Hunting High School

Chapter Twelve The Witch In Pajamas

Zheng Qing didn't go to the library after class on Thursday afternoon.

He came to a coffee shop on the pedestrian street, ordered a cup of black coffee, and ate the walnut crisps, ala sticks, and chocolate beans on the dessert plate, watching with relish the two strong sugar figures wrestling on the plate.

Before he came to the coffee shop, he bought the sugar figurine from the sugar figurine shop diagonally opposite the milk tea shop.

At the beginning of school, he had witnessed the wonderful but brief confrontation between two cavalry units in the window of the sugar shop, which left a very deep impression on him.

It just so happened that he was free today, so he went to the store and bought two candy wrestlers.

There is still one sucrose and one maltose.

As a new guest who came here for the first time, the owner of the sugar man store kindly presented a fructose dragonfly as a referee for the pair of wrestlers.

"Two wins in three rounds! If you lose, you will be eaten!" The dragonfly elf waved his cane and flew back and forth in a figure-of-eight dance in the three-inch high and low air, shouting: "By your audience, Chew it to pieces and swallow it in your stomach!"

Zheng Qing listened to the referee's warning with black lines all over his face, and was very worried that this intimidation would affect the performance of the two wrestlers.

Facts have proved that he was overthinking.

Maybe it's based on the high work ethic of these 'professional wrestlers', or maybe it's just that their intelligence is too simple to understand the judge's too complex grammar.

The two contestants on the plate were not affected by the dragonfly referee's words, they still hugged their heads, bound their legs, hooked their feet, and picked peaches in a rigid manner, with sprinkled sugar splashing and the porcelain plate jingling.

Zheng Qing watched with relish, and from time to time scraped up the icing sugar on the plate with a small spoon, stuffed it into his mouth and sucked it.

There are two books of the law stacked in his hand.

One is white, it is his own dharma book; the other is an old dharma book that he received from Professor Yao's box during Monday's charm class.

A complete binding spell has already been transcribed in each of the two books-this is the homework of Lao Yao's Charms class, and it is also the reason why Zheng Qing is staying in the coffee shop now.

According to the professor's request, he also needs another classmate—girls first—to copy and use the binding spell at the same time, write a report describing the different feelings when using different books to cast the same spell, and record it nuances.

Originally he wanted to invite Elena to complete the assignment.

However, after the last spell class, the gypsy witch's whereabouts became a little unpredictable again. She often came only when the class bell rang, and left early in the middle of the class.

For some reason, the professors did not express dissatisfaction with Elena's behavior.

Helpless, Zheng Qing tried to invite Jiang Yu.

Fortunately, monitor Jiang readily agreed to his request, but there was one condition - he needed to find a suitable partner for Li Meng.

This condition is too easy.

Whether it is Xin Fatty or Zhang Jixin, they are all rushing for this spot.



"If you don't plan to eat them, they can fall in front of you all night." A pleasant voice rang in his ears, interrupting Zheng Qing's relish watching the game.

He raised his head, and Jiang Yu had come to the store at some point, carrying a handbag, bent over, and keeping his head very close, watching the sugar figurines wrestling on the table.

really close.

When Zheng Qing turned his head, he almost touched her cheek.

He could even see the tiny fluff on her face, smell the refreshing fragrance, and feel the itching of her fluttering hair brushing against her face.

"Huh?" The young public finance student blushed visible to the naked eye, and asked stammeringly, "What... what? What night..."

Jiang Yu also seemed to have noticed something wrong with owning, her long eyelashes trembled, her nose fluttered rapidly, she stood up straight suddenly, and stammered: "I...I mean, you take a look at Will the sugar man wrestle at night?"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The reaction speed of Zheng Qing's brain finally caught up with the development of the situation.

He shook his head vigorously, as if this would shake off the charm in his heart and the heat on his face.

"Just a little curious," he admitted honestly. "You know I haven't seen anything this interesting before . . . just for a little while before you came."

Jiang Yu also seemed to get rid of the panic a few seconds ago, and returned to her usual grace.

"Then let's hurry up." She brushed her long hair by her ears, took out a few heavy books from her handbag, put them on the table, then raised her right hand and raised her index finger.

A waiter elf in a maid outfit flapped its wings and gracefully landed on her fingertips, making a dignified meeting ceremony.

"Have a glass of black roses, less ice." Jiang Yu tilted his head slightly, holding a golden bean in his left hand, stuffing it into the back pocket of the waiter's elf's skirt: "Assemble the dessert as you like, don't make it too sweet."

"Merlin bless you, miss." The elf fluttered her wings cheerfully, and thanked in a soft voice.

Zheng Qing smacked his lips, watching the shiny golden bean fall into the elf's pocket, he couldn't help sighing.

Then his eyes fell on Jiang Yu's clothes, and his eyebrows couldn't help but raised even higher.

She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, and a long cotton coat with a red background and black checks.

The long snow-white legs and beautiful figure are looming under the wide long clothes, which makes people can't help but take a second look.

"Are you wearing pajamas?" Zheng Qing looked at Squad Leader Jiang's clothes with a tangled face, and asked in a very sure tone: "You are wearing a pajamas outside!"

"Yes." Jiang Yu smoothed her hair casually, revealing a section of her fair neck.

"This is too...casual." The young public fee student racked his brains to come up with an appropriate word.

"What do you know, this is a popular collocation this year... and it's very comfortable to wear." Jiang Yu's mouth curled up slightly, and she pulled out the own method book, handed it to Zheng Qing, and urged: "Hurry up and start."

"Always give people the appearance that you just woke up." Zheng Qing whispered.

"What?" Jiang Yu was sitting opposite him, taking out notebooks, talisman paper and other test supplies, but couldn't hear what the wizard said.

"Ahem, I mean, don't you have classes in the afternoon?" Zheng Qing coughed dryly, and immediately changed the question of own: "I remember that you should wear academic gowns during class."

"My elective course in the afternoon is Classical Philosophy of Magic. The teacher asked for leave today, so the afternoon class was cancelled." Jiang Yu pouted, looking dissatisfied: "Actually, I stayed in the library this afternoon."

"What are you doing in the library? Doing your homework?"

"Check the file." Jiang Yu's expression suddenly dimmed: "You know, that kitten... Shushan Pavilion has the most detailed case retrieval and storage room in the wizarding world. Maybe I can find some traces of the murderer from inside."

"Are you still investigating?" Zheng Qing couldn't help being surprised and said, "I thought this matter was closed... Didn't the school work committee announce the results of the investigation... Said it was because of the resurgence of silence?"

"I don't believe it!" Jiang Yu raised her head, her eyes full of stubbornness.

Zheng Qing opened his mouth and did not continue to dissuade.

It wasn't because he saw Jiang Yu's insistence that he gave up dissuading him.

Instead, he suddenly remembered the 'witness' dream he had in Lao Yao's office last night, and thought of the bone-chilling chill he had felt, as well as that white figure.

So he was suddenly not so confident in the closing report of the school working committee.

"If you need any help, just ask." He finally nodded, expressing his own support for the witch's insistence: "Compared with those gray robes, I trust you more."

Jiang Yu pursed her lips, lowered her eyelids, and hummed softly.

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