Hunting High School

Chapter Seven The Office Is Around The Corner

Time always flies when you are focused.

When the melodious bell rang for the end of get out of class, the students all showed their sober expressions.

Almost when Lao Yao yelled out the word 'Class is over', several figures jumped out of their seats like arrows from the string, and went straight to the podium.

"Professor, I don't quite understand this derivation..."

"Professor, can you use this instead of the Lauren formula you just mentioned..."

"Professor, why is the result of my Lee-Mac expansion always different from yours..."

Figures of different robe colors, different genders, and different grades, holding similar notebooks, showed the same longing eyes.

This is a look that cannot be rejected by the teachers.

Professor Yao smiled gratifiedly, but did not answer their questions immediately.

"Zheng Qing, don't go, come here." He beckoned, stopped the young public fee student who was halfway out of the classroom door, and dragged him back.

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment, and then glanced back at his companions.

"Then let's go first." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, turned around and left.

Xin Fatty shrugged, hooked shoulders with Zhang Jixin, and left behind Dr. Xiao Da. Zheng Qing vaguely heard him muttering, 'Must let him explain clearly at night...' 'You don't know, last time...' and other complaints.

The students who left the classroom looked at him curiously, biting each other's ears, whispering to each other, their eyes dodging his gaze, as if he had some ulterior secret.

Jiang Yuqiao stood at the door, tilted her head, and winked at him.

Beside, Li Meng put her arms around Liu Feifei's neck, and almost hung her whole body on the body of the chief student.

"It's really troublesome." The little witch muttered, and when she saw Zheng Qing's probing eyes, she immediately turned back viciously.

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With a wry smile, Zheng Qing gestured to Jiang Yu to wait, then hurried back to the classroom and moved to the desk.

"Professor, are you looking for me?" He tried to ask in a natural tone.

"Is there anything else going on in a while?" Lao Yao asked slowly, holding the handout and a pipe in one hand, with his eyes downcast.

Before Zheng Qing could figure out how to answer this question tactfully, the professor simply waved his arms:

"Since it's all right, it just so happens...the test results from the school hospital came out. You can come to the office with me in a while, and we can talk about your problems here."

While speaking, he raised his right hand, curled his middle finger, and tapped Own's temple.

Zheng Qing opened his mouth stupidly, not knowing how to close it.

Lao Yao didn't notice the tangled expressions of the public finance students. At the same time, he was explaining the formulas listed on the blackboard to a few studious young wizards:

"...We often use the Taylor spell in the Lee-Mack can very conveniently replace the most complicated parts of this derivation...such as here...and here..."

Several young wizards held their notebooks and gathered around the professor, poking their heads like big geese, as if The next moment could give out a burst of applause.

Maybe there were a little too many people watching, blocking some of the light.

Lao Yao raised his head, looked around, and found that the young public finance student was still standing at the desk, neither listening to the lecture nor leaving.

"You can wait at the door first." He bit his pipe, waved his arm, and signaled, "I'll go out after explaining these questions to them...five minutes at most."

The young public fee student nodded silently and walked towards the door of the classroom docilely.

Jiang Yu was leaning on the pillar outside the door, with a book open in his hand, and he was reading it with great relish, which made it hard to be disturbed.

Zheng Qing cleared his throat and finally caught the monitor's attention.

"Where's Li Meng?" He looked around curiously, trying to find the noisy little guy.

"I went to the library with Feifei... She hasn't finished Professor Emma's homework yet, and she probably won't go back until the Shushan Library is closed... Finally, I can be quiet for a while." Jiang Yu brushed her long hair by her ear , eyebrows and eyes curved.

Zheng Qing imagined the little witch's pouting mouth, her face full of reluctance but helplessness, and couldn't help laughing.

"I'm really sorry," he looked at the witch apologetically, twisted his hands, and explained, "Old Yao...I mean, Professor Yao, just told me that the school hospital's inspection report came out, and he asked me to go to the office to discuss it. Let me will probably be I can't study the Dharma books with you today."

"Is it because you had a headache and fainted last time?" Jiang Yu asked worriedly with a restrained smile.

Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, nodded in agreement, and showed a helpless expression.

"There is no rush for the Fashu. There are still four or five days left... We can make another appointment." Jiang Yu comforted: "But the care of the dean of Jiuyou College can't be waited for at any time..."

Zheng Qing smiled gratefully, but did not say any more words of thanks in the end.

"You have the final say." He slapped himself on the chest and said affirmatively: "You determine the time and place, even if there are mountains of swords and fire, I will not frown!"

"Forget it." Jiang Yu's eyes bent again: "Irina will probably be even angrier when she hears that."

Zheng Qing's face immediately collapsed.



It turns out that the five minutes in the mouth of the teachers is very different from the five minutes in the natural sense.

Even wizards who have always been strict with time are no exception.

By the time the last consulted student left the classroom, the sun had set behind the distant ridge. Only a few scorched red fire clouds remained, telling everyone about its former glory.

Fortunately, a professor is a professor after all.

Lao Yao did not strictly follow the normal logic of going downstairs, crossing the small square, turning into the office building, and finding an office like other students.

With Zheng Qing, he just turned around a wall, walked down the stairs, and appeared in front of a red wooden door.

Pushing open the door, it was a familiar scene.

It is still that simple office.

The furnishings in the room were almost exactly the same as when Zheng Qing left last time, the tall glass cabinets were still tightly closed, and several stacks of documents were stacked on the large mahogany desk.

If there is any difference, it is only the soft leather armchair in front of the table.

There is a chair that is drawing some wind, and its own soft leather cushions are raised high, revealing the bony frame, and a few gray-white spider webs can be vaguely seen on it.

But Zheng Qing's attention is not on those funny chairs.

He was still excited about the journey he had just made from the classroom to this office.

"It's amazing!" Zheng Qing exclaimed, tsk-tsk praised: "It should not even take a hundred steps... How much time can be saved every day by walking this way!"

"The most important thing is that it can save a lot of unnecessary troubles...and interruptions." Professor Yao glanced at him with a smile: "For example, those crazy star fans... I heard that you started selling autographed photos recently? What if I want one, is there a discount?"

"Slander! Nothing at all, sir!" Zheng Qing's face flushed immediately.

Shaking his head vigorously, he firmly denied the accusation.

"No discounted price?!" Lao Yao lamented, "It's such a sad thing..."

"No, that's not what I meant!" Zheng Qing couldn't help but raise his voice and shouted.

His mind felt like it was going to explode.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously... By the way, how does it feel to be a hero?" Lao Yao pulled away the chair behind the red desk, sat down hard, raised his head and asked, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

The wide leather chair let out a contented sigh.

"It's nothing..." Zheng Qing vaguely answered this slightly embarrassing question, crazily complaining about other people's inexplicable curiosity from the bottom of his heart.

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