Hunting High School

Chapter 29 A Big Orange

When Zheng Qing ran out from the school hospital—well, to be precise, when this young wizard was driven out with a broom by Mrs. Bella of the school hospital, there was still more than half an hour before class began.

Originally, he did not intend to leave the warm restaurant so early.

Neither does Fat Cat.

But when the cleaning elves in the restaurant found a feline appearing at the dining table in the restaurant, and then issued the sharp and piercing alarm sound, Zheng Qing had to flee with his 'things'.

"If I have the right to deduct points, I bet you will continue to be a freshman next year!" Mrs. Bella still had an annoyed expression on her face when she issued the discharge notice to Zheng Qing: "Allow that cat It's extremely tolerant to stay in the ward for one night... even brought it into the hospital's canteen, do you think the school hospital has received too few complaints about the canteen?"

Zheng Qing laughed along, grabbed the orange cat's top skin, and ended his second hospitalization career in embarrassment.

The air on a Monday morning is always mixed with energy and decadence. It is difficult for people who have been lazy for a weekend to cheer up on such a day, but the mission given to the morning by nature has made many people naturally cheer up.

After Zheng Qing left the school hospital with the fat cat in his arms, he didn't go to the teaching building immediately, but turned into a hidden grove halfway.

When he came out of the forest, the fat cat had disappeared, and 'Xin Fatty' followed behind him step by step.

Although it looks no different from the usual gluttonous Fatty - this 'Xin Fatty' is also holding a fat chicken leg and slowly gnawing on it - but if someone who is familiar with him is still very easy from Some incongruities were found in the details.

Such as eyes, such as facial expressions, such as hair color.

The hair of 'Xin Fatty' behind Zheng Qing has turned ginger yellow, and the color of the robe on his body is also different from the authentic Jiuyouhong. It seems to have been washed many times, and the color is much lighter orange.

Perhaps because of the hangover, Fatty's eyelids were a little swollen, and his eyeballs seemed a little swollen, which made his small eyes narrowed even more, and his temperament became more sluggish.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

In stark contrast to his demeanor are his movements.

Fatty seems to have been cast a light-weight spell, and his movements appear light and agile when he walks, and he looks like a big rolling orange from a distance.

This big orange did not attract strange eyes from passers-by on campus.

On the contrary, Zheng Qing, who was walking in front of Big Orange, attracted most of the attention of passers-by.

Compared with the long-awaited investigation report from the Propaganda Office, the rumors in the newspapers always seem to be able to ferment at the fastest speed in the closed environment of the campus, brewing sour and inferior products.

On the way to the teaching building, Zheng Qing felt this very clearly.

As a public-funded student of Jiuyou College, and the Merlin Medal he won at the opening ceremony not long ago, he is also a relatively well-known newcomer in this college.

In the past, whether it was a new freshman this year, a sophomore or a senior student, many students who knew him or didn't know him would always smile and say hello when they saw him on the road, and sometimes they would tug at him. Take a photo and sign your name.

But today, although these people still greeted him politely, there seemed to be some element of fear hidden in their expressions.

This was very clear when they quietly looked at Zheng Qing's glowing red right eye.

To use the language in the book to describe it, it is "kind and distant friendly communication".

But everything should be viewed dialectically.

The more people pay attention to his eyes, the fewer people pay attention to the big Fatty behind him. Especially when facing classmates who know the two of them.

When Zheng Qing walked into East 601 of the teaching building, this distinction became more and more obvious.

The little people on the white paper behind the door greeted sharply as always, and the little elves on the blackboard were still neatly lined up, ready to rush down to tidy up the classroom destroyed by the students at any time.

Only a few students noticed Xin Fatty's abnormal hair color and sluggish spirit, but most of them would only jokingly ask "Banner, why did you dye your hair?" or "Fatty, did you work late yesterday?" ? I heard that there are several beauties in the editorial department of the school newspaper..."

The eyes of most of the students followed the footsteps of the young public finance students, moving slowly and firmly.

From the door, to the aisle, and then to the seats in the back of the classroom.

Many people whispered and whispered, pointing from time to time, pointing their eyes as if they were gesticulating with others, and seemed to have completely ignored the anger slowly building up on the face of the young public fee student.

There are also some people who will bring small gifts, accompanied by friends, and walk to Zheng Qing's side, simply wishing and greeting.

But whether it is familiar or unfamiliar classmates, when talking with Zheng Qing, they will always show some vigilance. It seems that the young public fee student will not be able to contain the Monster Qi in his blood at the next moment. With fangs and claws, and blood-red eyes, he rushed over.

This made Zheng Qing's mood worse.

"I won't pounce on them and bite them." Zheng Qing sat in the corner of the classroom, still with an aggrieved expression on his face.

"You won't get sick if you touch an AIDS patient, but who would touch them casually?" Xiao Xiao just opened a large kraft paper envelope and pulled out a long piece of letter paper from it.

"You know about AIDS!" Zheng Qing couldn't hide his surprise in his voice.

"I'm not a stubborn wizard... The world below is developing so well, why can't we pay more attention to it?" Xiao Xiao sneered, looking down at the letter paper in his hand carefully.

"The world below." Zheng Qing smacked his lips, shook his head, and did not continue to discuss this issue.

"This Fatty is too fake!" Zhang Jixin turned around from the front row, with an uneasy expression on his face: "Look at his hair, and his robe... Could it be that he can't even write?"

"Why does he know how to write!" Zheng Qing took out his own book, slapped it heavily on the desk, and complained with displeasure on his face: "He just needs to sit in a daze in the classroom... If any of you sponsor me A potion of transformation, I will make him exactly like that dead Fatty!"

"What if the teacher asks him to answer the question?"

"Can't talk, won't you shut up?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows.

"Ow!" The 'Xin Fatty' next to him yelled in agreement, and wiped the greasy marinade left between his fingers under the desk.

Zhang Jixin laughed hesitantly.

"By the way... don't sleep at noon, we have a meeting in the dormitory." Xiao Xiao suddenly raised his head and reminded: "I have already received the application form for the establishment of the association from the Association Federation, and according to the plan, it will be held this afternoon. Submit it we need to clarify the name, members, purpose and other information of the association as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he shook the scarlet letter form by his hand.

"There are still many things to fill in here." He emphasized.

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