Hunting High School

Chapter 61 What A Cat Should Do

A dry hazelnut fell from the sky and hit Zheng Qing on the forehead, interrupting his howling.

The black cat glared, and then was a little surprised.

It turned out to be an 'old acquaintance'.

It was a two-tailed mountain squirrel that hit him. A few days ago, when the young wizard was experimenting with the 'new talisman activation technology', he often used this little squirrel as a test object.

Of course, Zheng Qing paid for it—a pound of sun-dried groundnuts every day. For squirrels that live on trees all year round, these oil-rich dried fruits are a rare delicacy.

At First University, you need to be extra careful in this regard, because you can't just mess with the little animals that live on campus.

The mountain squirrel's den is on an oak tree not far from the dormitory hill. Maybe the black cat disturbed the dream, the squirrel hugged a few shriveled hazelnuts with worm eyes, angrily rushed to the branch, and smashed it down on the head and face.

At the end, he turned around, twisted his buttocks down, and shook his big fluffy tail at the black cat.

"Hey! There are two little guys fighting here!" An excited voice sounded from the side: "Who do you think can win?"

"Nonsense!" The other voice seemed a little helpless: "A mountain squirrel and a big cat...I'm a fool to choose that squirrel! Do you think everyone has Jerry's blood?"

"Jerry is a mouse. This is a squirrel. There must be no blood relationship." The first voice obviously disagreed.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Zheng Qing squinted and glanced to the side.

Sure enough, it was a group of reckless people in blue robes. Only those fighters from the Starry Sky Academy would be interested in watching the dogfight between two small animals.

"Warm up before the school hunting party... I will sit in the manor, can you come down?" The speaker was a starry sky academy student with a half-covered face. His eyes were blue and green, like a mature bird. Persian cat.

"I crush the black cat!" A stout boy with beards raised the paper bag in his hand: "A bun, I bet this black cat can drive away squirrels..."

"Then you are guaranteed to win?!" Another boy who was slightly shorter complained: "Then I will offer a biscuit... I will choose the squirrel. I bet the black cat can't touch a hair of the squirrel."

"What are you betting on biscuits!" The cheeky man was obviously thick and thin, grabbed the short boy and shouted: "Don't leave later, let's join hands after they beat them..."

While talking, a few more acorns flew down from the branches.

Zheng Qing finally took his eyes off those stupid Starry Sky Academy students.

He narrowed his eyes, raised his snow-white paws, and stroked the beard around his mouth.

When he was a human being, the spirit of all things, he was limited by his identity and couldn't casually get to know this little mouse.

But now that he is a cat, he naturally has no such worries.

He dodged a few acorns dropped by the squirrel, made a short sprint, and climbed up the rough bark of the oak. In the blink of an eye, it jumped onto the branch where the squirrel was sitting.

There was a cheer under the tree.

The squirrel squatting on the branch seemed to have numb claws. The acorn it had just lifted lost its grip and fell.

The script is not like this!

The squirrel shivered and moved towards the end of the treetop.

From birth to now, the only cat this twin-tailed squirrel has seen is the fat cat living in the student dormitory on the fourth floor.

Like all Fatty's, the fat cat is not a particularly athletic creature. After being molested by the resident residents of this oak tree on weekdays, they will only glare and frighten them with their eyes.

The two-tailed squirrel was very used to the fat cat's gaze.

So when I met the second feline creature today, it originally thought that it would see a new 'gazing technique'. Unexpectedly, this strange black cat didn't play cards according to the routine.

He actually climbed a tree!

The squirrel, who had regained his strength, seemed to have finally remembered something, puffed out his chest, and pointed at the black cat, gesticulating and chirping, solemnly complaining to the intruder about his irresponsible behavior.

This brave move aroused unanimous praise from the War Practitioners who watched under the tree-you can't lose your momentum if you lose anything!

Zheng Qing shook his beard, directly ignoring the stupid Starry Sky Academy students under the tree, let alone the scream of the squirrel in front of him.

Although the entire Phuket Island is shrouded in a huge communication circle, it doesn't mean that those creatures with insufficient intelligence can also enjoy this kind of welfare.

Just like a cat that never understands a dog barking.

The black cat stretched out a front paw tentatively, and stepped on the branch, guessing its carrying capacity.

The snow-white paws were like a ball of cotton, which made the black cat's footsteps a little softer. The branch didn't even shake a little under this trial, and it seemed extremely stable.

Zheng Qing nodded in satisfaction, and took a step forward unhurriedly.

Then continue to step on it tentatively.

The squirrel chattered for a long time, but found that the black cat not far away not only had no intention of retreating, but was getting closer.

This made it a little flustered.

The good mouse doesn't suffer from the immediate loss, thirty-six strategies, the best strategy is to walk.

As soon as the black cat lowered its head, the two-tailed squirrel jumped up, its two tails turned like propellers, and it huffed and floated towards the lawn in the distance.

Zheng Qing's two eyeballs almost fell out.

Still have this kind of operation? !

Why has no one told him that the two-tailed mountain squirrel has this ability!

Looking at the squirrel slowly drifting away under the two spinning tails, Zheng Qing ran across a group of alpacas in his heart——mmp, this is the most annoying thing in this university, you can never use logic to understand Think about what will happen next!

The students of Starry Sky Academy under the oak tree seemed to be shocked by the two-tailed squirrel's skill, and all shut up.

It took a long time for the short boy to break the silence.

"...I won." Pointing to the black cat on the treetop, he said dryly, "That cat didn't even touch a single hair of the squirrel."

There is no doubt about it.

So, under the supervision of the blue-green eyes, the bearded face reluctantly took out a bun from the paper bag and handed it to the short boy next to him.

A cold wind blows.

The black cat standing alone on the treetop shuddered.

He is just a shorthair cat, without the thick winter clothes of his longhair cousins ​​in the family.

It's too cold to be high.

The black cat sighed and slowly got down from the tree.

"Mimi!" A warm greeting sounded not far away: "Mimi, come here!"

It seems to be the voice of the beard?

Zheng Qing originally didn't want to pay attention to this mentally handicapped greeting, but the bearded greeting was so enthusiastic that he couldn't hold back his curiosity in the end, and turned his head to look at the place where the voice came from.

I saw that stout student from Starry Sky Academy with bearded face shaking the meat bun up and down.

The little brother with blue-green eyes next to him covered his face and pretended to be blind.

And the short boy turned his back to them, earnestly gnawing on the bun he just won.

"Mimi, come over for breakfast..." The bearded man greeted in a sweet and greasy voice, "Hey... I chewed it up for you..."

"Ouch!" The black cat retched and ran away.

He was afraid that if he couldn't help it, he would rush up and scratch the strong man's paws.

"Don't be so disgusting!" The short boy yelled behind the black cat, "You managed to disgust me...and you also annoyed that black cat!"

"It's just a cat." The cheeky man stuffed the bun into his mouth and muttered nonchalantly.

"A black cat!" The blue-green eyes finally put down the slap in front of her eyes, turned to look at her companion, and emphasized: "A black cat wearing white shoes! The messenger of Yama, the scout of Satan... so Disrespectful... your thoughts are dangerous."

"More importantly, this is the First University!" The short boy next to him warned: "Be careful of these small animals in the First University... What if it is changed by a professor? You want us to Are they all failing?"

"Indeed, I don't think I've seen this black cat here before..."

As the sound of the wind weakened, the conversations of several Star Academy students also became quieter, and finally dissipated, gradually becoming inaudible.

Zheng Qing shook his head, trying to get rid of the horrible scene a few minutes ago, and ran towards the Shushan Pavilion with brisk steps.

Although he is a cat, he is also a cat with status, ideals, culture and goals.

Surely you can't waste this wonderful time of youth like those of the same kind.

A few days ago, the talisman given to him by the gypsy witch has not yet researched a Zichou Yinmao.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, you can try to sneak into the depths of the bookcase maze, and touch the area when the dead octopus is not paying attention.

Maybe the original shape of that talisman is lying on the title page of a certain book!

In this way, when I have a date with Elena tomorrow afternoon, I don't need to think about annoying talismans, and I can concentrate on discussing some topics that boys and girls are more concerned about.

For example, the dress at the hunting party, other plans for hunting the moon, maybe there can be more in-depth exchanges.

With these tempting thoughts in mind, the black cat happily ran towards the middle courtyard of the school.

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