Hunting High School

Chapter 10 Witnesses

Zheng Qing closed his eyes in horror.

A biting chill hit his face, but it made his eyelids stick tighter.

for a long time.

When he opened his eyes again, he couldn't help being in a trance.

In front of me is no longer the wet Linzhong Lake.

The blue smoke is lingering, and the orange light is warm.

He didn't know when he had returned to the dean's office of Jiuyou College.

After wiping off the cold sweat dripping from his forehead, the terrifying figure in his mind disappeared in an instant, leaving only a slender bare hand, the dead little white cat, and unspeakable heart palpitations.

"I saw it!" he yelled, jumping up from the soft leather chair, but the words were swallowed back abruptly.

Professor Yao sat behind the desk, arms folded, biting a pipe, his head once again shrouded in billowing smoke.

Beside the desk, at some point, stood an old school worker in a gray robe and reading glasses, patiently flipping through Zheng Qing's inspection report page by page.

Hearing the young wizard's shout, the two old men raised their heads at the same time, showing curious expressions.

"What did you see?" Lao Yao took the pipe away from his mouth and asked gently.

Zheng Qing opened his mouth and frowned tightly.

"I forgot..." In the end, with a helpless look on his face, he said angrily, "I clearly remembered it clearly just now, but I forgot it all in the blink of an eye... just remembering is a terrible thing. "

"Terrible." The old school worker bit his words and asked in a very loud and clear voice: "Is it related to school safety?"

Zheng Qing hesitated and nodded slowly.

"It should be related," he said in an uncertain tone, "I feel that it should be related to demons..."

Lao Yao suddenly coughed loudly, interrupting the young public finance student's further description.

"Before you confirm, I think I should tell you the test results first." The professor knocked on the table and said with a smile: "As for the safety of the school... Which safety accident in the First University has nothing to do with the demon?"

The old school worker raised his gray eyebrows and said nothing.

"According to the monitoring situation after you sleep, we are very confident that you are a 'witness'." Lao Yao shook out the conclusion very simply, and at the same time handed over a few pages of documents across the table: "To be precise , is 93% sure."

The soft paper seemed to be supported by an invisible hand, slowly and steadily, it floated in front of Zheng Qing.

"It's really accurate..." The young public fee student muttered, his eyes fell on those pages of documents.

Numerous formulas, data, and graphs poured into his eyes like a tide, endlessly.

He quickly gave up trying to understand the pages.

Raising his head, looking at Lao Yao's encouraging eyes, he tentatively asked, "What is the possibility of 7?"

"It's some bad results." The old school worker next to him interrupted Zheng Zheng Qing's inquiry in a rough voice, turned his head to look at Lao Yao, and asked in a loud voice: "Do you need to tell him?"

"Impossible, impossible." The professor waved his hands again and again.

Zheng Qing laughed a few times and didn't continue to ask.

But he quickly thought of another problem.

"What is..." He recalled the professor's words just now, and repeated carefully: "Witnesses?"

The question was explained in great detail.

'Witness' is a special divination ability.

In other words, wizards with this ability can directly use some advanced divination skills without training.

Although after thousands of years of development, divination has gradually got rid of the category of mysterious science, but there are still many unsolved mysteries in this science that puzzle wizards.

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For example, divination calculates the difference in 'field of view'.

Although different wizards can learn the same divination skills, the pictures they can see during divination are different.

A wizard with only ordinary vision can draw vague conclusions when all the elements are in place, and get ambiguous statements such as 'good fortune' or 'great misfortune'.

The vast majority of fortune tellers in the wizarding world fall into this category, and they can only practice those complicated and difficult fortune tellers to be a decent fortune teller.

Wizards with special vision are different.

They can see a clearer picture and draw more precise conclusions.

These special visions include tortoise shells, sky eyes, crystal balls, astrology, clouds and smoke, tea dregs, and even dreams.

In the long development of witchcraft, wizards have planned different careers for these different visions.

Such as omniscience, such as prophet, such as observer, listener, or witness.

As the saying goes, think in the day and dream in the night; many divination elements can be obtained in the dream. Wizards whose vision is part of the dream world can become witnesses.

In their dreams, some impressive or unforgettable events can be perfectly traced back, and all the scenes that happened at that time can be perfectly simulated—as if they witnessed it at the time.

This is also the most direct reason why wizards named this special talent 'witness'.

In a sense, their spirits are actually traveling across time.

But just as prophets cannot see future events anytime and anywhere, most witnesses can only touch some broken scenes under specific circumstances.

"Even if it's just broken scenes, it's a pretty amazing fact."

Lao Yao seemed very satisfied with the test results, the wrinkles on his face were crowded together like a huge chrysanthemum: "Many witnesses will be recruited by the Security Investigation Bureau... because each of you has the potential to become an excellent police detective. "

"The dreams of senior eyewitnesses can even be used as evidence in court for the Supreme Court of Wizardry." The old school worker at the side added without losing the opportunity, and handed Zheng Qing a form at the same time.

"What is this?" The young public finance student took the piece of paper in a daze.

"First University Special Talent Registration Form." The old janitor read out the name on the title of the form, nodded, and said, "As the name suggests...but all students who belong to the Special Talent will be registered at the school at a level."

"This is not only a responsibility to the wizarding world, after all, wizards with these abilities are the precious wealth of the wizarding world." Lao Yao also explained beside him: "It is still responsible to the students."

"Only the First University has enough capabilities and resources to discover the secrets behind these Talents for you."

Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly.

He took out the own brush from the gray cloth bag and licked it.

"Do you have to fill in all the above information?" He looked at the option of "with or without adult experience" on the form, his face hurting.

"The ones marked with an asterisk are required. Other fields are optional."

The young public finance student heaved a sigh of relief, and the tip of his pen immediately skipped the weird question.

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