Hunting High School

Chapter Fifty-Seven Difficult To Clarify Facts

When Xiao Xiao returned to the dormitory with the other members of the Forgiving Knights, Dylan finally picked out his own cufflinks and belt, and he also used a transparent liquid to smooth his hair, looking like On his head lay a huge beetle.

This elaborate attire surprised others.

After all, Mr. Vampire Werewolf has always been lazy, and he is not a coquettish guy who is diligent and pays attention to appearance.

"Do you have a date tonight?" Xin Fatty folded his arms, looked at the blue-robed wizard in front of the full-length mirror with scrutiny, and snorted, "Does a thousand-year-old guy still have that impulsiveness?"

"You'll know when you're over a thousand years old." Dylan smiled and stretched the tiny folds of his robe, and replied neither humble nor overbearing.

This made Fatty a little depressed.

After all, he is not yet a great wizard, nor is he a long-lived species, let alone crowdfunding for him. A lifespan of more than a thousand years cannot be blown out of thin air by strong winds.

His sulking didn't last long.

When the copper mirror on the ceiling flickered again and the dorm door was pushed open, Fatty's attention was immediately elsewhere.

"How is it? Is there a reply?" He yelled loudly, pushed away the armchair under him, stood up and stared closely at the several young wizards who filed in.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The orange cat, which was lying on the desk and playing with the mountain two-tailed squirrel, was startled by the sharp sound of the chair rubbing the floor.

As soon as its claws were loosened, the two-tailed squirrel jumped out with a 'whoosh', turning three times and two times, and escaped through the gap in the window on the balcony.

"Aw!" the fat cat howled angrily, jumped up, put its buttocks on Fatty's head, and then bowed left and right, the thick meat pads were blurred on Fatty's face with afterimages.

"Hey, who dragged this crazy cat out for me!" Xin Fatty waved his hands in the air, and howled.

"Xixixi!" The elves who were hanging on Zheng Qing's curtains for a nap were awakened by the noise in the room, and seemed a little annoyed, so they dragged a few towels, flapped their wings, and joined the human-cat battle.

Fatty's screams grew louder.

Zheng Qing stood on tiptoe, rubbed against the corner of the wall, carefully avoiding the battle group beside the desk, and came to Xiao Xiao.

Before he could speak, Xiao Xiao pulled out a new kraft paper envelope from his bosom.

"No problem... This is a new reply from the Federation of Associations." He stuffed the reply letter into Zheng Qing's hand and shook his head: "It's almost as we guessed, it's a trouble caused by a religious extremist."

"There is nothing new in the sun." Zhang Jixin's rough voice sounded behind him.

"Not even under the moonlight." Dylan added gracefully while adjusting the angle of the cuff buttons.

Zheng Qing didn't speak.

He couldn't wait to tear open the envelope.

As Dr. Xiao Da said, the reconsideration submitted by the Knights of Forgiveness to the Federation of Societies went very smoothly.

In other words, there was no reconsideration in the first place.

Similar to what everyone discussed before, the reason why the Knights of Forgiveness application was rejected last time was indeed that a student from the Atlas Academy tampered with the notice of the new society without authorization.

Faced with such an inexplicable result, most freshmen would pinch their noses and admit it. Anyway, it was just a matter of changing their name again, and it would only be a few days later.

Very few people will go through the cumbersome process of 'submit objection-reconsideration-re-examination'.

Therefore, as soon as he received the objection application from the Knights of Forgiveness, the head of the Federation of Associations was still in a coma for a long time. After only a simple investigation, the heads of the Federation of Associations figured this out without even holding a plenary meeting.

"The sophomore at Atlas College is the main person in charge of this matter. He serves as the deputy director of the office of the Federation of Associations, and his main duty is to distribute the orders and mails issued by the deliberation."

Xiao Xiao leaned against Zheng Qing's six-poster bed, holding the hot tea just brought by the elves, and slowly explained the ins and outs of the matter to everyone: "As we guessed before, he is a very conservative Amish People, the name of the task 'forgiveness' is suspected of blasphemy, and after the appeal was fruitless, they modified the reply letter from the Federation of Associations without authorization."

"I have always believed that fanatical beliefs can affect mental health." Xin Fatty hugged a plate of fruit salad, chattering to soothe the bitterness after the battle.

The war between Fat Cat and Fatty has temporarily come to an end, with Fatty compromising to give up half of the beds.

Fortunately, there is no sorrow that food can't make up for.

Fatty can always find sweet treats in own watches.

"How did they deal with that Atlas student?" Dylan interjected curiously.

"Expel associations, the college's second-level warning, and the voluntary labor of the school work committee." Xiao Xiao shrugged, returned the empty teacup to the elf floating in front of his eyes, and politely said thank you .

This made the little guy extremely satisfied, and excitedly held the cup to make him tea again.

While other people were discussing this matter, Zheng Qing finally finished reading the letter from the Federation of Associations. Although he was a little mentally prepared, he was not dumbfounded, but he still had a refreshing feeling.

"I can't understand it at all." The young public-funded student sighed deeply: "Why is he so reckless? He took the risk of violating school rules and disciplines to make trouble with a newly established small club..."

"No, no, he didn't have trouble with us." Xiao Xiao waved his hand and denied, "Maybe he doesn't even know how many members our club has...he's just defending his own beliefs."

"There is a thin line between frenzy and terror." Sim Fatty smacked his lips, and then stuffed a piece of kiwi into his mouth.

"The magic power of faith cannot be guessed by logic." Dylan also commented pertinently.

"Then, there is nothing else, we will officially start today's topic." Xiao Xiao raised the notebook in his hand, his eyes gliding over the faces of everyone in the dormitory.

"I have something to talk about." Zheng Qing stood up and coughed twice in a fake manner: "Ahem... Regarding the recent wanton spread of rumors to slander my innocence..."

"It's not clear, who made it..." Xin Fatty snorted with a long voice.

"...After careful investigation and patient analysis, I'm sure it's a misunderstanding entirely out of thin air!" Zheng Qing glared at Fatty fiercely and raised his voice.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Jixin yelled, "Why do you get more and more confused the more you listen... Who spread the rumor? What did you say about you? How can you still be innocent? Who made you hurt? Or did you blame someone?"

Zheng Qing listened to this string of tongue-twister-like questions, tongue-tied, and it took him a long time to finally react, and said, "Just a few days ago, someone said that I was stepping on three boats..."

"Oh!" Zhang Jixin suddenly realized: "You found your third girlfriend?"

"Yes, I found it!" Zheng Qing nodded quickly, and then became furious, shouting: "I said everything! What can't be found!"

There was joyful laughter in the dormitory.

Zheng Qing took the initiative to block these noises, and explained on his own:

"The vice president of the student union that Fatty mentioned before, I only met once during the interview...Korma or Coleman, quite tall, with a ponytail."

"I have only had contact with her twice. One time was during the college entrance examination, and she pushed me into the examination room of Jiuyou College... and the other time was during the student union interview, and she pushed me into the office of the student union."

"It sounds like she pushed you?" Zhang Jixin blinked, pinched his chin and thought, and added: "I pushed you quite a few times..."

"That's not the point!" Zheng Qing was a little mad.

"But everyone thinks this is the key point," Dylan added quietly: "It's better to add the details of how she pushes you... I've seen the script of Don Juan in Paris, in which the way the ladies push down the handsome little brother is very provocative." people……"

Lan Que turned her head expressionlessly, and covered Ling Guo's ears with her hands.

Lingo stared wide-eyed, with a look of curiosity and pity.

"The point is!" Zheng Qing raised his voice, tried his best to suppress the increasingly noisy voices in the dormitory, and shouted loudly: "She was just joking... The relationship between us is completely, absolutely, fundamental, and even the slightest bit of abnormal relationship is irrelevant." No!"

Everyone seemed to be overwhelmed by his roar.

The dormitory became silent in an instant.

"I was pushed twice, and I dare say that the relationship is normal..." Xin Fatty muttered softly again: "I'm afraid my skin is a meter thick..."

"Ouch!" The fat cat slumped on Fatty's belly, wagging its tail lazily, as if to express its approval.

"Hahahahaha..." The next second, the small room was overwhelmed by the joyous atmosphere again.

Zheng Qing slumped on the six-poster bed and closed his eyes wearily.

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