Hunting High School

Chapter 41: The Cafeteria On The Plane

"Good afternoon, everyone. The cafeteria has prepared delicious meals for you. You are welcome to choose them. If necessary, please go along the corridor to Room 3 to eat."

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"When leaving the seat, please adjust the seat to the normal position. You can bring your pet into the restaurant at the same time."

"For the convenience of you and others, please pick up the dishes in order and dine in a civilized manner. Students with pets, please take care of your friends. Pets are strictly prohibited from running around in the restaurant. Before picking up the meal, you can ask the elf for the tableware; after the meal, please Return the tableware to the elf, thank you for your cooperation."

At noon, the flight attendant's gentle announcement came from the cabin radio, and Zheng Qing couldn't wait to put away the small table and rubbed his stomach.

He is indeed hungry.

Although he has always behaved safely and casually at home, only he himself knows the tension and anxiety in his heart.

For the last meal before departure, he only ate three or five home-cooked dumplings, and then drank half a bowl of millet porridge with side dishes, before putting down his chopsticks.

Under Professor Zheng's stern gaze, he reluctantly ate another boiled egg.

By now, that meal has long been digested.

"Let's go together, let's go together, let's eat together!" Li Meng waved her small fist and shouted happily: "I have wanted to try the buffet on the special plane for a long time. I heard from my cousin that the buffet on this special plane is very delicious. tasty!"

"Where's your cousin? Why don't you ask her to go with you?" Zheng Qing stood up and looked around.

"Her home is in Beta Town." Li Meng mentioned that her cousin seemed a little depressed: "Jiuyou College only recruited two public-funded students this year, and my cousin ranked third in grades and did not get a public-funded place. So all summer Lock yourself in the tower for experiments."

"That is to say, this year only the top two freshmen in the college entrance examination are the public-funded students?" Zheng Qing began to cheer in his heart. He didn't expect that he would become the legendary top student! Grinning, he wanted to share his own score with his new friends.

"My sister said that when school starts, I will fight with the two people who are ahead of her!" Li Meng clenched her fists, looked at the two people beside her, and said viciously, "You two will come with me to cheer for my sister! Squeeze those two brats to death."

Zheng Qing laughed dryly, giving up the idea of ​​showing off his achievements, and hugged Poseidon in his arms a little tighter.

"Of course, if you are number one, I can say something nice to my sister and let you go." Li Meng hesitated for a moment, then pouted and said to Xiao Xiao.

"Thank you so much." Xiao Xiao perfunctorily stuffed the old turtle in his arms into his pocket.

Zheng Qing pinched his teeth, hesitating whether to tell Li Meng that he is the second-ranked public-funded student.

In the aisle, several young wizards in straight robes walked past them.

A burst of strong aroma drilled into Zheng Qing's nostrils. He couldn't help but sneezed a few times, spewed out all the flattering words he had just arranged to say to Li Meng, and completely forgot.

"What does it smell like? It smells like my neighbor's French poodle." Li Meng wrinkled her nose and sneezed too.

"Carl Wen early summer. Nina's main men's perfume this summer, popular among young noble wizards. Fresh wild orange tone. Gently pat on the neck will bring a refreshing orange fragrance, which is very suitable for gentle as jade The warm man. If you spray it directly on your body, the aroma will interact with the clothes, and it will produce a pungent aroma, and the effect is scumbag. Just like what you smell, it is no different from a poodle that has rolled in the incense barrel .” Xiao Xiao replied boredly.

"Is there anything you don't know?" Zheng Qing looked at the little boy with a watermelon head in admiration.

Xiao Xiao glanced at him, but did not answer.


Walking along the aisle and through the cabin door, Zheng Qing entered a spacious room.

This is the style a wizard should have, he admired silently in his heart.

Compared with the narrow and closed space in the front section, this restaurant looks much more spacious and bright, just like a big living room. Whether it is the gorgeous chandelier, the tall floor-to-ceiling windows, or even the small garden in the center of the hall, none of them can be accommodated by an ordinary plane.

Zheng Qing can easily judge that some spells should be cast here to expand the space.

On the left side of the restaurant is a row of dining tables, on which all kinds of delicious food are neatly arranged. Near the entrance is a fruit platter, followed by barbecue, stir-fry, stew, seafood, vegan, etc., and finally some soups, pastries, and drinks. The young wizards lined up stiffly, greedily filling Own's dinner plate with delicacies.

On the right side of the restaurant is a U-shaped horseshoe-shaped mahogany bar. Behind the bar is a huge wine kitchen. Drinks of various colors are packed in glass bottles, leaning against the wooden tray, shining with a clear luster under the light. There are some high chairs randomly placed outside the bar. Zheng Qing saw a sleepy cobra coiled on one of the chairs.

There is also a wonderful melody floating from nowhere, filling the whole restaurant with a joyful and relaxed atmosphere.

Zheng Qing raised his head, and there were hundreds of palm-sized elves holding the silver-threaded brass plate, flashing light green light, like huge fireflies, haunting every corner of the restaurant.

"Are all elves green?" Zheng Qing took the tray from an elf, followed Xiao Xiao, and put a slice of watermelon on the plate.

"This way of asking questions is unprofessional." Xiao Xiao shook the clip in his hand, and picked a few grapes from the plate: "Elf is a big family, and there are three genera under it. Also known as the sowing system, hatching system, and regeneration system. The elves corresponding to each type are completely different. The elves that are sown are all green, and the elves that are hatched are basically white, and occasionally golden; As for the regenerating elves, they are all blue, relatively rare, and are also called Smurfs."

After Zheng Qing added a few slices of apples to the plate, he handed the clips to the elves, watching them happily twirling around with the clips, performing a series of wonderful dances in mid-air accompanied by the brisk music in the restaurant.

Li Meng chattered beside the two of them, and kept stuffing things on his plate.

"You just said sowing, which means these little green guys are planted?" Zheng Qing imagined burying the dead elves in the soil, and then growing boney elf trees, with tongues hanging from the branches Little elves, exuding green light.

He shivered and shook his head. Added some mashed potatoes to his plate with a wooden spoon.

"I know this!" Li Meng raised the plate and replied very positively: "Put the seeds in the soil, pour the potion, and within a month, you can harvest a group of elves!"

"One month!" Zheng Qing was distracted, and a quail egg caught in the clip slid back into the basin again.

"Here, this is it." Li Meng handed the plate to the flying elf beside him, and took out a small wooden box from his pocket. Open the lid of the box, and on the soft red flannel, there is a small handful of light green pea-like seeds.

Xixi! Xixi!

Hulala, a large group of elves came over, shaking their tentacles, carefully looking at the seeds in the box.

Li Meng protected the box with one hand, quickly took out a seed from it with the other hand, and handed it to Zheng Qing: "This is a standard type of elf seed, which is very adaptable to the environment. Generally, potions of three or more natures can make it germinate." .”

The little elves watched Li Meng put away the box helplessly, and could only yell.

The seeds feel as smooth as jade and are much heavier than they look.

Zheng Qing played with it for a while, praised, and returned the seeds to Li Meng.

"I'll see you off!" The little girl waved her hand very generously, then turned her head and directed a few elves to look for a table with the own plate.

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