Hunting High School

Chapter Forty The Harmless Elf

"Most people in our family studied at No. 1 University, but they usually go to Alpha College. This year, my cousin and I entered Jiuyou College unexpectedly, and the faces of the old antiques in the family turned pale with fright." Li Meng snapped her fingers excitedly: "My cousin sent me the notice. She is also a freshman of Jiuyou College this year, so the school gave her both of our notices and asked her to pass them on to me."

Let her take care of you at school, Zheng Qing complained silently in her heart.

"My sister is ranked third among the freshmen this year, and I will let her cover you later, and I am in everything!" Little Loli patted her chest with pride.

Xiao Xiao looked up at Zheng Qing.

"I woke up in the morning and found the notice by the bedside. To be honest, this strange thing that suddenly appeared scared me so much that I almost changed all the talismans at home." Zheng Qing recalled the day when he received the notice. That morning, I couldn't help laughing.

"What about you? Watermelon head." Li Meng looked at Xiao Xiao unceremoniously.

"Me?" Xiao Xiao glanced at her and put away the brush in his hand: "I am a special recruit and I don't have an admission notice."

Zheng Qing didn't immediately ask Xiao Xiao what special recruitment meant.

He was covering his hair vigilantly, looking nervously at an elf floating in front of him.

This little elf was wearing the same crisp uniform as the flight attendant, with a light green glow all over his body, the thin antennae on the top of his head trembling slightly, staring at a pair of big black eyes, screaming non-stop.

"What are they doing!" he yelled nervously.

"It's just a little drink, why are you so nervous." Li Meng poked Own's little face with her index finger, sticking out her little tongue: "Shame, I'm a college student, and I'm afraid of elves!"

Zheng Qing's face immediately turned red, and he noticed that the elf was dragging a huge glass bottle under the thin arms, and the orange drink in the bottle was bubbling and bubbling.

"I'm not afraid, but I've been attacked by these little things before, so I think I need to be careful." He put down his hand covering his hair, and emphasized: "Haven't you been attacked by these little things?"

The magical experience of Shangyuan Shusi Lianshufang made him unforgettable. Whether it's the old bookmaker's brutal blood refining magic, or the strange behavior of those elves pulling his hair, he still remembers it vividly.

"Magic creature world, alchemy creature door, elf class, winged order, elf family, plant genus, green elf species." Xiao Xiao stared at the elf floating in midair, and said quickly: "This is a kind of temperament." It is an extremely gentle magical creature, almost never actively attacking humans. In the "Magical Creatures Illustrated Book" released by the Wizarding Union, it is listed as a completely harmless creature, and its danger level is even lower than that of slugs."

Zheng Qing blinked. He basically only understood the last sentence, this kind of elf is a harmless creature.

"Damn, Xueba!" Li Meng looked at Xiao Xiao in shock, and burst out foul words that did not match his identity and age: "Just now you said that Own special enrollment, is that what you meant? Are you from Jiuyou College? The first freshman this year? What is your score in the unified exam of the wizarding high schools around the world? How old are you this year?"

The little girl squirmed on the own seat, trying to attract Xiao Xiao's attention. Pigeon Xiaobai flapped its wings and cooed along with her. Poseidon, who was taking a nap in Zheng Qing's arms, was woken up by these noisy noises, and squeaked dissatisfiedly. The elf floating in mid-air looked terrified, dangling the drink bottle in his hand, as if he would fall to the ground at any moment, Zheng Qing was terrified.

Xiao Xiao didn't speak, just adjusted his big black-rimmed glasses, and glanced at Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing has not yet recovered from the blow of the 'harmless creature', he is full of thoughts about his sins and these little guys.

Seeing Xiao Xiao's eyes, he immediately shouted: "I really didn't provoke them, they attacked me on their own initiative!"

"Magical creatures do have some natural instability, but any outbreak of instability has its cause." Xiao Xiao took a transparent glass from the dining car next to it and put it on the small table.

The little elf grabbed the huge drink bottle, screamed Xixi, and filled his cup with the orange drink.

"Don't you want some?" He raised his glasses to Zheng Qing and Li Meng: "Orange juice without sugar is very good for the body."

"I want Green Bee!" Li Meng raised her hand actively and called out.

"Minors are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages." Xiao Xiao shook his head and handed her a glass of orange juice.

Li Meng muttered, pouted, and took it.

"I just need clean water." Zheng Qing sighed and looked at Xiao Xiao.

"Are you twelve years old?" Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows.

Zheng Qing looked for the cup by himself dejectedly.

After the elf who delivered the drinks left, the conversation in the cubicle unknowingly returned to the notice.

Every time he thinks of the own notice, Zheng Qing always complains: "Don't you think this way of delivering the notice is a little, um, a little impolite?"

"Politeness?" Xiao Xiao put down the drink in his hand, curiously opened his own black case notebook.

"It just doesn't pay much attention to others. In fact, the school can put this thing in the mailbox and mail it to us." Zheng Qing complained: "Or call to inform. At least it won't scare people out of heart disease."

"For wizards, only the soul is recognized." Xiao Xiao was very disapproving, and wrote in the notebook with a pen in his hand: "As for the way the school delivers the notice, I know a little bit. This delivery method is different from the school. The methods of selecting students belong to certain ancient formations of the First University, and are not controlled by the wizards of the school. Naturally, there will be some abruptness and recklessness."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Zheng Qing remembered what Thomas had said, and understood what Xiao Xiao meant.

"But I still feel that such a habit is not good." Zheng Qing still insists on the concept of own.

"The power of habit is necessary and deeply rooted in any force anywhere. In other words, habit creates tradition, and tradition maintains society. The First University is no exception. It is also a society constructed by various habits and traditions." Xiao Xiao introduced the topic to a more profound level.

"Well, it makes sense." Zheng Qing felt that the conversation between the two was a bit difficult: "It's just that although there is nothing wrong with treating tradition as tradition, it is also necessary to carry out necessary development and improvement in the process of inheritance. So I still think that the school's delivery notice There is room for improvement in the way the book is written."

"Traditions are not static." Xiao smiled with a hint of seriousness on his face: "But no matter what, the current traditions still continue, and we can only accept these traditions."

The blue bird tilted its head and stared silently at own mink.

Shi Yuan quietly counted his rosary beads.

Li Meng blinked and looked at the two people in the conversation blankly.

A sense of solemnity suddenly rose in Zheng Qing's heart.

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