Hunting High School

Chapter Eleven Dan Hag

An asterisk before the last question on the survey form means it is a mandatory question.

‘Would you agree to go to Dan Hag when necessary, and contribute to the cause of equality and justice. '


Zheng Qing bit the pen holder, hesitated for a moment, and quickly ticked 'Yes'.

Danhag is the seat of the Supreme Court of the Uzumaki, and is often used to refer to the Supreme Court in common language in the wizarding world. Just like the wizards also use "Puji Island" to refer to the first university, and "Mariana" to refer to the long-sleeping Siren King.

As for the hidden meaning of the last question, the old janitor next to him also mentioned it not long ago-the testimony of eyewitnesses can be used as evidence in the Supreme Court.

The young public finance students are not particularly clear about the concept of evidence in court, and they don't pay much attention to this check box.

He just chose a morally 'correct' option according to his own will.

In comparison, he is more concerned about another issue.

"What will happen to my headache?" When returning the 'Special Talent Grade Form', Zheng Qing looked at the professor with some embarrassment, and asked in a low voice: "Do all the witnesses have headaches? How do they usually solve it? "

"This is a relatively complicated issue." Lao Yao bit his pipe, his voice was a little vague: "Being a witness just means that your thought force field contraction is in an irregular cycle, and your spirit is in a sub-healthy state, but It doesn't mean that you will have a could be lethargy, mania, or other side effects."

"Headaches are just one of the side effects, so don't worry. This is the First University, and it has treated 800 or 1000 cases of similar symptoms."

Zheng Qing forced a smile.

Seemingly aware of the young wizard's uneasiness, the old school worker next to him said, "Before you woke up, I had already discussed some safer ideas with Dean Yao..."

"But it's not sure yet." Lao Yao interrupted the old school worker, his voice raised slightly: "I will meet with Professor Yi later to further screen these ideas. With can go back to the dormitory first...well, I will talk to you about the follow-up treatment at the latest this weekend's regular meeting."

Zheng Qing was a little excited, and nodded quickly.

"Don't go in a hurry." The old school worker took out another stack of papers from his robe and shook it in front of Zheng Qing: "If you don't mind, you can describe the scene you just saw... Willing to make a simple backup."

The pipe at the corner of Lao Yao's mouth was curled up, but in the end he didn't stop it, but just spewed out a large puff of green smoke.

Zheng Qing's shoulders collapsed feebly.

"Is there any more, sir." His tone was slightly rude: "I mean, if there are other forms, I can fill them out at once."

"This is the last one." The old school worker smiled and knocked on the professor's desk: "And you don't need to fill it in, just answer my questions."

Zheng Qing also seemed to be aware of his rudeness just now, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

A quill with green peacock feathers jumped out of the pen holder, and happily landed on the blank manuscript paper, with the tail twisting coquettishly.

Lao Yao shook his head, leaned back slightly, and hugged his arms.

Across the wide desk, Zheng Qing could only see puffs of green smoke coming out of the pipe, piling up on top of his head, as if wearing a deformed straw hat on him.

"It's time to start." The old school worker twitched his mouth, trying to show a kind smile: "Don't worry, just say what comes to mind... We won't be harsh on untrained 'witnesses'... …I remember you mentioned that the dream had something to do with school safety? Can you recall when it happened?"

"It should be at night, with the moon." Zheng Qing frowned, and slowly began to recall the remaining fragments in his mind.

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"Can you recall where it happened?"

"I remember that the environment in the dream was very humid, with the sound of water... Maybe it was near Linzhong Lake?"

"What about the relevant characters? Any figure or image in the impression is fine."

Zheng Qing's eyes gradually widened: "Cat!...There is a little white cat...Little white cat! I remembered!"

He stood up in panic, waving his arms vigorously, and shouted: "It's the little milk cat that died by Linzhong Lake, the kitten that Jiang Yu adopted... the kitten whose eyes were gouged out!"

Lao Yao and the gray-robed janitor exchanged cryptic glances without interrupting Zheng Qing's description.

"I remember it was playing by the lake... and then I fell? No... it was very cold, as if a cold wind was freezing my internal organs..."

"Then it died...but I remember it didn't have its eyes gouged out."

Zheng Qing twisted her fingers together, murmured, and walked around the office uneasily, trying to recall the previous dream.

But the more I think about it, the more blank my mind becomes:

"...Eh, it's strange, I still remember it very clearly just now..."

"There's supposed to be a witch? No...maybe a wizard...very white...very white?"

He hammered Own's head hard, but nothing useful came out of it.

"Don't worry, don't worry." The professor held the pipe in his hand and comforted him repeatedly: "This information is already sufficient..."

"Am I very useless." Zheng Qing's voice was very frustrated: "The fact that is clearly within reach...but I threw it to Java."

"As a newcomer, your performance is very good." Lao Yao comforted me gently: "This is your first real contact with the 'witness scene', so it is inevitable that you are not used to it... all newcomers are like this. In fact, the real It’s because our brains can easily define dreams and reality, so it doesn’t care about erasing those seemingly illusory memories.”

"When you get used to the 'sightings', maybe it will bring us more effective information."



When Zheng Qing followed Lao Yao out of the office, he was still thinking about what happened not long ago.

His mind was in a mess, he thought of the cute kitten for a while, Jiang Yu with red eyes for a while, then Elena, and that dress.

He shook his head vigorously, gathering his thoughts again.

The terms such as eyewitness and witnessing scene mentioned by the professor tonight, if you think about it carefully, there have been some clues before.

Since he was very young, when he was doing some things, he often had a feeling of déjà vu, as if he had done these things before. The almighty Baidu told him that this kind of situation is called "sense of déjà vu", a normal feeling that many people have. So he didn't explore it either.

Now that I think about it, this feeling may be the scene I have witnessed and experienced again, so I have a familiar feeling.

"Hold your copper coins." Lao Yao suddenly turned his head and warned: "For other people, maybe it is just a medium, which can be replaced at any time. But for you fortune tellers who have special talents , every medium is very precious...Maybe after you throw away this medium, you can never find a substitute.”

Zheng Qing clenched the copper coins tightly and nodded nervously.

Maybe I should go back and get a strong red rope to hang around my neck, he thought.

"Don't be too nervous. Sometimes the more you pay attention, the easier it is to lose things. This is a very common paradox in the magic world." Lao Yao patted his head, laughed, and said goodbye to the young wizard at the door of the office building.

Zheng Qing rubbed his head, and the dead kitten suddenly appeared in his mind, the smile on the corner of his mouth quickly disappeared, and he walked back to the dormitory slowly, frowning like this.

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