Hunting High School

Chapter 43 Moores Law

Professor Yi sat behind his desk.

One page after another, very patiently flipping through the stack of materials that Lao Yao brought.

From time to time, he raised his head and carefully looked at the young public fee student sitting opposite him.

Professor Yao quietly buried himself in the thick smoke - I don't know if it was the special effect of the pipe, or some spell cast by Lao Yao, the bluish-white smoke lingered within three feet of his body, Not a wisp escaped.

Zheng Qing put his hands on his knees and sat upright on the chair with his back straight. The two badges hanging on his chest shone brightly even in the dim room.

Maintaining this regular sitting posture is very hard, very hard.

But in order to impress the stern divination professor opposite, he had to grit his teeth and persevere.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

When the serving elves changed the cup of hot tea on the desk for the third time, Professor Yi finally put down the documents in his hands, took off his glasses, and rubbed his slightly swollen eyes.

The elf quickly brought a hot towel to cover the professor's face to relieve his fatigue.

"Very interesting... indeed very interesting." Professor Yi's face was covered with a towel, and his voice seemed a bit dull, but the curiosity and excitement in his tone were clearly conveyed even through the towel.

This puzzled the young public finance student.

He didn't know what the divination professor found interesting.

"That's why I brought him to you... I didn't even mention it to Emma." Lao Yao bit his pipe and said vaguely, his voice full of laughter: "Speaking of which, , this Talent is still very useful... I remember that you did a good job in the force field, so I entrusted him to you."

Professor Yi tore off the towel from his face, threw it to the elf, stared at Lao Yao with burning eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Don't explain...I know you just took a fancy to my private notebook."

Professor Yao immediately coughed violently, making people feel that he would cough up his heart and lungs at any time.

Zheng Qing turned her head worriedly and glanced at him.

Lao Yao repeatedly waved his hands, signaling that he was fine.

After a long time, he panted heavily, sat up again, and said with a hoarse smile: "About his news... Aren't you curious?"

"Are you sure?" Professor Yi asked immediately.

"I'm sure, I'm sure...I've confirmed it several times." Lao Yao waved his hand to disperse the thick smoke in front of him, and shook his head again and again: "Except for that familiar smell, I can't see anything else... How about you try it? I have let him witness own dreams before...only some fragments that are not true...I can't even touch a piece of his clothes. If it wasn't for the Grand Wizard Council's strict management of Veritaserum..."

Behind the desk, Professor Yi coughed twice, interrupting Lao Yao's unscrupulous nagging.

Listening to the illogical conversation between the two professors, Zheng Qing felt his brain hurt.

His intuition told himself that there was something in what the two professors said.

"All the fragments can tell us are some possibilities...these may be linked together by a clue." The professor of divination turned to look at Zheng Qing, reached out and took out a deck of tarot cards from the drawer, and cleaned them smoothly , slowly warned:

"If you can't find any clues, no matter how many clips you see, it's false... Never touch these clips at random... Well, before formulating a treatment plan, let's do a small test first."

Zheng Qing stared blankly.

The professor's words seem to have some philosophical truth, but they are too empty to make people scratch their heads.

"Draw one."

Dozens of tarot cards were suspended in front of Zheng Qing, and Professor Yi nodded at him.

The young public finance student finally breathed a sigh of relief - he finally understood what the professor was saying.

Without hesitation, Zheng Qing immediately pointed to a card in front of him.

Professor Yi did not let him see the cards, but put away the deck of cards directly, and said to Lao Yao with a straight face: "Since his clues are involved... I will work harder."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Lao Yao nodded with a smile.

Professor Yi turned his attention to Zheng Qing again.

"I read some test data provided by Lao Yao, and I agree with his judgment. You are indeed an eyewitness." Unlike when he was lecturing, Professor Yi's voice seemed a little weak in the office. will float away.

Zheng Qing had to work hard to concentrate, praying that he would not miss the point.

"However, witnesses are different from witnesses... just like no two leaves are the same in this world."

"In terms of divination, I pay special attention to this subtle difference."

"Are you curious, why did your dean ask a professor of divination like me to formulate a treatment plan for you?"

Zheng Qing nodded involuntarily, then immediately came to his senses, shaking his head quickly.

Seemingly aware of the playful smile on the face of the opposite professor, he bit the bullet and explained: "Professor Yao said that you are an authority in the field of Nianzi..."

"On this matter... it has little to do with the Nianzi force field." Professor Yi interrupted Zheng Qing's explanation and asked, "What do you know about the witnesses?"

"Witnesses belong to a special kind of fortune-telling profession..." Zheng Qing frowned, trying to search for the poor memories that sporadically appeared in his mind, and packaged and re-sold them for export: "Well, they are better at obtaining fortune-telling in dreams Counting elements... Well, you can get some fragments of the past, present, or future through dreams... Depending on the strength of the ability, the richness of the obtained fragments is also different... Oh, and also, the witness's dream fragments It can be used as evidence in court."

Old Yao's deep laughter came from behind.

Zheng Qing's face immediately turned red.

He basically got this information from Professor Yao, and in some cases he even completely copied old Yao's words.

The original book is right behind, and it is indeed inevitable to make people laugh.

Professor Yi didn't seem to notice the embarrassment on the young wizard's face, but added an explanation: "Although what he said is good, it is not accurate enough... The dream fragments that are presented as evidence must be extracted from memory and loaded into a special container To present it. And any kind of memory retrieval spell will do some damage to the spirit of the wizard."

Zheng Qing was terrified.

Although he doesn't mind a cameo role as Conan Holmes, if the honor needs to pay the price of mental health damage, he is absolutely unwilling.

Professor Yi's voice became a little serious: "So, you have to be clear... gain and effort, or success and price, are equivalent. If you want to get the truth, you have to pay the same price."

Zheng Qing swallowed quietly.

"Your headache is actually part of the price."

Zheng Qing immediately pricked up his ears.

"Just like what I told you in class before. Divination is an act of stealing the secrets of heaven. Everything in the world operates naturally, and interpersonal Karma is self-generated. Divination requires the law of operation, the reason for Karma."

"According to Moores' law, the degree of disturbance of information is directly proportional to the ease of obtaining information...that is, the easier it is to obtain information, the less disturbed the degree of information."

"A little hard to understand?"

"Let's say, like a fireball spell, its power is directly proportional to the backlash of the spell. The more powerful the spell, the stronger the backlash; the weaker the spell, the lighter the backlash."

"In the unified theory of information, mantra can be approximately regarded as the way of information acquisition; mantra backlash can be approximately regarded as the degree of information disturbance... the easier the information to obtain (the weaker the mantra), the lighter the degree of information disturbance (the lighter the backlash )."

"Your headache is the body's stress response caused by information disturbance."

"That's easy to understand."

Zheng Qing stared at a pair of mosquito-repellent incense eyes, trying hard to restrain himself from completely fainting.

"Divination is also a kind of magic, so it also strictly abides by Moores' Law... I have told you more than once in class... Never fluctuate the thread of fate at will, no one knows the thin thread Behind, is the sword of Damocles hanging over your head."

Speaking of this, Professor Yi suddenly lost interest.

He snapped his fingers, and the tiny starry sky above his head suddenly burst into brilliant light, illuminating the originally dim office a lot.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The professor pulled out a notebook from the drawer, put it in front of Zheng Qing, and said: "This notebook is why Lao Yao asked you to come to me."

"The fortunetellers have grabbed the most information in this world, so they are also subjected to the most intense information disturbance."

"The inheritance of every divination school contains methods to resist information disturbance."

"In the eyes of any wizard, this is an untold secret."

"But this is the First University. This notebook belongs to all the fortune tellers in the First University...I just keep it for you...and choose the right person to pass it on."

"Of course, letting you read this notebook does not mean that you have become the successor of the fortune tellers of the First University."

"It's just because you are from the First University, a very special student."

"It's all about qualifications."

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