Hunting High School

Chapter 31 Dimension Theory

Although there is confusion of one kind or another, as the dean, since Professor Yao has adjusted his own schedule willfully, the students can only obediently obey this arrangement.

As for the big class on Wednesday, whether the students in other college classes should follow the progress of Tianwen 08-1 class to listen to the "Yuan Chen Guardian Curse", or how to deal with their magic philosophy course, is not what the students in the class need to care about topic.

Since it was changed to a philosophy class, Lao Yao simply put away his book and handouts, and patted the chair under him.

The high stool turned into a comfortable reclining chair in the blink of an eye. The professor lay down comfortably, beckoned to everyone, and said: "Relax, you must relax in philosophy class to understand the Samādhi..."

Zheng Qing is very skeptical about this.

In his opinion, this might just be an excuse for the professor to want to be lazy.

But all the students in the hall did not have the slightest objection to the professor's approach. Instead, they put away the Dharma books very cooperatively, stretched themselves, and showed an attitude of sharing weal and woe with the boss.

As the professor once said, the philosophy of magic is a subject that is both simple and profound.

The simplicity lies in the fact that everyone can understand the truth; the profoundness lies in the fact that even great wizards and even wizards of a higher level will be bound by the principles of magic philosophy in their behavior.

Very similar to the philosophy of Baiding World, the philosophy of magic is also a discipline involving worldview and methodology.

It's just that wizards have gone further in this regard.

Due to the authenticity of magic power and the strong practicality of magic, the content of this lesson will even involve wizards' understanding of the origin of the world.

In the philosophy class in the previous few sections, Lao Yao painted a magnificent picture in front of everyone, simply telling the truth that wizards have realized during thousands of years of exploration. And the philosophy class is how they pass on these truths in a simple and direct way.

According to the professor, only wizards who can understand the true meaning of philosophy can go further in the future and touch more truths.

What is the truth, Zheng Qing is not particularly interested.

But the mysterious feeling Lao Yao described when explaining the truth is very interesting.

"In this world, there are three things that make people crazy: there is a hiccup in the stomach that can't get out, there is a sneeze in the nose that can't get out, and the understanding of the world in the mind can't be expressed. It seems that there is always something to grasp , but when you open your palm, there is only a piece of air left in your palm." On the recliner, Lao Yao seemed to be telling a story, and began to tell it slowly.

"I don't know its name, but the word is called Dao, and the strong one is called Da."

"What is 'Tao'?"

"'Tao' is the way, the arrival, the guidance, the logic, the is a concept that can be expressed."

"In the long history, those great wizards articulated their own way, and pointed out some vague directions for those of us who came later. We have mentioned it in the previous courses, and this entire school year, we will explore these things one by one. direction."

"So today, let me take you through a major philosophical school in the past century, the Dimensional School."

Lao Yao was lying on his own reclining chair, his arms were slightly raised, palms facing the sky, and he was holding them up.

The lights in the classroom gradually dimmed with his words until it was pitch black. Only the faint green fluorescence on the elf's wings was still shimmering slightly.

"Dimensionalists believe that this world is dimensional."

A blue light spot appeared in the middle of the pitch-black classroom. While flashing, it moved slowly. Every small movement leaves a faint blue 'footprint' spot.

Soon, the footprints of the blue dots became a light blue light.

One, two, three.

It seemed that in the blink of an eye, the pitch-black midair was filled with these criss-crossing blue lines.

"Dimensionalists believe that the interaction between dimensions constitutes the basis for the reality of this world."

As the professor spoke, he stretched out his finger and gently stroked a slender blue line in front of him.

Both ends of this blue line are connected to the darkness. Looking carefully, there is no slight difference in tone from the beginning to the end, and there is no curvature, no thickness, as if it is just a collection of certain concepts, but it is true, as if it can be touched.

Yes, touchable.

Professor Yao pressed his finger on the blue line, pressed lightly, and exerted some irresistible force on the thin blue line.

The blue line then bends visible to the naked eye.

The belly of the finger slid down slightly, and the blue line seemed to have received some kind of response, and it bounced back quickly.

"...This interaction is so remarkable that we were able to verify it through hundreds of different experiments... Just like this dimensional line you see now, does it look like a rubber band?... Most wizards I think that the movement of these rubber bands played out the vicissitudes of the world and the great harmony of the universe..."

Zheng Qing frowned, taking notes quickly with the dim light of the pen tip, while secretly complaining about the professor's clumsy metaphors.

Of course, he still faithfully recorded every word the professor said in his notebook.

After all, he didn't know whether there was a deeper meaning behind those words.

When he raised his head again, the top of his head had changed into another appearance.

The vibration of one dimensional line affects the other countless dimensional lines interlaced with it, and also affects the innumerable dimensional lines that are not interlaced with it but adjacent to it.

Those dimensional lines fluctuated with this original dimensional line, playing chords of different strengths and timbres.

The blue lines left countless phantoms in the vibration, which looked like pieces of blue cloth.

Countless blue cloths are stacked together to construct three-dimensional spaces of different sizes.

Occasionally, a few dimensional lines break, and the notes they vibrate come to an abrupt end. Then a blackness that cannot be described in words suddenly appeared, and the blue cloth pieces disappeared.

When they reappear, the original one-dimensional line has been broken into two irrelevant new lines.

Zheng Qing looked at the darkness anxiously.

He is keenly aware that there seems to be great terror in it, but there are also endless opportunities brewing.

Professor Yao's voice resounded in the classroom, drawing his attention back from the fleeting darkness:

"The birth of dimension theory fundamentally explained many difficult problems in the magical world that cannot be solved by traditional theories..."

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"... Give me the simplest example."

"Sand time worm, you know...I was very tossed at school for a few days ago."

There was a murmur of approval in the classroom.

Zheng Qing also nodded involuntarily.

"...Before the birth of the Dimensional School, wizards had a very vague and confused understanding of the 'Sand Time Worm'."

"Traditional wizards believe that such bugs are pests born from nothing...Earlier theories even hold that they are some kind of 'parasite' left by the gods...they are the 'apocalypse' The prelude to the 'Four Horsemen', the symbol of the end..."

"These ambiguous explanations have spelled havoc for these little bugs...every time sand is found, it causes a certain amount of uneasiness in the wizarding much so that this wonderful creature was hunted to the brink of extinction at one point .”

"After the birth of the Dimensional School, the wizards extracted the time points from the three-dimensional world and connected them into a new dimension line... They gradually discovered that the 'sand time worm' is just a part of the 'time dimension line' A 'pseudo-extra-dimensional' creature that feeds on 'fiber'..."

"Thus, the thousands of years of fear of these little bugs in the wizarding world ended..."

Zheng Qing grabbed the brush, his face wrinkled into a ball.

When giving examples, Professor Yao spoke a little too fast, which made it difficult for him to grasp the accuracy of some of the words. Especially those representative words are more likely to be confusing.

He had to record the professor's remarks in terms he could understand.

Maybe a little distorted, but this is his understanding. The young public-funded student seemed to be a little dazed when taking notes. No wonder the old students mentioned that the test of magic philosophy is not only the understanding ability of wizards, but also the acceptance of wizards.

"...Of course, during the follow-up research of the wizards, they found that the 'Royal Jelly of Sand Time' brewed by the Mother of Sand Time is a very gentle medicine for life extension, so this creature was once again hunted to the brink of death. extinct."

"That's another matter."

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