Hunting High School

Chapter 23 News In The Newspapers

In the end, Zheng Qing did not give an accurate answer to the besieging of the boys.

In fact, he himself was very confused about this question.

It's not that he's denying the feeling of own, quite the contrary, deep down in his heart, both witches occupy a very special place.

Elena is beautiful and passionate, and Zheng Qing always feels suffocated when he is with her. She is like a fiery rose, and when you grasp her, your fingers will inevitably feel the thorns on the branches, but this does not stop everyone from loving her.

Jiang Yu is beautiful and generous, and Zheng Qing always feels very comfortable talking to her. She is like an elegant and tranquil orchid. When people smell her fragrance, they will also be moved by her graceful demeanor.

In Zheng Qing's limited life journey, this is not the first time that he has a crush on a certain girl, or has a vague feeling that cannot be called 'love'.

But choice?

Sorry, but that term never seemed to really reach us young public payers.

He is more accustomed to facing everything under the arrangement of his family or elders. It was the same when I was seeing a doctor when I was a child, and it was the same when I was growing up and going to school.

When people face the first real choice in life, they always have a lot of fear.

The same is true of Zheng Qing.

He didn't want to lose any good friends, but he also didn't want to be secretly poked by his classmates as a scumbag in the future.

So he was silent.

Then cover up this annoying matter with other topics.

"Did Lao Yao say anything at the class meeting today?" He looked down at the dancing sugar people in his arms, at the sugar flowers fluttering and falling on the glass shell, and asked in a tone that seemed very interested.

The boys were also aware of this, seeing that there was still no way to know his specific choice from Zheng Qing's mouth, and finally gave up continuing to persecute him.

"Most of them are repeating the same old tunes, such as safety, safety, and safety." Zhang Jixin shrugged and wrung his fingers, showing a nonchalant expression:

"The safety of the school hunting party, the safety of the campus, the safety of magic experiments... It seems that the only thing we have to face at school is safety."

"So today's headline in the "Beta Town Post" is very interesting," Xin Fatty pulled out a newspaper from his arms, cleared his throat, and read in a serious tone: "Go on or stop, First University Road where?"

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows in surprise, the questioning tone of the newspaper title sounded a little harsh.

But soon, as Xin Fatty continued to read, Zheng Qing found that using 'you're welcome' to describe the newspaper's attitude was too gentle.

From a certain point of view, this article is more like some kind of 'call for'.

Attack the current education system of First University, and criticize the various actions or inactions of this school in recent years.

"...According to people familiar with the matter, late yesterday, a wild monster invasion occurred in the Jiuyou Institute of First University... As of press time, there is no report of Death..."

"...The security department of First University has not yet confirmed the bloodline of the wild monster who invaded the campus...Professor An from the Foreign Affairs Committee of First University told reporters that everything is under control and the specific situation is still under investigation. The school will not tolerate any threats Students' personal safety happened..."

"... It is reported that when the wild monster appeared this time, several members of the school's night patrol team were patrolling the area. There is reliable news that two students from the First University were attacked by Monster Qi while fighting the wild monster... Some students died on the spot Resistance...Many parents questioned whether the school's move involved corporal punishment or abuse...On the third page, we invited Professor Ma, a well-known education expert, to explain it to everyone..."

"...The spokesperson of the Wizarding Union expressed regret for the accident, and strongly appealed to the First University to strengthen the quality education of the students to avoid similar scandals from happening... Affected by this, wizarding organizations around the world have expressed to varying degrees Concerns about current college education... Many Beta residents are also concerned about their own safety..."

"...This is the second campus security incident that occurred at the First University in a short period of time after the special plane entering the school was invaded by demons at the end of August...We can't help but think, why did this happen? Why did it happen in the world of wizards? In the place where many great wizards are stationed, and in the area known as the safest area in the alliance, such safety accidents have occurred one after another... On the fifth page, we will sort out the campus security, school rules and disciplines of the First University in recent years. reforms... We also invited Mr. Counselor of the Danube embassy in the UM League to give you further analysis..."

"It sounds like this newspaper has a lot of opinions on the school." Zheng Qing couldn't help laughing when he heard the news read by Xin Fatty: "I remember that the First University is not one of the three major power institutions in the wizarding world? The news of the tune is going around..."

"Could it be that this newspaper was banned just because they said bad things?" Xiao Xiao looked up from his notebook and glanced at the young public finance student: "What's the point of news or public opinion?"

"It's not a ban." Zheng Qing felt that he had misunderstood, and quickly added: "I mean, we can't let them spread these unreliable remarks... This will affect the authority of the school."

"The uncrowned king has always gained authority by attacking authority." Xiao Xiao sarcastically said: "Do you still expect them to find a sense of superiority as a public opinion from the jugglers in the northern district of Beta Town?"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Comparatively speaking, "Beta Town Post" is quite objective." Zhang Jixin interrupted the debate between the two, took out a copy of Impurities from his backpack, and threw it on Zheng Qing's bed: "Look at this, "Gentleman" And Ladies, also a popular publication in the wizarding world... In addition to unceremoniously lashing out at schools, you featured in their coverage."

Looking at the serious expression of the red-faced boy, Zheng Qing had a bad feeling in his heart.

" has been confirmed that the two injured students in this accident belonged to First University freshmen, and one of them was a public-funded freshman of Jiuyou College. Medal (Bronze)...It is reported that the student fought outside the school at the beginning of the semester and has a bad record of hurting his classmates...In addition, his poor performance in this incident is disappointing...Although we cannot question the recruitment He is in the 'roster' of admission, but we have reason to doubt this freshman's other honorary titles... Some unnamed insiders said that the student will have some kind of stress response when faced with Monster Qi stimulation... and witch The omens of the demon's fall are similar... Some experts believe that a more authoritative institution should take over the relevant treatment work... According to reliable sources, after the accident, the new student showed symptoms of 'red pupils', which seems to confirm these speculations from another aspect... "

"Nonsense!" Zheng Qing finished reading ten lines at a glance, rubbed the publications into a ball vigorously, and growled, "Liars! Liars! They don't know anything... It's all nonsense! A lot of nonsense!"

The others looked at each other anxiously.

"Do you believe what the above said?" Zheng Qing's face was full of disbelief.

"Cough," Sim Fatty cleared his throat, and whispered, "Of course we believe you're not... what, but we can't stop people from thinking that... These news are indeed discussed by a lot of people."

"Otherwise we won't be the only ones visiting you today." Duan Xiaojian smiled dryly.

"And, your eyes did turn red." Xiao Xiao reminded.

"That's congestion!" Zheng Qing's face turned red, and his voice raised a lot involuntarily.

"Calm down, calm down." Duan Xiaojian said repeatedly, "They are all from my own family, please don't guess these unreliable news..."

As he spoke, he glanced at Zheng Qing and added: "Brother Qing was at the scene at the time, he must be able to tell us what happened."

Zheng Qing froze for a moment, frowned and thought for a long time, and finally shook his head in frustration.

"I don't know anything either." His voice seemed weak: "Did the school make any new announcements? Or, do you know how that wild monster got in?"

The others shook their heads at the same time.

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