Hunting High School

Chapter 55 Potion In Ampoule (Bu)

Zheng Qing stared at the small bottle in his hand, a little dazed.

This is the transformation potion that Professor Li Qi Huang just took out of the cupboard for him.

The medicine is contained in a clear glass ampoule. Except for some standard magic pattern seals on the surface of the bottle, there is no other special preservation device.

There is no alchemy shell with constant temperature and constant pressure, and there is no complicated and precise diversion device.

It's just a small glass bottle about an inch high or low, about the thickness of your index finger.

The potion in the bottle was blue in color, slightly viscous, bubbling small bubbles in the sun, rolling slowly, forming a layer of fine foam.

It still seems to be in a state of boiling, but also like a breath full of life.

This conflicts somewhat with the characteristics of ampoules.

In Zheng Qing's impression, this small glass bottle is famous for its extremely low expansion coefficient and good airtightness. According to general logic, if the liquid in the bottle has so many bubbles, it will definitely burst the bottle.

This made the young wizard feel like he had caught a lit firecracker and it would explode at any moment.

But the professor's subsequent exhortation reassured him a lot.

"Did you see the small piece of round talisman paper at the bottom of the bottle?" The professor stretched out his hand and pointed.

Zheng Qing turned over the bottle carefully and nodded quickly.

"Before you take the potion, be careful not to get this small rune array wet with water." The professor pulled the chair behind him and sat down heavily: "That's what the pharmacist added to it when it was prepared. The spell can block the effect of the medicine, suppress the gas of the medicine, and strengthen the medicine bottle... Before you take the medicine, you need to peel off the paper of this talisman, and then break off the head of the ampoule bottle... You know how to break the medicine bottle."

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

He had seen a lot of this kind of medicine bottle when he was a child, and it seemed that he could just break it in the sunken place with force, and it shouldn't be difficult.

In contrast, he was more suspicious of the small medicine bottle in his hand.

"This is the Transformation Potion?" When Zheng Qing said this, he didn't have any doubts.

He just couldn't believe it.

Seemingly aware of the distrust in his tone, the young wizard quickly added and asked: "What I mean... I thought you would give me a lot of bottles and jars, and let me go home and prepare them myself." .”

"Do you know how to make transformation potions?" Professor Li raised his eyebrows.

Zheng Qing shook his head very honestly.

"It's no surprise...most wizards don't know how to do it." The professor shook his head and said slowly while flipping through the materials at hand, "Even most wizards at the registration level are not capable of making a complete dose of transformation potion... …just like Felicia Felicia, you don't need to know how many fires and temperatures it needs to change in the process of making it, you just need to know how to drink it."

"However," Zheng Qing continued unwillingly, "but...I heard that high-level magic potions such as transfiguration potions need to be taken quickly after they are made...their shelf life is very short."

"Very's just another question." The professor smiled approvingly, picked up another ampoule from the desk, and shook it: "Don't underestimate this bottle... Those who want to keep the effect of the transformation potion It is not so easy to be stable and easy to condenses a series of top magic skills from the Alchemy Research Institute, Magic Potion Research Institute, Talisman Research Institute, and Astronomy Research Institute."

"It looks bland, but it's actually a big deal."

"It's like a Pandora's box. It's very easy to open, but it's very difficult to hide a long-lasting spell inside."

"Professor, how should I take this medicine." Zheng Qing pondered for a long time, but he still couldn't find the instruction manual on the bottle, so he had to bite the bullet and continue to ask: " there only so much? Drink it all at once ?"

The ampoule in his hand was not big, and the solution inside was only about ten milliliters.

It's hard to believe that a living person can be turned into another life by such a little potion.

"I thought you knew how to take it." Professor Li smiled and explained very patiently: "One bottle is one dose, which can keep an adult wizard in a transformed state for six to twelve hours. "

"How to use it varies from person to person."

"It tastes slightly bitter, and sometimes some users feel mouth numbness. If you don't want your own taste buds to be stimulated too much, you can mix it with your lunch or dinner...similarly, you can also Stir it in green bee, Amber light or orange juice, soy milk, these can relieve the irritation of the medicine to a great extent."

"Will it not affect the efficacy of the medicine?" Zheng Qing couldn't help asking curiously.

"Very need to consider external factors when using any magic potion." The professor glanced at him approvingly, and explained: "But this deformation potion is different, its properties are very stable... the properties of the carrier are not It will affect the efficacy of the drug."

"Of course, if you are particularly impatient and want to see the effect as soon as possible, you can also use a syringe, and it will take about ten to fifteen minutes to see the effect... In fact, this dose of denaturing drug was originally produced according to the injection standard... ...It's just that because the concentration is too high, you need to maintain a vigorous exercise state after injecting the medicine to make the medicine fully exert its effect."

"Transformation requires a relatively quiet environment, so under consideration, most users will take it orally."

Listening to the professor's introduction, Zheng Qing involuntarily glanced over the glass windows on both sides of the office.

On the shelves in the window, there are rows of needle tubes of different sizes and thicknesses. The sharp needles of different colors shone coldly in the dim environment, making the scalp tingle.

"Don't worry, don't worry." The young public fee student shook his head again and again, and replied very obediently: "I'm not in a hurry at all... If you mix it in a drink, how long will it take to see the effect?"

"If you take it, it will usually take effect within five to eight hours... It depends on the physique of the user, and also depends on your mixing ratio and the compatible matrix."

"For example, for a strong man who is 1.8 meters tall and weighs 250 kilograms, it takes about eight hours; but for you, maybe six hours is enough."

"For example, alcoholic liquids such as Qingfeng'er have a good divergent effect on the potion, while ordinary water will be slower in comparison."

Professor Li explained in great detail and was very patient.

Zheng Qing even took out his own notebook from the bag under his signal, and took notes neatly for half an hour.

When he left the office, the young public finance student knew the contraindications of taking the Transformation Potion by heart, by heart.

However, he still has a little concern.

"Will it hurt?" Before leaving, Zheng Qing couldn't help asking again: "Will it hurt when you deform?"

Professor Li was stunned for a moment, and then laughed dumbfoundedly: "Of course not... This is not a potion prepared by hand by ancient wizards, but a standard preparation in the Potion Research Institute... A certain amount of hemp has been mixed in it according to the relevant requirements. Boil away."

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"If you don't use injections, the whole process is completely painless."

"I suggest that you drink a cup of warm milk at night and stir the potion in it... so that when you wake up in the morning, you will have a new vision and a completely different journey of life."

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