Hunting High School

Chapter 39: Blue Tit

"Good morning, everyone. Welcome to take the direct flight of Wumeng Yuexia Airlines to the First University. I am Su Qijun, the flight attendant. I am very happy to serve you. The estimated flight time of this journey is five hours and thirty-five minutes. We have prepared a delicious lunch for you, and students in need can go to the cafeteria to eat after the plane takes off; if you need other help, please press the red button above your head, and our flight attendants will serve you wholeheartedly."

"Our plane is about to take off, and the flight attendants will conduct routine security checks. Please sit down in your seats, put away the small table boards, fasten your seat belts, and hold your pets in your arms."

"Thank you for your cooperation and wish you a pleasant journey."

"Su Qijun!" Li Meng screamed, "What's the relationship between her and Su Shijun! Do I want her to sign a photo?"

"They're all from the younger generation of Qingqiu's Su clan, so you can tell by the name." Xiao Xiao put away his own notebook, hugged the old turtle in his arms, and sat upright: "It's just that she's not Su Shijun. , what is the use of taking a photo with her?"

"Who is Mr. Su Shi?" Zheng Qing couldn't help asking while putting away the own small table.

"The youngest senator of the council under the moon, the designated heir of the Qingqiu Su family, rumored to have reached the five-tailed Realm, and the number one beauty in the wizarding world who is undergoing assessment by the Great Wizarding Conference." Xiao Xiao replied quickly without blinking an eyelid: "No , should be a goddess. The goddess of all wizards in the wizarding world."

"Goddess." Zheng Qing touched Poseidon in his arms, and glanced at the aisle of the cabin.

A flight attendant in a crisp uniform was bending over, smiling, talking softly to a classmate in the front row. The tight uniform perfectly outlines her graceful figure, and her slender legs further strengthen this visual impact.

Zheng Qing swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and quickly looked away.

See no evil, see no evil, see no evil.

He silently recited the proverb three times in his heart, but the beautiful curve just now was still drawn in his mind.

The young man was very angry, he comforted himself, changed his sitting position, took out an almond from the box and started to chew.

"Student, the plane is about to take off. For the safety of you and others, please put away the small table."

A pleasant voice sounded not far away, Zheng Qing turned his head, and the flight attendant was calling softly to the wine-red big wave who was sleeping on his stomach across the aisle.

Across the two seats in the aisle, on one side is a little monk dressed in gray cloth, and on the other side, passengers are sleeping on the small table. little monk has put away the scriptures and is meditating with his eyes closed. And the big wine-red wave opposite him has been sleeping since Zheng Qing boarded the plane.

Called repeatedly by the flight attendant, the passenger with big wine red waves shook his head and raised his head, revealing a delicate little face.

Not wearing pink, very colorful. Zheng Qing admired from the bottom of her heart. Compared with the flight attendant next to him, he is not inferior.

Stretching his arms lazily and stretching his waist, the wine-red big wave squinted his eyes slightly, put away the small table, then pulled out a blindfold from the Kun bag, put it on his head, and leaned on the large seat to continue whistling big sleep.

This disappointed Zheng Qing.

"What are you holding in your arms? Don't you need to put it away?" Li Meng looked at the passenger opposite her and asked, "What's your name, and which class do you belong to in Jiuyou Academy?"

Opposite Li Meng is a classmate with a handsome face. His long black hair is tied up at the roots and stuffed into the wide hood of the white long coat. The purple scarf is casually draped over his shoulders. The parcel has been silently looking out the window.

Zheng Qing felt a headache and rubbed his head.

Five minutes ago, little Loli still had a timid look on her face, but after getting a little familiar with it, she started chattering non-stop.

Perhaps instead of a pigeon, she should have a sparrow.

"You have a beautiful scarf around your neck! What's it made of?"

Turning around, Zheng Qing saw Li Meng leaning over to touch the purple scarf and patted it.

"Wow, it feels so good!" Li Meng shouted.

"Heck..." A purple fluffy mink came out of the wide hood behind the owner of the scarf, and made a threatening sound in his throat. The purple scarf jumped a few times, and then it was put back into the hood, shaking repeatedly. Qing was taken aback.

It turned out that it was not a scarf, but a sable tail.

Li Meng was stunned, her mouth was flattened, her eyes were full of tears, and her eye sockets began to turn red.

"My name is Blue Bird, and this is a sword." The sable's owner finally spoke. He looked back from the window, pointed to the long package in his arms, and comforted him clumsily, "Don't cry."

It was a male voice, Zheng Qing finally confirmed.

Li Meng blushed, sniffed her nose, and showed a bright smile: "I didn't cry, I'm a college student!"

The little purple mink seemed very proud, with two front paws on the blue bird's left shoulder, stretched, and opened its mouth leisurely, revealing its sharp teeth.

Poseidon glanced at the little mink with great interest, and flicked his big tail.

The pigeon on Li Meng's shoulder cooed angrily, flapped its wings, and threatened the sable on the opposite side.

"Students, please hold your pets in your arms, our plane is about to take off." Hearing the beautiful voice of the flight attendant, Zheng Qing quickly turned his head, showing a serious expression.

A refreshing fragrance wafted over with the sound of clicking heels.

The graceful curve appeared in front of Zheng Qing's eyes again, and the distance was so close. The flight attendant leaned forward and pushed up the sunshade on the window. At the same time, they bent down and checked the seat belts around the waists of several people.

Zheng Qing's nasal cavity is filled with an intoxicating aroma.

He tensed up tensely, not daring to move. Poseidon in his arms was strangled by him, sticking out his little tongue and screaming.

"What a cute little thing." The flight attendant smiled and scratched Poseidon's ear. Zheng Qing could clearly see that the flight attendant's nostrils were moving rapidly.

Looking up, he saw a pair of big dark red eyes.

The clear eyes are like two hot springs, making him addicted and unable to extricate himself.

When he regained consciousness, the plane had started to fly smoothly. Several people around were discussing something enthusiastically, and even the little monk across the aisle joined their conversation.

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"How did you all get your notices?" The small table in front of Xiao Xiao was put down again, and he was recording something in his own black notebook.

"Amitābha, when the little monk was copying scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion, I saw the own notice from the folder of the "Vajra Sutra." The little monk next to him creaked and twirled the own rosary: ​​"After reporting to the host, the abbot gave the little monk a Jiezi 'All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and electricity, and should be viewed as such'. So the little monk came."

"I hunted and killed a wild monster in Qilian Mountains, and dug out the notice from the monster's belly." Lan Que still cherished words like gold.

Zheng Qing clicked his tongue, and suddenly felt that the way he obtained the notice was a bit too simple.

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