Hunting High School

Chapter 42 The Professor's Office

Time flies, and the busy Monday came to an end soon.

Zheng Qing did not receive the tour fee until before going to bed at night.

Not a dime.

Xin Fatty didn't go back to the dormitory tonight, I wonder if he went out with his editor-in-chief to collect news; Xiao Xiao sat at the desk honestly, but the young public finance student disappeared when he thought of the series of charges mentioned by the doctor The idea of ​​asking for a tour fee.

As for Dylan, since noon, he has been quietly staying in his own coffin. Zheng Qing really didn't have the courage to lift the lid of the coffin and ask a dead man for money.

Of course, given that the Knights Order has not yet been formally established and has not organized any activities, Zheng Qing does not need to consider 'hidden worries' such as balance of payments and shortfalls for the time being.

He still has a lot of troubles that need to be solved as soon as possible.

For example, the long dress given to Elena - the gypsy witch has been haunted recently, and it is difficult for young public servants to find the right time to talk to her;

Another example is the follow-up treatment plan for headaches.

Zheng Qing needs to go to the office with Professor Yi to discuss this matter in detail after class on Tuesday, which Lao Yao has arranged before.

But after the divination class on Tuesday, the boys in class 08-1 of Tianwen got together and talked a lot about the upcoming school hunting party - from which hunting team can stand out this year, to who should be the dance partner at the hunting party, and then When will the beautiful Su Shijun, a member of the council next month, come to school.

All kinds of Eight Trigrams and news were flying all over the sky, so that the young public finance student was so fascinated by what he heard, that he almost forgot to go to Professor Yi's office.

Until Dr. Xiao Da kindly reminded me.



When Zheng Qing came to the door of Professor Yi's office, the professor of divination was standing in the corridor, discussing something with several senior students.

He was holding a handful of large tarot cards in his hand.

The fluttering cards rustled like a big tango moth. Combined with the dim lighting in the corridor, it creates a perfect mysterious atmosphere.

Seeing the young public finance students, the old students raised their eyebrows slightly, and then turned their attention back to the tarot cards in the professor's hand.

"Let me talk about a few more questions... you go in first, wait a moment." Professor Yi did not let Zheng Qing listen to the somewhat advanced divination skills, but opened the door of the office and pushed the young public finance student in.

Zheng Qing couldn't remember how many times he was pushed into an unfamiliar door.

But he clearly remembered that this was the second time he came to Professor Yi's office.

In Jiuyou College, apart from the collective lounge in the teaching building, each professor has his own independent office in the office building.

These offices vary in size and decor according to the needs of these professors.

For example, Lao Yao's office is very simple, there is only a huge mahogany bookcase, a mahogany desk, and a few leather chairs, other than that, it is empty. And Professor Emma's office is like a shrunken herb garden, filled with all kinds of bonsai and potted plants, from bergamot to holly, from cactus to bowl flower, and even the walls of the office are covered with creepers. .

Zheng Qing has always felt that Professor Emma's office is more suitable for Professor Li Qihuang.

In contrast, Professor Li Qihuang's office is always full of a strange smell, with a pungent smell like formaldehyde, a light aroma of fully fermented yeast, mixed with the smell of rotting grass and the basement that has been closed for a long time . I don't know if it's because Professor Li often boils potions in his office. This makes the vast majority of students stay away from the pharmacy professor's office.

Professor Yi's office is a little different.

His office is hexagonal.

The tall bookshelves extend from the ground to the roof, and the bookshelves are filled with dense books, thick, thin, leather, paper, hardcover, paperback, all kinds of books, all inclusive. Across the clean and bright glass bookcase, people can't help feeling awe.

The floor of the office is covered with a pale yellow carpet.

A black hexagram pattern is painted in the center of the carpet.

In the center of the hexagram formation is a black oval desk, surrounded by two or three high-backed soft leather chairs.

The last time I followed Lao Yao, coming and going in a hurry, Zheng Qing was engrossed in the conversation between the two bosses, so he didn't look at the office. This time when Professor Yi came back, Zheng Qing had the opportunity to take a closer look.

Compared with the few offices Zheng Qing has seen, the light in Professor Yi's office is much dimmer.

Although it was close to noon and the autumn season was crisp, the sky outside was extremely bright, and the curtains around the professor's office were not drawn, but the light in the room was still very dim.

Through the large French windows behind the desk, Zheng Qing can clearly see the bright sky outside. But the light outside the house through the window seemed to fall into a black hole, without illuminating the house at all.

It's as if pedestrians on the night road look at the brightly lit shopping mall through the window.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but fight a cold war.

Looking up, the roof of the office is like the dome of the first hall, it is a phantom black, with hundreds of bright spots dotted in it, like stars. These light spots flickered slowly, like the starry sky in the dark night.

Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes, raised his hand, and slowly gestured, outlining the outlines of those light spots.

He had a vague sense of familiarity.

"That's right. This is an astrological sand table, which is used to simulate the movement of the astrology and help deduce the changes of the star map." A light and leisurely voice suddenly rang in Zheng Qing's ear, as if he had guessed his thoughts, and he was gesturing The young man from Star Chart was taken aback.

Zheng Qing turned around.

The owner of this office opened the door at some point and returned to the own world.

And he brought back another guest.

"Professor Yi, good afternoon!" The young public finance student hurriedly bowed, then turned around, and bowed again: "Professor Yao, good afternoon."

Old Yao bit his pipe, waved his hand to Zheng Qing with a smile, threw a stack of documents on the oval desk, pulled a high-backed chair next to him, and sat down quietly.

A moment later, his smooth backed head was submerged in puffs of green smoke again.

"In someone else's office, can you show some public morality?" Professor Yi complained, sneezed, walked behind the desk, and drew the curtains next to the glass window heavily.

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The bright world outside the house was completely cut off from the curtain. The office was plunged into heavy shadows, only the light spots above the head flickered feebly.

"Civil morality is a good thing... If you really feel uncomfortable, why don't you open the window?" Old Yao muttered, clapping his pipe vigorously. The red-burned shreds of tobacco flickered in the dim office, like the glow of the midnight starry sky.

Zheng Qing stood with hands down, eyes on nose, nose on heart, trying to reduce the sense of own existence.

Professor Yi did not continue to argue with Lao Yao, but sat on his spacious chair and silently opened the pile of documents that Professor Yao had just put on the table.

For a while, the office fell into a strange silence.

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