Hunting High School

Chapter 24 Several Ways Of Demon Production

An elf brought a cup of steaming medicinal soup to Zheng Qing.

This is to expel the residual poison of the previous medicine and neutralize the remaining test agent in the body. Every two hours, Zheng Qing must drink this cup until he is discharged from the hospital.

"Endless." The young Gong Feisheng muttered helplessly, but he still pinched his nose obediently, and poured the medicine juice in the cup into his stomach in one go.

Smacking his lips, before he could open his mouth, the elf thoughtfully handed over a warm towel.

After wiping his face, Zheng Qing took a long breath and fell back on the hospital bed.

Then he saw a row of squinting eyes around him.

"What kind of expression do you have..." He stared angrily, and was about to complain about the rigid rules of the therapists, when there was a chattering noise from the corridor outside the ward.

Before he could recover, the single-leaf wooden door was carefully pushed open a crack.

A witch with a round face and fluffy bangs leaned halfway into her body.

Then she saw the scrutiny of a group of boys.

"Sorry!" The girl seemed to be frightened, and half of her body retracted for a moment.

"This is the Intensive Care Unit... May I ask who are you looking for?" Xin Fatty asked in a deep tone with his stomach shy, completely ignoring the rolling eyes of the people around him.

"Is Lingo here?" The round-faced witch's eyes didn't seem to be very good. She squinted her eyes hard, as if trying to see the face of the patient on the hospital bed.

"Linguo?" Several boys turned their heads at the same time, looking at another corner of the ward.

The round-faced witch seemed to realize something, and immediately squeezed into most of her body, turning her head to look at the other side of the ward.

Those obtrusive curtains around Linguo's hospital bed have been removed by the elves.

In front of the hospital bed, Jiang Yu was patiently peeling apples for the little wizard, while Li Meng was seriously discussing with the little wizard about eighteen ways to burn swallows.

The eyes of the round-faced witch immediately lit up.

"In it!" She turned and screamed in surprise.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and a group of strange witches in white robes rushed in. They pushed each other and giggled from time to time.

These are a group of witches from Alpha Academy, Zheng Qing immediately judged from their robes.

The boys standing around him stared at the group of witches with caring expressions on their faces, holding various gift boxes, and crowded in front of the little wizard's hospital bed.

Zheng Qing sighed—this brought pity to the other boys.

"What kind of expression do you have!" The young public finance student was a little mad.

"It's maddening to compare people to people." Duan Xiaojian expressed a meaningful sigh, and the others nodded.

"I originally thought that Xiao Linguo would be bullied in Alpha... Sure enough, I was overthinking." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and rarely complained.

"If this is also called 'bullying', then please let me accept a bullying that is a hundred times crueler than this!" Xin Fatty gritted his teeth, his face full of grief: "If you are born with Xin, you will not be born with fruit!"

"Hey, are you all from the Drama Academy?" Zheng Qing looked at the guys who were offline with black lines all over his face, and began to think seriously about whether to hang up the curtains around him again.

Then he remembered something else and knocked hard on the bed.

"I just remembered something!" he whispered, "about that incident last night."

Sure enough, this topic attracted the attention of the boys again.

"I remember Professor Monteria said at the time that there were no abnormal bite marks on that wild monster? What does that mean!" Zheng Qing squinted his eyes, trying to recall the strange professor last night, and added: "Professor Monteria seems to have a The laboratory is specialized in dealing with blood vessels."

"Oh!" Xiao Xiao responded softly, with a few traces of understanding on his face.

"You know him?" Xin Fatty keenly noticed Dr. Xiao Da's expression, and asked curiously, "Or, do you know what the professor said?"

"Professor Montelia, I do know that he is an authority on blood transformation and has his own independent laboratory in the First University." Xiao Xiao really lived up to the title of doctor, and he seemed to know everything about the world: "As for what he said That sentence... I think it means that the kappa demon is not the product of another demon going berserk."

"Isn't this very good?" Zheng Qing became more and more confused: "Why do I remember that when I heard the news, everyone's faces were not so good... It's not the product of another monster going crazy, doesn't it mean that there is only this wild monster on campus?" Demon?"

"Then have you ever thought about where this wild monster came from?" Xiao Xiao asked back.

The problem goes back to the beginning.

Zheng Qing felt that this cycle was a bit funny, and couldn't help laughing.

Maybe he realized that his explanation was a bit rough, Xiao Xiao pondered for a few seconds, and then put it another way:

"Everyone should know that most monsters are born through three ways: blood inheritance, invasion, infection..."

Zheng Qing sighed, interrupted the doctor's speech, raised his hand, and muttered: "I don't know..."

Xiao Xiao glanced at him silently, paused, and explained: "A big demon gave birth to a small demon, this is blood inheritance; a wizard killed too many demons, and fell under the influence of Monster Qi, this is invasion; being bitten by a demon Injury, transformed into a wild monster, belongs to the infectious type."

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"Succinct and concise!" Xin Fatty praised with a thumbs up.

Dr. Xiao Da ignored the noise next to him this time, but continued to explain:

"Generally speaking, bloodline-inherited monsters have very high talents, and they are often born with many powerful talents. Even among monsters, the number is very rare...Obviously, that kappa monster does not have a strong background."

"And the monsters produced by the invasion have extremely strong Magic power before transformation. Once transformed, they will often directly become high-level monsters... This is also not in line with the performance of the kappa monster."

"The last type, the infected monster, is the most common and cannon fodder type. After transformation, most of them can only maintain superficial instincts. According to normal logic, the kappa monster you encountered can only be this Level guys...and on this kind of wild monsters, there will definitely be traces of being bitten by monsters, this is their identity, and it is also the basis of their transformation and the source of their power."

"But the wild monster we caught by the lake didn't have bite marks," Zheng Qing finally cleared his mind, and said thoughtfully: "That is to say, the wild monster didn't use the three conventional methods you mentioned. Born?"

"I think this should be the reason why you mentioned that those professors are unhappy." Xiao Xiao changed the laptop he was holding on to another arm, and adjusted his glasses again: "The most troublesome thing in this world is not There were accidents ... but there were accidents and there was no clue as to why these things happened."

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