Hunting High School

Chapter 30 The Wayward Professor

Every Monday morning class, there will never be a shortage of sleepy-eyed students.

In order to continue the cordial and friendly meeting with Duke Zhou and to truly find myself in peace, the seats in the back row of the classroom are always in high demand.

Of course, there are those who are negative and absent from class, and there are naturally positive ones.

Among the people with a positive attitude in class, although there is no shortage of good students who are really "easy to learn" such as Downton, Matthew Karen, Jiang Yu, and Liu Feifei, there are also opportunists like Sim Banner.

In order to make a good impression on the dean of Jiuyou College, and to get an excellent evaluation in the report card of the professor of the charm class, Xin Fatty will come to the classroom early every Monday morning and sit in the classroom. In the front, use the fullest spirit to show your burgeoning youth.

However, this morning, this Fatty came a little late.

Not only that, he didn't sit in the front row seat specially reserved for him by the girls. Instead, he hugged the Dharma book and lay down listlessly in the second-to-last row of the classroom, crowded with the 'degenerate' boys. together.

This really surprised many people.

Of course, Xin Fatty cannot be blamed for this.

After all, he didn't think about having a cat to teach him in class, nor how to teach a cat to play the role of a good student in class.

After eating the chicken legs, limited to the agreement reached with Zheng Qing not to run around, Fatty, the personification of Fat Cat, could only lie helplessly on the table, squinting his eyes and taking a nap, killing the rest of the leisure time in the morning.

Unlike the complete transformation of the shape-shifting potion from the inside out, the simulacrum just simulates a decent skin on the outside.

Anyone who has a rough understanding of the imitated person, or animal, can rely on this 'cover' to change into another look.

This illusion is too rough, even inferior to many delicate Illusion Art.

But as a prop to fool the teacher in class, as long as it doesn't attract attention and keeps a low profile, it should be enough.


The young public finance student rubbed the book in his hand, muttering uneasily, and tried his best to restrain himself from driving the Fatty in front of him out of the classroom.

Although Duan Xiaojian didn't think about driving Xin Fatty out of the classroom, he very much hoped that this good student with a 'positive' attitude towards learning in the past could vacate the seat under his buttocks.

The hunchbacked skinny boy stood pitifully next to Fatty's seat, shaking his arm weakly, and begged: "My dear brother, haven't you been sitting in the first row all the time? Grab a place."

Although the orange cat could understand what he was saying, it had no intention of getting up.

Just kidding, give you a seat, do you give chicken legs?

Fatty snored, slapped lazily on the desk, and ignored the requests from the side. Being shaken hard, it simply turned its head and changed to a more comfortable position to lie on its stomach.

Duan Xiaojian had no choice but to turn his head three times, and sat in the front row full of complaints.

At the back of the classroom, Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and gave Zhang Jixin a thumbs up.

If you can deceive a student at such a close distance, you should be able to deceive the professor at a slightly longer distance.

The young public finance student regained a little self-confidence.


Accompanied by the ear-piercing alarm sound of the stick figures, the hot-tempered figure of the professor of charm class once again broke into the sight of the freshmen.

"good morning students!"

Lao Yao strode up to the podium, waved his hands at everyone, pulled the chair behind the podium and sat down: "Everyone sit down, everyone sit down..."

"Morning sir!" The students in the classroom bowed and sat down, while trying to yawn softly.

As a senior professor, Lao Yao was well aware of this state and was not angry, but just raised his eyelids and scanned the classroom.

Then he saw Xin Fatty who looked like a big orange.

So he blinked.

Zheng Qing tried to sit up straight, staring at the back of Fatty in front of him intently, and prayed to the gods and Buddhas of the universe in his heart, hoping that the professor didn't notice this inconspicuous corner.

Old Yao paused, took out the black pipe from his robe, stuffed some golden shredded tobacco into it, then rubbed the sparks to burn a wisp of green smoke.

He clicked his mouth, looked at the young public fee student who was pretending to be reading the textbook with interest, cleared his throat, and said in a drawn out voice: "The hello is lacking in energy... Come on, let me take roll calls for you, sober ,cheer!"

Roll call? !

Zheng Qing felt a sense of bewilderment for a moment.

Although according to the requirements of the teaching rules posted on the back of the classroom door, the teachers who teach in each class need to roll their names.

But a wizard of Lao Yao's level can tell at a glance how many mosquitoes there are in the classroom, let alone twenty or so living people. Because of this, professors seldom perform the formal operation of roll call, and Zheng Qing ignored this point when he asked Tuantuan for help.

You must know that Tuantuan can't speak!

The orange cat who was nodding its head and dozing off also raised its head instantly, its round ears pricked up.

"Ears!" Zheng Qing gritted his teeth, stretched out his leg and kicked Fatty's stool in the front row: "That damn Fatty can't stand his ears!"

Tuantuan's ears drooped instantly.

Then it turned its head carefully, winked its eyes at Zheng Qing, and pouted.

Zheng Qing understands what it means: I can't speak, you can figure it out!

"Downton!" Lao Yao had already opened the roster and called out his names in a serious manner.

"Here!" Big squad leader Tang was always very serious, but now he stood up and formally agreed.

Zheng Qing looked at Xiao Xiao for help, but found that the busy doctor was flipping through a three-inch thick dictionary, tossing the red form while muttering words, not paying attention to other things beside him.

"Zheng Qing!"

Professor Yao's loud voice interrupted the uneasiness of the young public finance student.

The speed of the roll call was unexpectedly fast.

"Here!" After Zheng Qing answered, he didn't sit down. Instead, he felt hesitant and said bravely, "Professor, Xin Banner accidentally took the wrong medicine his throat was hurt, and the doctor asked him to Don't talk today."

The other students whirled and turned around, all curiously looking at Fatty who had taken the wrong medicine.

The orange cat showed no stage fright, nodded calmly to the surroundings, and pointed to own's throat.

"I took the wrong medicine!" Professor Yao looked stunned, and hurriedly walked off the podium, came to Xin Fatty, touched its head, and asked gently: "Is it important? Do you have a sick leave certificate from the hospital? Do you need it?" need to have a rest?"

Tuantuan squinted his eyes after being touched, and snored comfortably.

Zheng Qing hurriedly poked it, and said to the professor with a dry smile, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter...a small problem... have a good rest today, just don't talk."

Tuantuan sat up straight, nodded solemnly, and opened his mouth to let out an "ow".

Zheng Qing couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat.

"Oh, it looks like this!" Lao Yao continued to pat Tuantuan's head, and said earnestly: "I remember that Professor Li of Pharmacy said last time that you stepped on a bowl of flowers in the medicine garden. , Then I licked the plate for a week... Why are you always so careless? Although all of you are adults, I know that many of you are leaving home for the first time to live independently, so you usually have to learn take care!"

Tuantuan was able to sit up straight at first, but as Lao Yao kept stroking, he couldn't help but slumped down on the table again, snoring happily.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Zheng Qing stood aside and explained dryly: "He took the medicine in the morning, so he probably has a little phlegm."

"Well, so do you all." Lao Yao smiled and glanced at Zheng Qing, seeing him creepy, and then added meaningfully: "Don't think that you dare to do whatever you want when you are an adult, and have a little awe in your heart. Otherwise Today I just lie on the table, but tomorrow I should lie on the hospital bed!"

There was a loud answering sound in the classroom.

Lao Yao held up his Dharma book, patted the young public finance student on the head, turned around and walked back to the podium.

Zheng Qing covered his head and took a few breaths of air. Suddenly, he saw a fluffy tail protruding from the waistband of Xin Fatty's trousers in front of him, and quickly poked it again.

The tail was instantly taken back by the fat cat.

"Originally, I planned to teach you the 'Yuanchen Guardian Curse' in this class, but everyone's condition in the morning is not very good...and some people are sick!" Professor Yao paused and scanned Zheng Qing and Xin glanced at each other, and continued: "In this case, let's move the content of this class to Wednesday."

"Guardian of Yuanchen is a very, very important spell. This spell is related to your registration exam for wizards, and the ceremony for you to be promoted to be a wizard, so on Wednesday, everyone must be in the best state to attend class, do you understand! "




This time, there was a fairly neat response from the audience.

"Then let's talk about the philosophy of magic in this class."

Although Philosophy of Magic is only a school-wide general education course, the professors teaching it are senior professors from the four colleges. This class does not involve specific operations such as spells, prescriptions, and charms. It is just a very simple theoretical class, and it is relatively easy to tutor.

"But the professor!" Downton raised his hand abruptly, interrupting the professor's lecture: "What about the others?"

Although he didn't go into more detail, everyone knew what the question meant.

Charms class is a small class, and only students from Tianwen Class 08-1 are in the class.

The philosophy of magic is a big class. The people who attend the class include not only students from Jiuyou Academy, but also some students from Starry Sky Academy and Alpha Academy, and even some old students who failed their courses in their sophomore and junior years.

Therefore, in the face of Lao Yao's willful adjustment of the class schedule, the class leader expressed that he felt a little troubled: "Do you need to notify those students in philosophy class on Wednesday?"

"In addition, how should I make notes on my daily class records..." Jiang Yuda's monitor also raised his hand, expressing his own helplessness.

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