Hunting High School

Chapter 66: The Birth Of A Psychopath

How does it feel to be a cat?

This is a very subjective question.

For people who are addicted to cats and rely on cats to reshape their lives, becoming a cat may be the gospel of God; but for a person with a sound personality and healthy life habits, the feeling of becoming a cat is a bit subtle .

Zheng Qing squeezed her chin, recalling the vague experience of being a cat during the day, and felt that this question was not easy to answer.

"Becoming a cat will give you a feeling of being out of bondage, a feeling of freedom." He hesitated, trying to choose the right words in his answer: "Of course, a cat's perspective is different from a human's perspective..."

"A little deeper, a little deeper." Xiao Xiao impatiently interrupted Zheng Qing's pale description, waving the brush in his hand, and emphasized: "Deep into your own memory, find more specific and detailed pictures... such as today What did you do when you were a cat?"

The wooden bench under the tree-lined road immediately appeared in Zheng Qing's mind.

And that pretty smile.

And the soft embrace.

A layer of steam involuntarily appeared on his face.

"Why are you blushing?" Xiao Xiao lowered his head, his eyes shot from the top of the glasses frame, and examined the public fee student in front of him.

"Rejuvenating." Zheng Qing didn't know which muscle was wrong in his brain, so he opened his mouth to talk.

"Why is it yellow again..." Xiao Xiao twitched the corner of his mouth, and continued to ask in a very cooperative manner.

"The wax was applied in cold weather." The young public finance student finally got rid of the charming picture in his mind, and looked at the big doctor in front of him with a smile, with a flattering expression on his face: "What time is it? Is it time for dinner? Would you like me to help you?" Do you bring food?"

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"No hurry, no hurry, I'll talk about the meal later... Let's talk about what you did when you were a cat first." Xiao Xiao put the brush on the inkstone, folded his arms, and leaned back, saying goodbye He looked at the young public finance student in front of him with interest, and guessed:

"You don't have the habit of lying, and your behavior just now was a bit too much... So, you must have done something shameful... Could it be that you entered the girls' dormitory and saw something you shouldn't have seen?"

"Nonsense!" Zheng Qing jumped up from the chair like a cat with fur.

"It's really wrong." Xiao Xiao squeezed his chin and nodded again and again: "The defensive magic of the girls' dormitory is more than ten times that of the boys' side... If you don't get an invitation, even a male ant can't crawl in... Male ants, Male... have you become a female cat?"

"You just became a female cat!" Zheng Qing rolled his eyes and replied angrily, "Brother is male from head to toe, bah bah, he is a man from head to toe!"

Xiao Xiao finally gave up the idea of ​​taking the answer directly from Zheng Qing's mouth.

But he did not give up his plan to continue to obtain first-hand information about the experience of transfiguration from young public finance students.

He opened his own notebook and shook his head: "I didn't want to be so troublesome..."

Zheng Qing stared at him suspiciously, wondering what the great doctor was up to.

"Ahem." Xiao Xiao cleared his throat, and stopped asking Zheng Qing about his feelings after becoming a cat, but began to systematically and self-introduce information about transformation magic.

"...Transfiguration is a kind of profound magic..."

"...Because this spell involves both the distortion of the soul and the reshaping of matter."

"Deep in every wizard's heart, there is their unique belief and projection... When this belief is projected into reality through magic, it will unconsciously guide the wizard to become an existence that suits their wishes."

"Whether it's a mouse, or a bug... or a tree that never moves, just stands alone in the wilderness."

"Can a wizard turn into a tree?" Zheng Qing couldn't help interrupting the doctor's soliloquy, and said curiously: "I remember when Professor Yi told me about the concept of the transformation potion, he mentioned that I can only turn into a tree." In the second zodiac..."

"To be precise, it's some zodiac signs, some insects, and a very small number of cold-blooded animals." Xiao Xiao nodded: "The transfiguration of the plant system is a rare and ancient spell, and the relevant inheritance involves belief and long-term unique cultivation. …Historically, these wizards were known as 'druids'."

"Transfiguration, which is self-cultivated, can temporarily distort the projection deep in the heart, allowing wizards to have a wider range of deformation options... Legend has it that some wizards can even achieve ever-changing, even kaleidoscopic achievements."

"And the transfiguration technique cast by potion will only turn into a certain kind of fixed creature according to your characteristics..."

"I've never felt like a cat." Zheng Qing took out his own black donkey's hooves from the gray cloth bag, and replied sullenly while playing with them.

"This is your business... In short, magic can never go wrong." Dr. Xiao shrugged, instead of continuing to argue on this issue, he continued to analyze patiently:

"According to the 'Law of Conservation of Soul', in a multi-dimensional environment, the soul mass of a three-dimensional biological transformation is constant, and this value is about between 304 and 305 powers of e...Because of the natural instability of dimensions, this value is always With slight fluctuations, the wizards are temporarily unable to obtain a precise number."

"...This means that even if you become a cat, the quality of your soul will not decrease... So your cat must have intelligence and abilities that far exceed those of ordinary wild cats."

Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly.

That's right.

A cat that can understand human language and has logical thinking ability must be extremely intelligent.

So far, the young public finance students have listened with gusto.

Xiao Xiao is indeed a big boss with the title of doctor.

This explanation turned out to be much deeper than what Professor Yi mentioned.

"... Correspondingly, after the transformation, although the wizard's self-awareness will not be interrupted—that is to say, after the normal transformation, the wizard will always maintain himself—but his related aesthetics and preferences will be close to the transformed creature. "

"Like you turned into a cat."

"Then not only your appearance is a cat, but your preferences and aesthetics will also be closer to cats... This is the result of the interaction between cat personality and personality."

"At this time, although you have not completely turned into a cat, you must be very different from the original you. You are no longer a pure human being."

"This is also the main reason why Transfiguration is listed as a high-risk spell by the Wizarding Union."

"Without a strong soul and a firm will, wizards would be driven mad by the sense of division between different species before and after transformation."

"Actually, according to the classification of Bai Ding, any wizard who has learned Transfiguration is a 100% schizophrenic patient... It's just that the severity of the schizophrenia is different."

Huh? !

Zheng Qing blinked, weighed the black donkey's hoof in his hand, thinking whether to smash it into the face of the four-eyed frog in front of him.

Why did he suddenly become mentally ill?

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