Hunting High School

Chapter 8 Deep-Seated Causes Of Headaches

"Sit down, sit down, don't be restrained."

"Just like in class..."

"You know, I've always disliked red tape."

Lao Yao sat behind the large mahogany desk, sorting out the materials at hand, raised his eyelids, and nodded his chin at the embarrassed young wizard: "The report from the school hospital is a bit interesting, I guess we will have to study it for a while... Sit down Say."

Finally, a soft leather chair couldn't bear the anxiety of being ignored, so it rushed over from behind and bumped into the crook of Zheng Qing's leg.

The young public fee student's knees softened and he sat down.

"Ha...don't worry, the furniture in this room has always been naughty." Lao Yao took out a pair of small round glasses with gold wire frames from the drawer, put them on the bridge of his nose, and laughed.

Zheng Qing tightly grasped the armrest of the soft leather chair, and pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty.

Naughty peat!

Is there any bear furniture?

I owe it to you!

Placed in the 403 dormitory, this kind of chair is the material used for chopping firewood!

While complaining frantically in his heart, he put on a harmless expression on his face: "What did the school hospital report say?"

Lao Yao didn't speak.

The corners of his mouth were curled downward, showing a serious expression.

A few thin pages of information were turned over and over again, and it seemed that there was some interesting answer hidden in it.

It was dark outside the window.

The moon has not yet risen, and the stars are hidden in the afterglow of the sky.

A blue elf flew up to the ceiling silently, groping in the dark.

After a while, fist-sized balls of light lit up one after another, forming several complicated runes. Orange light instantly filled the space, and the air in the office seemed to warm up accordingly.

"Judging from the examination results, there is no obvious curse shadow on your head." Lao Yao patted the thin physical examination report in his hand, raised his eyelids, looked at the young public fee student, and comforted: "This It's good news."

"But..." Zheng Qing said silently in his heart.

"However," Professor Yao's speech slowed down a lot, and his voice became more gentle: "The report shows that there is a very active force field in your head... This is more troublesome."

Nianzi... a force field?

Zheng Qing chewed this unfamiliar vocabulary, showing a blank expression.

For a novice who has only been exposed to the wizarding world for less than half a year, he doesn't expect himself to be able to understand the technical terms in professional reports.

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Therefore, he just looked at the opposite professor with very honest and confused eyes.

Professor Yao was clearly well prepared for his reaction, and before he asked, he explained patiently:

"Any curse applied to a living body will produce corresponding shadows of different shapes and thicknesses in the life field... In healing, such shadows are called cursed shadows. For example, the last time you The Nightmare Curse pulled out of my office will present a shadow in the shape of a water lily in the life field, and we can judge the severity of the Nightmare Curse's development based on the blooming shape of the water lily."

"The shadow of the curse is a basic method of judging the presence or absence of a curse, and it can be used to screen out almost all existing cases in the wizarding world."

"This screening method involves a lot of expertise, you just need to know that through this screening, we can judge that your headache is not caused by a curse."

This explanation really made Zheng Qing breathe a sigh of relief.

For him, cursing such a powerful-sounding noun would be great if it could not be contaminated.

However, what the professor said next made his heart sink.

"Although curses come in many shapes and forms, we can defeat them with rich experience... The idea force field is different."

"Nianzi force field..."

Lao Yao frowned, muttered this word, took off the pair of gold-rimmed glasses, rubbed the base of his nose, then put the glasses back on, and after careful consideration, he said slowly:

"Nianzi force field involves advanced magic knowledge. Logically speaking, I shouldn't reveal it to you now."

"But... due to some special reasons."

He paused, glanced at Zheng Qing, changed his tone, and said vaguely, "I can give you a brief explanation."

The young public finance student blinked his eyes, and before he had time to think about the professor's slightly profound words, he was attracted by the explanation behind him.

"Nianzi force field, you can understand it as a form of Mental Energy's external release."

"According to the Davidson-Thompson theory, the external manifestation of Mental Energy has three attributes: it is not only a high-frequency wave, but also a kind of missing particle, and it also has virtual dimension interference power."

"The idea force field is a concrete manifestation of the particle nature of Mental Energy."

"An active idea force field means an active Mental Energy."

"You mentioned before that when you used to have a headache, it would always be accompanied by dreams...or what you call nightmares, right?"

Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly and swallowed quietly.

He looked away guiltily, and looked down at the stack of reports on the desk, lest the professor find that he barely understood the specific meaning of the above explanation.

"That's right!" The professor had a clear expression, and his tone became more and more affirmative: "Your headache is caused by the uneven expansion and contraction of the force field."

"The expansion of the force field will cause Mental Energy to be in a state of extreme excitement or violent fluctuations."

"The contraction of the force field will cause listlessness, lethargy, and emotional sensitivity."

"According to Davidberg's bandha principle, the idea force field is always moving between expansion and contraction. In a healthy state of mind, this movement will show a certain regularity, so that the wizards' emotions are always kept within a healthy cycle. "

"And your thought force field shows some kind of chaos."

"Irregular expansion and contraction will keep your spirit under a kind of extreme pressure all the time... The manifestations are nightmares, headaches, etc."

"Then adjusting this... Nianzi force field, can it suppress the headache?" Zheng Qing couldn't help interrupting the professor's high-spirited talk, and hurriedly asked.

"Stop it?" Old Yao looked surprised: "Why do you want to stop it?"

"Because of a headache!" Zheng Qing felt a little baffled: "Isn't this the purpose of my medical treatment?"

"Who would interfere with the movement of the Nianzi force field because of a headache!" Professor Yao seemed amused, and pointed his finger at Zheng Qing for a long time before laughing: "Would you stop eating because you might choke to death?" ?”

What nonsense logic! Zheng Qing roared in his heart.

"...But I won't be able to eat because of my headache." He glanced at the professor cautiously, and muttered.

"Young people nowadays lack tempering." The professor shook his head with an indisputable expression: "Normal people's thought force field will show periodic and regular fluctuations... From another angle, there is no law. , Non-periodic fluctuations mean that the idea force field is very special... even among wizards, this special idea force field is very rare."

"This means that you are very likely to have some kind of special Talent."

As he spoke, he took out the black pipe from his pocket, bit it in his mouth again, raised his eyelids, and showed a searching gaze from above the lens.

"Are headaches and nightmares a kind of Talent?" Zheng Qing felt a little didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Can I apply to remove this kind of Talent..."

"Headache is not Talent, it's a side effect." Lao Yao didn't seem to understand Zheng Qing's cold joke, but replied solemnly: "As for the nightmare, maybe it's Talent, maybe it's a side effect... These need to be verified in detail."

"Verification?" Zheng Qing finally cheered up: "How to verify? Or go to the clean house of the school hospital?"

"No, no, no," the professor waved his hands, and said calmly, "It's just a small experiment, and it can be done in my office."

As he spoke, he dug out a small black medicine bottle from the drawer, and poured out a round white tablet from it.

"Eat it." As he spoke, he snapped his fingers.

A Smurf held a goblet and landed lightly in front of Zheng Qing.

The cup was filled with a transparent liquid, and with the light from above, one could vaguely see the flickering blue halo in it.

"What is this? Potential stimulation pill?" Zheng Qing put the medicine in his mouth, raised his cup, took a big gulp, and immediately stuck out his tongue and shouted, "It's so sour!"

"What a mess..." The professor showed a helpless expression on his face: "It's just a sleeping pill... grab your medium and repeat this spell before falling asleep."

Zheng Qing smiled awkwardly, and took out his divination class medium from his pocket.

A copper coin.

Then he looked at the piece of paper the professor handed over, and tried to repeat the spell a few times.

"Are all wizard's sleeping pills sour?" Before going to bed, he finally couldn't help it, raised his head and muttered, "I want to drink some water... the pill just now was too sour."

The professor sighed deeply.

"The wizard's sleeping pills are not sour." He looked at the public fee student in front of him with an idiot's eyes, and his tone was full of helplessness: "You just drank lemonade!"

Zheng Qing hiccupped immediately.

Then he closed his mouth, narrowed his eyes, and said the incantation again.

Immediately fell asleep soundly.

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