Hunting High School

Chapter 3: The Cat Licking Paper

A black shadow flashed by the window.

Zheng Qing raised his head and found that the orange cat turned back from the window at some point.

It silently bypassed the books scattered on the desk, jumped, and jumped onto Xin Fatty's soft bed.

Fatty sat at the desk, carefully cleaning the quill that automatically recorded.

"If everything goes well, we will be able to see the report of this interview in the next issue of the school newspaper." He stuffed the cleaned quill into the box, and stretched contentedly.

"If everything goes well..." Zheng Qing yawned a lot, and lost his way: "Things never go well."

"Oh, are you eating paper!" Fatty suddenly exclaimed from the side: "Poor guy, we don't usually abuse you, right?"

Tuantuan was lying on the pillow, his tail tightly wrapped around his body, motionless, and a red paper crane was held between his claws.

The paper crane flapped its wings vigorously, trying to break free from the terrifying Magical Beasts.

As if hearing Fatty's exclamation, the orange cat tilted its head and narrowed its eyes, but it didn't give up the little thing between its paws.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Instead, before the two freshmen could react, it stuck out its tongue again and licked a few more mouthfuls.

"That's a paper crane?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows, his tone was a little strange: "Where did it get it?"

"If I were you, I would snatch the paper crane back first, and then consider these issues." Dylan's voice came faintly from the tent, looking very helpless: "Didn't you notice that the fat cat's Is the paper crane about to be drowned in saliva?"

Whether or not the paper crane will be drowned is a question of magic philosophy that is worth pondering.

But snatching food from the fat cat's mouth is a very difficult and unmagical task.

It is impossible to grab it by force, unless you plan to skip half an hour of class in the afternoon and go to the school hospital to listen to Mrs. Bella's nagging.

However, the lure did not work, which aroused Zheng Qing's great interest.

"It doesn't even want chicken legs!" Xin Fatty looked at the fat cat in shock, then lowered his head, sniffed the fragrant chicken legs on the plate, and even stretched out his fingers, tearing off a small piece of chicken to taste taste.

"Is it full?" Zheng Qing raised his own opinion.

"It's absolutely impossible... gourmets are never full!" Fatty's lips twitched, puzzled: "Original stewed chicken, it's still hot... why don't you want it?"

The young payer rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the strange word 'gourmand'.

"Why does it lick the paper crane?" Dylan was very interested in this question.

"Maybe the origami crane's letter paper has a smell that some animals like?" Zheng Qing guessed.

Xin didn't speak.

He lowered his head and put the plate on the desk.

The porcelain plate collided with the wooden table, making a clear sound.

"It seems that I have to use my own unique skills." Fatty's tone was a little gloomy.

Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, his expression full of helplessness: "Is there any way to use it quickly... If it is a little later, that paper crane will really become a bunch of 'slobbering cranes'."

on the pillow.

The fat cat didn't even bother to look at the two young wizards, and still lowered its head, licking the paper intently.

"Mount Tai is on the top!" Fatty suddenly yelled, jumped up, threw himself on his bed, and pushed the fat cat under him.

"Aw...!" Tuantuan screamed.

"Aww!!" Fatty screamed: "Hurry up! You have to accompany me for medical bills!!"

Zheng Qing was taken aback, then rushed over in a hurry, and pulled out the wet paper crane from between a pair of fluffy claws.

He didn't even care about the sticky drool that Fat Cat left on it.

The dust fell.

Xin Fatty struggled to get up from the bed, revealing the fat cat with messy fur underneath.

"Ow!" Tuantuan jumped up, waved his furry paws, bowed left and right, and slapped Fatty twice.

"Hey." Fatty was not angry, but raised his hands in a showy manner, and turned to the two roommates: "See? Our fat cat still knows how to restrain itself... It didn't bite or scratch."

Zheng Qing looked at the two red spots on his chubby face, pulled the corners of his mouth, then lowered his head, looking at the paper crane in his palm.

The red paper crane nodded feebly, scratched the palm of his hand, flapped its wings, and immediately unfolded into a piece of letter paper.

"This is for you?" Fatty's eyes widened: "Which little girl is it again!"

"Is that all you have on your mind?!" The young public finance student picked up the letter paper with a helpless expression.

But soon, his tone was full of surprise: "Yo, it turned out to be a reply letter from the student union... I just flew paper cranes to them this morning, and I didn't expect it to be so efficient."

"What reply?"

"I asked about this year's student union's new admission list... Didn't I get admitted, I want to ask why."

"It's such a stupid thing, and you want to fly a paper crane?" Xin Fatty leaned on the own bed with a hurt face: "After class, you will walk a few steps to the office building... If you do this, you will have the nerve to call me lazy in the future ?"

"This is what a real wizard should do." Dylan sat in the coffin, raised the curtain, and looked at the young public fee student with approval on his face: "A real wizard never uses crude methods other than magic to solve troubles."

"Fault." Fatty grunted, lip curling.

"So, I was very curious just now." Dylan continued: "Since you are two wizards, why didn't you use magic to tie up that fat cat? I remember you all learned the binding spell..."

The figures of the young public finance student and Fatty froze at the same time.

"I'm not used to using magic yet." Zheng Qing looked at Fatty and whispered.

"I forgot." Xin Fatty honestly spread out his hands: "Knowing too much magic is also a kind of trouble."

On the bed, the fat cat that had licked its fur again opened its mouth and let out a chuckle.

With a dark face, Zheng Qing lowered his head, smoothed the letter paper, and quickly read the reply letter.

"Dear student (Zheng Qing), after reconfirmation by the organization office, your comprehensive evaluation is insufficient, and I am very sorry that I cannot work with you."

"Thanks for your trust."

"First University Student Union, Minister of Foreign Affairs."

"Your faithful Louise Coty."

Zheng Qing looked at those few short sentences over and over again, but finally did not see the answer he wanted.

"Shadow," he crumpled up the letter paper angrily, and threw it into the trash can: "There must be shady!"

Fat Mao's eyes lit up, he leaped deeply, and grabbed the ball of paper.

"Maybe..." Xin Fatty narrowed his eyes, watching the fat cat enjoying playing with a ball of paper, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Looking at your expression, it seems that you want to grab food from a cat..." Dylan's light voice sounded in the room.

"No way!" Fatty blushed, "I'm just wondering why it licks the paper."

"You are not a cat, why do you care so much?"

Zheng Qing ignored the bickering between the other two.

The letter from the student union made his already depressed mood even more depressed.

There is also a section on the philosophy of magic in the afternoon.

He decided to go to the classroom early today to see if he could make a new appointment with Jiang Yu.

"Oh, by the way, don't think about me helping to bring dinner at night." Before leaving, Zheng Qing turned around and reminded: "You don't need to bring me dinner either... I guess I will be back after eight o'clock."

"Why, have you finally figured out how to send the gift out?"

"Not really." Zheng Qing's shoulders became more and more slumped: "It's the homework of Lao Yao's last class...I made an appointment with Jiang Yu to test the book together."

"Ho! Ho! Ho!!!" Xin Fatty screamed in horror, like a big cock being gelded: "When did you hook up with this queen again! The speed is too fast!"

"What is hooking up!" Zheng Qing blushed and slammed the door out: "The heart of a villain is the heart of a gentleman..."

Behind him, came two weird and meaningful laughter.

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