin Fatty massaged his heart vigorously, complaining loudly: "I will be scared to have a heart attack..."

"I'm so sorry, I never knew blue titans could have heart disease." Dylan raised his hand and said sorry, "I didn't expect you to be so timid... As an 1800-year-old old man, you can't care for him." Young man, it is my dereliction of duty..."

"When did you grow a few hundred years old again..." Fatty hastily complained.

After Zheng Qing regained his composure, he didn't pay attention to the quarrel between the two, but answered Dylan's question immediately.

"I didn't know how important credits are, so I didn't ask." On this question, he looked very sad: "Just like at the beginning, Nicholas told me that credits can be exchanged for jade coins, which made me happy. It's..."

"You really changed?" Xin Fatty looked at him in shock.

"Of course not." The young public-funded student denied it flatly: "Although I have more credits, um, there is no reason to waste it like this. I am not stupid."

"I have reservations about this." Mr. Vampire Werewolf smacked his lips, revealing two sharp teeth.

But I don't know whether he has reservations about Zheng Qing's IQ or the system of exchanging credits for jade coins.

Zheng Qing glanced at Dylan who was cleaning his fangs with a brush and a small mirror from the corner of his eye. His lips trembled, but he finally didn't dwell on this issue.

Perhaps the discussion in the dormitory was a little noisy.

The orange cat flicked its tail impatiently, and stretched out its two front legs stiffly, revealing its sharp claws shining coldly between its toes.

However, the young wizards did not heed its threat.

It was Xin Fatty, who saw the fat cat woke up, and quickly stretched out a pair of fat hands, trying to catch it in his arms.

Like a ball of plasticine that was squeezed open, the fat cat flowed out from Fatty's hands, leaped lightly, jumped onto the window sill, then bent its back and turned its tail, and turned out from the balcony.

Fatty let out a disappointed sigh.

"So, do you have anything to say to the Umma Investigation Bureau?" He turned his head and looked at the young public finance student again.

"It's really there." Zheng Qing rubbed his nose, his tone a little dissatisfied: "It's been so long since the Daming Square incident, why did you remember to notify me to accept the award... If it wasn't for Lao Yao's notification, I almost forgot this time thing."

"Is it long?" Xin Fatty blinked, looked at Zheng Qing, and then at Dylan.

"It won't be long." The vampire werewolf old man behind the tent stopped gritting his teeth, counted with his fingers, wondering: "It's only October now, and it's less than a hundred days before the accident in Damingfang...Actually, I think This speed is a little faster."

"Quick?!" The young public finance student finally found a slot, and immediately retorted: "One day is enough for mayflies to spend their entire lives...One hundred days is enough for them to Samsara a hundred times in this world."

"But goose, you are not a bug." Dylan picked up the brush and small mirror again, and continued to rub his fangs, which are never too clean: "You know, this kind of Merlin Medal awarded for assisting in official duties is the most troublesome It is not like the improvement of magic skills or the opening of a new world, which can be seen and touched immediately by people."

"It is nothing more than a meritorious service issued by a second-level institution under the Umno is highly operable. In order to rule out the possibility of some forces getting the medal, the process of the brass medal has always been very cumbersome."

"I remember Thomas said that the process of the Little Merlin Medal is relatively simple." Zheng Qing was a little at a loss: "Isn't it because the threshold for the Great Merlin Medal was lowered, the process was simplified, and then the Little Merlin Medal was established? In addition, the second- What is a level institution?"

Dylan took a deep breath.

The big red tent was in turmoil.

"Simplifying the process is only a relative term." He put away the small mirror, looked at Zheng Qing with a pleasing expression, and said, "But no matter how simplified it is, the Merlin Medal rewards outstanding wizards who have made positive contributions to the magic world... so we must be cautious." You know, the old Merlin Medal, which is the Grand Merlin Medal you just mentioned, was originally awarded on a yearly basis."

"As for the Little Merlin Medal, including the Merlin Brass Medal you obtained, because of the large number of awards, it is impossible for all of them to be reviewed by the Grand Wizarding Conference, so the Wizarding Union has delegated the awarding authority to a certain extent."

"This requires talking about the institutional grading system you just asked about."

"The Wizard Council, the First University, and the Council under the Moon belong to the first-level institutions of the Wizard League. The Trident Sword, which is directly under the Wizard Council, and Jiuyou College, which is directly under the First University, are second-level institutions directly under the Trident Sword. The emergency response department directly under the central government, and the joint meeting of professors of Jiuyou College, these are directly affiliated third-level institutions."

"Clear and clear." Zheng Qing nodded again and again, with a disappointed tone: "That is to say, this brass medal is equivalent to a college-level honor?"

"It is the academy's top honor." Dylan corrected: "In addition, although the review time for the Little Merlin Medal has been shortened to less than one year, there are still many necessary procedures."

"The most important thing is the documents - all kinds of documents."

"The Trident Sword needs to write a report, the First University needs to write a report, and all kinds of reports required by each relevant department; such as the accident summary report submitted to the Wizard Council, the application report submitted to the Merlin Medal Review Committee, and the report submitted to the The responsibility identification report of the wizard court, the supplementary investigation required by the Damingfang Management Committee, the school certificates of relevant personnel such as Zheng Qing, and your general conduct report in school, all kinds of things, what are you asking for? Thirty or forty reports are also required, involving various departments."

"Oh, my, god..." Zheng Qing slapped himself on the face: "It sounds hopeless."

"This is the rule." Dylan smacked his lips and sighed: "After the various reports are submitted, the formal process will begin. Although the Merlin Brass Medal is only a third-level medal, it still belongs to the wizarding world One of the high-level honors. Including the Wizarding Council, Merlin Medal Review Committee, First University Professors Joint Conference, Trident Sword and other institutions involved, all need the approval of the relevant person in charge."

"That's one of the reasons I think time is fast."

"You know, most of the people in charge of these 'relevant departments' don't sit in the office, but run around all over the world, and even around the new world. They can be caught within two months and they are all willing to sign. I think you should thank that little Fatty."

"How do you know so much!" Zheng Qing looked enviously at the people in the tent.

"This is the basic cultivation of a nobleman." Dylan straightened his back proudly.

Xin Fatty was lying on the table, listening to Dylan's explanation with relish, and the quill in front of his eyes flew up.

With a powerful assist, he can easily handle this interview.

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