Hunting High School

Chapter 25: The Moon Hunting Plan Of The Freshmen

Around the source of the kappa demon, the boys discussed for a long time.

But ended up getting nothing.

Without the necessary information, even a great fortune-teller would be blinded, not to mention these freshmen who have just entered the school for more than a month.

"Professional matters are handled by professional people. We should care more about our own health!" Xin Fatty waved his chubby arms, ending this boring discussion.

Then he squeezed to the head of the bed, picked up the fruit plate on the table beside the hospital bed, pulled out a small silver knife from his own watch, and began to cut the fruit patiently.

"Next time you go on patrol, you should take me with you." Zhang Jixin's resonant voice made the ward buzzing, causing the witches in the other corner of the ward to look sideways: "My flying centipede hasn't been distributed since I bought it." ..."

"You didn't buy that." Zheng Qing retorted weakly.

"That's what he got by selling himself... Now it's October, and this is the moon hunting for the students." Xiao Xiao said slowly beside him: "You will find enough demon brains to feed your little centipede."

"Speaking of the school hunting party, I have to say something," Xin Fatty was holding the fruit plate that others gave to Zheng Qing, and was eating vigorously. When he heard Xiao Xiao's topic, he suddenly put down the plate in his hand, angrily Said: "Those guys from the student union, what they did is really not human!"

"Student Union?" Zheng Qing supported himself on one arm, with a curious look on his face: "What happened to them?"

Because he was not admitted to the student union not long ago, Zheng Qing had a very bad impression of the largest student organization in First University, and he was happy to hear some negative news about this organization.

"You know, October is moonhunting." Sim muttered as he chewed on an apple.

"Everyone knows," Zheng Qing resisted the urge to punch Xin's cheek, and replied patiently, "I remember the professors said that the janitors and the old students also mentioned this matter during the patrol... ..."

"According to the past practice, the school will hold a large-scale hunting party in the middle and late October," Xin Fatty shouted, picking up a piece of green pear with a knife and fork, "This is not only a hunting party for all the students of the First University, but also It is a hunt for the entire Phuket Island, and even the entire wizarding world."

"That is to say, there will be people from outside the island at that time?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "I thought the school's guardian circle would be closed after the school one can go out, and no one can come in .”

"That's a restriction for us students." Xiao Xiao opened his own notebook and explained: "We have to take the school's special plane to leave Phuket Island, and the special plane must be opened by the guardian circle to open a special channel... those who are above the registration level Wizards can directly come to the island through 'Dun', of course, they must have the invitation card issued by the school, otherwise they will be crushed into a pulp immediately by the big formation."

Zheng Qing picked up a pinch of teeth, and shook his head again and again.

"The point is not this!" Xin Fatty waved the table knife in displeasure.

Zheng Qing saw a string of fruit juice splashing onto the white wall of the ward with his swing, and the elf in the nursing ward rushed over angrily, screaming and grabbing a dirty rag.

"I didn't mean it," Xin Fatty smiled apologetically at the elves who were scrubbing the wall, and looked back at the other boys.

"The point is..." He raised his voice slightly, and said in a very serious tone: "This hunting fair is a great opportunity for us to earn credits... Any student, not only those old students who participated in the hunting fair, but also us freshmen , have the opportunity to earn some credits in this hunt."

There was a small piece of broken grape skin on the corner of his mouth, and he was jumping up and down with his voice, looking very funny.

But Zheng Qing didn't bother to laugh at this.

"We can also earn credits at the hunting fair?" He asked with some surprise: "I thought only the winning hunting team could get credits."

"Arranging the venue, cleaning, organizing cheerleaders, hunting performances during the breaks, and hunting music competitions and hunting painting exhibitions held during the hunting fair... as long as you participate, you will always get some credits." Xiao Xiao pulled Pointing his fingers, he finally concluded: "Freshmen are the group responsible for the most chores at the hunting meeting. Of course, they can earn some credits at the hunting meeting...although the number is very small."

"But!" Fatty had a sad and indignant expression on his face: "I just learned from the editor of the school newspaper that this year's hunting fair, the school will only arrange the student union and students from various clubs of the school to be responsible for those chores... That is to say, I ,you……"

As he spoke, he pointed to Zheng Qing, then Xiao Xiao, and Zhang Jixin:

"And you two, we can only watch others earn credits and drool ourselves!"

"It's not fair!" Zhang Jixin punched the bed.

Zheng Qing felt like he almost flew up.

"Don't destroy public property!" He glanced at the red-faced boy angrily, then turned to look at Fatty again: "But... what does this have to do with the student union?"

"It's too much!" Fatty angrily broke off half a banana, stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "This year, the school is going crazy... In previous years, the school hunting party was held by the professors' joint meeting. The person in charge, the school working committee, the student union, and the club federation each have a vice-president in charge... But this year, the school has delegated power, and the students themselves are responsible for all matters at the school hunting party."

"Maybe it's because the school doesn't have enough staff..." Xiao Xiao squinted and guessed in a low voice.

"Students are responsible for themselves?" Zheng Qing didn't notice Dr. Xiao Da's words. He squeezed his chin and pondered: "That is to say, this year's school hunting party will be organized by the student union and the club association? Then they came out A new policy to only recruit people from within their organization?"

"That's what it means!" Fatty tilted his neck, swallowed the other half of a banana, and sighed, "It's too not wanting face...they really dare to do that!"

"Is there no one to complain? Report!" Zheng Qing patted the bed and sat up straight: "It's okay to organize demonstrations for the rest of the people who didn't participate in the club and student union, or to complain to that "Beta Town Post" Can……"

The other boys looked at each other without speaking.

After a long time, Zhang Jixin coughed dryly, and said in a low voice: "I know, only our college, there are no clubs... Except for the four of us, there are about this number."

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With that said, he raised a slap and waved it in front of Zheng Qing.

"Five?" Zheng Qing mouthed silently, his eyes widened.

Zhang Jixin shrugged his shoulders.

"How come..." The young public finance student looked a little dazed. He turned his head and glanced at Fatty, then looked at Xiao Xiao, and asked, "I know the reason why Xin didn't join the club... What about you? I remember You have also received several invitations!"

"Staying in the library, forgetting the time." Xiao Xiao replied lazily, with his head lowered, flipping through his notebook.

"What about you?" Zheng Qing turned to look at Zhang Jixin: "Didn't you always say that there is a big brother at school... He should be able to find a suitable club with you."

"It's my brother who didn't let me join clubs." Zhang Jixin also showed a puzzled expression on his face: "My brother said that this year's school is a bit chaotic...don't let me join those messy clubs, so as not to offend him or my family. trouble."

Xiao Xiao seemed to be aware of it, raised his head, took off his glasses, and pinched the base of his nose.

"Then what should we do..." Zheng Qing fell back, slapped on the bed, and sighed.

"We can form a club by ourselves." Dr. Xiao replied abruptly: "I have read the school's rules and regulations before, as long as students can form a new club at any time during the semester...Of course, if we If you want to participate in the hunting meeting, you must increase your speed."

As he spoke, he flipped through his own notebook and added: "According to the regulations of previous years, the social association will suspend the admission of new members the day before the opening ceremony of the school hunting meeting to prevent the hunting club from cheating... The opening of the school hunting meeting this year The ceremony is set for next Friday night, that is to say, we still have four days to submit the application form for forming an association and complete the defense of the association.”

"Defense?" Xin Fatty's round face wrinkled into a ball: "Is there a defense required to form a club?"

"Maybe it's on paper, maybe in person, in short, we need to clarify to the Social Federation the reason for forming a club, the purpose of our club, and a series of elements." Xiao Xiao flipped a brush between his fingers, and replied patiently: "You don't think you can get funds from the school by making up a name and recruiting a few members."

"Can I still receive funding from the school?!" Zheng Qing cheered up immediately.

He immediately felt that this matter was very promising.

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