Hunting High School

Chapter 6 Ostwald Equilibrium And Observer Effect

The black and red mountains of ashes twisted and stretched across the center of the white continent.

At the end of the mountain range, a few golden tobacco dragons rolled and played, puffing out the lingering smoke in mid-air, and the black and red bones under their feet, completely unaware of the danger coming quietly.

The slender tentacles of the black soldier ants who were exploring the way were shaking quickly, estimating the distance between the legendary 'secret treasure' and their own army.

The huge black legion seems to be a thick ink color, smudged this corner of the white continent.

Hunting, inadvertently, quietly started.

Pounce, bite, wrap, fight.

To these tiny black ants, the body of Yansilong is extraordinarily thick and powerful. Rub it to crush it, and knock it to turn it into meat paste. The corpses of black ants that were scattered one after another moistened the Ash Mountains, which continued to grow higher and longer.

Ants, however, have never been a shrinking creature.

If you can't climb the dragon's body, the ants will attach to it.

Longwei alone can't stop, ants kill elephants too much.

Just like that, a golden tobacco dragon howled and was broken into fine pieces by the black army. The black soldier ants flew back to the camp behind with their trophies on their six short legs.

There, the queen ant with a big belly can't wait to enjoy the gift of this world.

"Primitive ants, fighting to death, can at most make the mountain of ashes in the middle of the white continent a little taller."

Professor Yao bit his pipe, folded his arms, and stood beside the white continent, with his eyelids downcast, and his voice was very flat:

"But when they're grown, or upgraded, it's a very different story."

The classroom is very quiet.

Everyone is watching Life and death, war and peace on the narrow Minor World. Only through the heavy breathing of the boys and the occasional short screams among the girls, can the thrilling events on the White Continent be confirmed from the side.

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The queen who devoured the remnant of the tobacco dragon changed rapidly.

Its body is larger and stronger, dozens of times the size of other ants; its leather armor is shiny and smooth, and the bristles on its legs and feet are sharp and thick, easily piercing the white continent under its feet.

"For the black ants, this is a lucky sign, but also a bad beginning."

"Fortunately, I have the confidence and ability to defeat the enemy."

"Unfortunately, they don't have the landscape to capture that capability."

Lao Yao was talking slowly on the podium, the battle on the White Paper Continent was already in full swing.

After the black ants had a more powerful leader, their arrogance became overwhelming, and they easily broke through the blocking of the Ash Mountains, defeating the red ants.

In just a few blinks, the pattern of the White Continent has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The corpses of the dead ants were either piled up at the foot of the Ash Mountains and turned into fertilizer for the mountains; or they were pushed down to the void around the mainland, where they turned into plumes of black smoke and returned to Lao Yao's pipe.

The great war is over and peace is coming.

Everything seems to return to calm.

Only the young wizards who have been paying attention to the development of the mainland through the huge light curtain can perceive the terror behind the calm.

"What are those?" Zheng Qing pointed to some transparent holes slowly appearing on the white continent, pushed Dr. Xiao Da next to him, and asked uneasily.

"The footprints of the queen ant." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, stared at the light curtain intently, and murmured: "For this continent, it is too powerful... Its fangs and feet are too powerful for this piece of paper." It's too sharp to say."

Zheng Qing came to a sudden.

Then he frowned.

Even if that unusual ant just casually walked a few steps on the white continent, it would inadvertently leave those pierced and dangerous scars.

From time to time, the patrolling black soldier ants fell into these transparent holes, fell into the void, and turned into strands of black ash.

Obviously, this world is no longer suitable for big ants to continue to survive.

Its existence is a threat to the entire ethnic group.

"Stay where it is, the excessive mass will continue to tear the continent apart, causing this big ant to fall into the void; and it has not yet evolved wings... Like other inconspicuous little ants, when falling into After the void, the only one who welcomes it is Guixu."

Lao Yao held his pipe and sprayed out a series of smoke rings, his voice seemed a bit dull:

"But that's not the worst."

"When the second big guy appears in this already overwhelmed world, it will be the most desperate moment for the White Continent."

While speaking, a big red ant suddenly rose from the other side of the Ash Mountain.

This is the reward that a small group of fleeing red ants lucky enough to kill a lone tobacco dragon.

When it climbed on the top of the Ash Mountain and roared to challenge another existence, the countdown of this continent began.

The black ant queen, who was pacing leisurely, dragged her heavy body and pounced on the newborn red giant ant.

Transparent holes appeared behind it.

Not to be outdone, the big red ant raised its pincers and fought back forcefully.

They rolled and bit, allowing the remaining black and red ants to fall into the transparent holes and into the endless abyss.

The world is getting dilapidated, but that doesn't stop the two mighty ants from going crazy.

The black queen ants spat out streams of acid, and the red giant ants shook off pieces of sparks.

The acid fell on the white paper, corroding pieces of yellow-green traces; sparks splashed on the white paper, baking pieces of burnt yellow crispy skin.

The white continent has completely turned into a crispy continent.

Broken confetti fell from the air one after another, Lao Yao hadn't finished his second pipe, and this small white paper world ended his wonderful, short, and sad life.

The two big ants that lost their foothold fell into the void one after another, turned into two slightly thicker black smoke, and returned to Lao Yao's pipe.

The light curtain was pulled up.

The elves returned to the stands above the blackboard.

The atmosphere in the classroom is a bit heavy.

Everyone is reminiscing about the simple yet complicated process just now, and everyone has seen a bit of cruel truth from the simple experiment just now.

"Every world is like this."

"As long as 'Superman' is active, the chances of the world's destruction will increase exponentially."

Lao Yao clutched his pipe and knocked heavily on the desk.

Zheng Qing was in a trance for a while.

He thought of many Qidian novels, American dramas, and Japanese comics he had read before.

The earth is like the white paper continent just now.

Long Aotian, Green Titan, and even Super Saiyans, when they are not active, the earth has survived quietly for billions of years.

The more active they are, the shorter the lifespan of this world.

Tearing up the sky with one hand, collapsing mountains at one's feet, setting off a violent storm with a sneeze, and creating a tsunami with foam and defecation.

The onlookers watched with a surge of emotion and couldn't help themselves.

But only when you are on the scene will you realize the deep despair of ordinary people.

Perhaps freezing the lives of these Transcendents can save this world that has been restarted countless times.

Professor Yao tapped on the blackboard, emphasizing his tone:

"To avoid destruction, therefore Transcendents remain silent."

"That's where the theory of silence comes in."

"How to keep silent, this is an important corollary of the theory of silence: O'Brien's equilibrium."

"...Under a certain range of time and space, Transcendent individuals remain silent, reducing damage to the world... This can ensure the survival of Transcendent individuals and ordinary individuals at the same time... The content of Austenitic equilibrium is very interesting and complicated... just mentioned It's just the best balanced solution recognized by the wizarding world."

"...there is another corollary in the theory of silence, involving the dimension school that we'll cover in the next class...this corollary is the 'observer effect.'"

"... When Transcendent power is perceived by mortals, the destructive power produced by this power will converge, collapse into reality, and produce corresponding destructive power on the mortal world..."

"... When Transcendent power is not noticed by mortals, this destructive power will continue to diverge and spread to higher dimensions..."

"That's why the wizarding world avoids the mortal world. We can't avoid disputes between wizards, but we can try to avoid the observer effect of mortals on Transcendent powers."

"Divergence and convergence are the mainstream of contemporary magic philosophy - Dimensionalism - the most widely used magic concepts."

"...As one of the basic theories of magic philosophy, there are still many conjectures in "Theory of Silence" that future wizards need to verify...It can be said that any wizard who proves any conjecture is eligible to receive a 'Logic Award' '..."

"...This will be the direction of your efforts in the future!"

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