Hunting High School

Chapter 62 Cat's Eyes Looking At The School

How cold it is to get up early, and the frost is over the toes.

Zheng Qing's paws touched the cold stone slab, and he could always feel a vague coolness eroding his internal organs through the tips of his toes.

The black cat couldn't help scolding the wizards on duty in the school's astrology supervisor.

The cold dew had just passed on Wednesday, and there were still about ten days before the frost fell. The newly appointed teaching assistants and school workers of the Astrological Supervision couldn't wait to see the frost fall several times throughout the school.

Not only the leaves of the sycamores on both sides of the boulevard were beaten red, but even the Sijiqing around the lawn couldn't stand the drastic weather change, and looked a little sluggish.

Not to mention the black cat that is actually in a 'semi-naked' state.

Zheng Qing was not deeply touched by the shelter of the dormitory before. It wasn't until he ran for a while on the empty stone road that he noticed the chill in the late autumn morning under the stimulation of the cool air.

But after running more than half of the distance, it would be a bit uneconomical to go back and make a fuss for nothing.

Since the stone road is too cold, I think it will be relatively warmer on the lawn.

These thoughts just turned around in the bottom of my heart, and the black cat that was trotting all the way turned around briskly and jumped into the lawn beside the road.

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Sure enough, through the thick grass leaves, the cold air is not so compelling.

The figure of the black cat flashed across the lawn, hardly attracting anyone's attention—in fact, there were no people on the campus on Saturday morning.

Especially on this morning when the chill was beginning to appear, most of the students still tucked themselves in the blankets and had a cordial and friendly conversation with Duke Zhou. Except for those diligent students who do morning classes, very few people are willing to sharpen their own will in the cold wind.

Of course, the lack of pedestrians does not mean that the campus is empty.

With the arrival of the hunting moon, more and more colors made up for the splendor taken away by the summer, and began to fill the school surrounded by high walls.

Flower beds, ribbons, and colorful sculptures are placed in haphazard manner on both sides of the lawn and road.

The cadres of the student union need to tidy up this pile of messy things before the opening ceremony of the moon hunting - let the flower beds be full of flowers of all kinds, and the ribbons flutter between the tree branches and the buildings; By the way, give their mottled bodies a fresh coat of paint.

Compared with the complicated affairs of the student union, the work of the Association of Associations is much easier.

They just need to promote the outstanding clubs in the club and the hunting teams under those clubs from time to time, so as to accumulate a little popularity for the upcoming school hunting party.

And their propaganda methods are also very traditional.

Banners with flashing fluorescent characters are hung on the tall trees on both sides of the road, in a patchwork pattern. Each banner represents a member of the Federation of Societies - Zheng Qing vaguely remembered that the 'Knights of Forgiveness' also pulled up a banner, but he walked around the forest two or three times, except for a few hunters In addition to the posters of all members of the group, there is no banner of their own.

Seeing someone greeting him in the poster, the black cat raised its head proudly and snorted disdainfully.

This voice caught the attention of a 'staff' next to him.

"Excuse me!" The staff staggered in front of the black cat, hung a small domino around the black cat's neck with a smile on their faces, and publicized in a passionate voice: "We let go of our youth and chase our dreams! Hunters will never Stop your own running steps—the ypo community welcomes the hunting moon with you..."

This 'staff' is actually an alchemy puppet. The whole body is covered with a layer of buckskin tanned coat, which is stuffed with cotton and ramie. His eyes are two buttons, and his mouth seems to be twisted out of a girl's hairpin. Holding a bouquet in his hand, he hums energetically and greets every living thing passing by.

There is a foolish look all over him.

The alchemy dolls under the other banners didn't look any more exquisite. After all, these puppets were made by the students themselves, and compared with the results in professional alchemy workshops outside the school, they will naturally be much inferior.

Zheng Qing fiddled with the domino hanging around his neck with his paw.

The workmanship of this small gift is also very rough, it seems to be ground from ox bone, and the three large letters of 'ypo' are engraved on it with poor handwriting.

There are no seal-carved magic patterns, no nested talismans, not even dominoes dipped in olive oil, or consecrated in front of god statues—pure, unpretentious gadgets.

Zheng Qing has heard of this association, and it seems that its full name is the "Young Hunters Association". Members must have more than one experience in hunting monsters. Invitations were also issued to young public finance students.

Zheng Qing is very thankful that he did not join these associations casually.

After all, not everyone has the courage to shout the slogan of the second-time explosion in full view.

Wagging its tail, the black cat got rid of the encirclement of other dolls, passed through the gaps in the bushes, and ran straight to the book mountain hall.

He hasn't forgotten own destination yet.

Compared with other places on campus, the atmosphere near Shushan Pavilion is much more lively.

It has been more than a month since the school started, and the midterm exam is not far away from everyone. Although the midterm exam of the semester will not affect the promotion exam at the end of the school year, as a periodic summary, most professors will award a lot of points in this exam.

Many hard-working students are already preparing for phased sprints, and the library is the perfect place to learn.

The black cat walked briskly past the figures lined up one after another, and arrived at the door on the first floor of Shushan Pavilion in the blink of an eye.

Just as he was about to slip in through the crack of the door, a wooden stick stood in his way.

Zheng Qing is very familiar with the appearance of the stick.

When he patrolled Linzhong Lake at night, he would also hold such a stick in his hand. This is the standard equipment of the first major school staff.

"Have you brought your student card or faculty ID?" The school worker guarding the gate looked at the black cat with a tigery face.

"Oh?" Zheng Qing stared at the janitor with big innocent eyes.

"That's not how cats cry..." The janitor's face was full of black lines, the wooden stick in his hand paused on the stone slab, and he made a threatening sound: "If you bring your ID, go to the line... stand at the end of the line. "

"If you can't even line up, what's the use of you entering the library?" Another younger school worker came over and looked at the black cat with a smile: "You look a little just recently Did you learn Transfiguration?"

Zheng Qing's beard drooped slowly.

Oh, he forgot again, this is No. 1 University, no one will let down their vigilance against a strange black cat.

"You can't enter the library without a card." The old school worker looked at the black cat solemnly, and waved his hand: "Go back and bring your ID first."

The black cat sniffled, shook its beard, looked at the densely packed talismans and formations engraved on the library gate not far away, and finally gave up its plan to sneak in quietly.

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