Hunting High School

Chapter 56: Talisman Ball

All afternoon, Zheng Qing tried hard to suppress the urge to drink the transformation potion.

Although he is also very curious about his transformed appearance, but because today is Thursday and there is another day of class tomorrow, he has to get through this period no matter what.

After all, it is impossible for him to sit in the classroom with a strange skin and listen to the teacher's lectures-if he turns into a monkey, it is still reasonable, but what if he is a cockroach?

Perhaps the young wizards bent on studying will be thrown out of the window with spells by those screaming witches before they can climb onto their own desks.

Fortunately, there are always endless troubles in Life.

Whenever you feel that everything is going well and life is beautiful, Life will slap you coldly and bring you back from heaven to reality.

For example, the homework assigned by Professor Emma, ​​the troubles between young wizards and wizards, and Zheng Qing's red right eye.

"I think the vision in my right eye seems to have declined a bit." Zheng Qing stood on the balcony, squinting his left eye, holding a slingshot in his hand, trying to aim at a squirrel that was twitching his ass outside the window.

The right eye of the young public finance student was inexplicably congested in the battle with the wild monster not long ago, and it became the only 'damage' left on his body.

Dr. Ma from the school hospital repeatedly reassured him, saying that the congestion would not affect his vision in any way, and presented a stack of complicated and awkward data to support his professional conclusion.

Although Zheng Qing was relieved verbally, he was always skeptical in his heart.

"Just like now," the young public fee student squinted hard and muttered, "I think that squirrel has two tails."

As soon as he loosened his fingers, the pine nuts caught between the slingshots shot out with a 'swish' and smashed into the corrugated room three meters away from the squirrel.


The squirrel screamed in satisfaction, flicked its huge fluffy tail, and rushed over, picked up the dusty pine nut, rubbed it with its paw, and stuffed it into its cheek pouch.

"That mountain double-tailed squirrel originally had two tails!" Xin Fatty held a plate of cake, waved the shining knife in his hand, and shouted viciously: "Only the blind will see it as one..."

It is six o'clock in the afternoon.

According to Zheng Qing's experience in previous years, the sun should have set behind the mountain at this moment, and there should be no light in the sky.

But maybe the location of Phuket Island is a bit southerly, or maybe the wizards did not allow the sun to set so early, and there is still a dim light outside the house at this moment.

At this time of day, it is time for Mr. Cindy Banner to have his last afternoon tea.

Just as Dylan gets angry when he is woken from his coffin, Mr. Fat can get bad-tempered when his afternoon tea is interrupted.

"I'm not blind!" Zheng Qing took out a ball of paper from the gray cloth bag, stuffed it back into the slingshot, and said emphatically, "I mean, there always seems to be a bit of a double image in the right eye... and it's still dangling go."

"There are a bunch of blood clots in the eyeballs, if you are not blind, you are already it strange that it affects your eyesight a little bit?" Xin Fatty took a deep breath and continued to patiently cut the cake on the plate.

"I think maybe it's because you closed your left eye for a long time." Dylan's lazy voice echoed in the coffin.

Zheng Qing tilted his head.

The large black coffin with a sliding lid opened again at some point.

"Good morning!" The young public finance student greeted very politely: "I thought you didn't get up until eight o'clock tonight."

"Didn't Xiao Xiao say yesterday that the plenary meeting of the club will be held tonight... You can't be rude after the guests come." Mr. Vampire Werewolf stretched out a pale hand from the coffin, and placed it in the afterglow of the setting sun, as if feeling The weather is good or bad.

"Do you have to implement the day and night reversed schedule?" Zheng Qing continued to squint, holding up the slingshot, aiming at the jumping gray squirrel, and asked breathlessly.

"Since the school doesn't limit me, I can choose as I feel comfortable." Dylan stretched out half of his body from the coffin, and said slowly, "I'm not Matthew Karen from your class, Or those pure-blooded nobles like Friedman in Alpha...the degree of adaptation to the sun will naturally be a little lower."

The last sentence clearly touches on certain sensitive topics.

There was a moment of silence in the dormitory.

"Crack!" Zheng Qing loosened his fingers, and the ball of paper caught in the slingshot flew out with a 'swish', hitting the gray squirrel one meter away.

Before the squirrel twisted its butt proudly, the little paper ball suddenly emitted green smoke.

Then a few slender vines protruded from the green smoke, binding the unprepared gray squirrel tightly.

"Yeah! It worked!" Zheng Qing swung his arm vigorously and shouted.

"Yo, I really made it for you." Xin Fatty licked off the last bit of cream on the plate, looked at the balcony curiously, and smacked his lips: "Maybe you can consult Dr. Xiao Da later to see this piece Can you get a patent..."

The patent in Fatty's mouth is the technique that Zheng Qing used to shoot out a talisman with a slingshot.

Because of the night patrol, Zheng Qing has already experienced many "accidents" after entering school for just over a month.

For example, in the lakeside forest, I met Dage, a murloc who came ashore for gray transactions; for example, when I was catching sand, I met a swarm of insects; and not long ago, I met a wild monster in a narrow way on the lakeside promenade.

As for the small accidents such as beating Kappa with sticks and catching poisonous snakes, there are countless.

The more experience Zheng Qing has, the more he feels that his own methods are not enough. Tossing and turning are those few talisman papers and spells.

Although so far, these means are barely enough. But the young public payer sensed a huge flaw in it.

There is no longer means of attack.

Because of the enrollment period, the few spells he just learned needed to be cast at close range. However, limited by his height and arm length, the talismans he was good at couldn't attack enemies that were a little further away.

So he pondered for a long time, and finally came up with this method.

"It's just a little trick, I guess the Patent Office won't like it." The young public finance student waved his hand modestly, but added quite self-confidently: "I added a layer of silkworm skin paper to the original talisman. , nested a rune with stable functions... the production process is a bit difficult, and there is not much promotion value."

"It's not bad enough for yourself." Xin Fatty picked up a plate of fruit at some point, dipped in the salad and nodded with relish: "You can practice more in the morning and practice shooting the slingshot... Maybe you can still use it in the rookie hunting competition. Use it."

"You've already had three afternoon teas. Eat less, it's good for your health." Zheng Qing put away his slingshot and advised him kindly.

"You already have three girlfriends, one less is good for your health." Fatty rolled his eyes and turned back.

Zheng Qing's face turned dark immediately.

"I must clarify this matter tonight!" He untied the squirrel from the cane angrily, and threw it to the orange cat who was watching anxiously.

Tuantuan squinted his eyes and held down one of the gray squirrel's tails with his paws. His beard was up and down, and he seemed to be in a very good mood.

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"Can this kind of thing be explained clearly?" Dylan stood in front of the own full-length mirror, washed off the foam on the toothbrush, carefully looked at the two clean fangs in the mirror, and said vaguely: "This kind of thing has always been It gets darker and darker."

"No, I can explain it clearly." Zheng Qing waved his hand, looking confident.

"Yes, yes, you can explain clearly." Dylan was perfunctory, opened the cabinet in front of him, and greeted: "Come and help me choose a suitable cufflinks and belt... You can't meet guests with a sloppy appearance. "

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