Hunting High School

Chapter 67 Deformation Sequelae

"So, please calm down now and reorganize your own memory... I think you can definitely think of something different."

At some point, Xiao Xiao took out a pocket watch, hung it on his hand, and dangled it in front of Zheng Qing, like a hypnotist, chant:

"Take a deep breath...exhale slowly...relax...inner piece..."

"Exclude those impressive pictures."

"Look carefully in images where you thought you were behaving a human being re-watching what you did as a cat."

"It's a very important thing for you to re-anchor your identity, to revise your sense of self."

Zheng Qing originally wanted to laugh when he saw Xiao Xiao's funny behavior.

But gradually, his eyelids became a little heavy, his breathing began to slow down following the guidance of the doctor, and his brain became ethereal instead.

Every move he made when he became a cat flashed before his eyes like a revolving lantern.

The first time I saw the black cat in the mirror, the first time I slipped out of the dormitory along the cliff, the first time I climbed the big tree to chase the squirrel, and the warm bench in the sun, and the soft embrace.

Between these impressive pictures, there are many small and broken memories - they were all hidden in the depths of the memory sea, as hard to touch as the krill shoals on the seabed.

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But with Zheng Qing's subconscious capture, the krill group seemed to have encountered a predating blue whale, and fled in panic. Those tiny memories are like the first flashes of lanterns in the dark night, lighting up one by one in my mind.

With a constipated expression, Zheng Qing recalled the memories he subconsciously ignored.

Fight with puppies!

Bully the mouse!

lick paws!


If the first two things can be covered up with words such as 'childlike innocence' or 'childlike feelings', the latter two things have completely broken through the bottom line of the young wizard.

"Ugh..." He jumped up from the large armchair, rushed in through the door, rushed into the bathroom, and began to vomit profusely.

This move was obviously a bit beyond Dr. Xiao Da's expectation.

When the young public finance student turned pale and leaned out against the wall, Xiao Xiao asked in a probing tone: "It seems that you have remembered something?"

"Ouch..." Zheng Qing turned around and rolled into the bathroom again.



It wasn't until it was completely dark that the young public finance student finally calmed down a little.

But he still had a toothbrush in his mouth, his face was numb, and he rubbed it once and for all, completely ignoring the string of toothpaste foam that had dried up at the corner of his mouth.

"When you turned into a cat, you were a cat; now you have turned back into a human! Don't confuse this premise." Xiao Xiao had already figured out what happened based on the young wizard's reaction and the habits of felines. He couldn't help persuading him earnestly: "Think in the right direction in everything... If even turning into a cat is so unbearable for you, then those senior wizards who turned into dung beetles should commit suicide!"

Dung beetle, also known as dung beetle, Coleoptera Dung beetidae...

As soon as this entry floated through Zheng Qing's mind, he felt a burning sensation in his throat, and then with the sound of 'vomit', he rushed into the bathroom again.

"Shut up... don't talk..."

When the young public fee student slapped the desk again, he softly warned Dr. Xiao Da who was not far away, his face pale.

Xiao Xiao shrugged, held up his own notebook, and recited a poem aloud:

"If Life deceived you..."

"If Life deceives you, don't be sad, don't be impatient... Calmness is needed in blue days!"

"Believe it, happy days will come!"

"I'm very calm now." The young Gongfei was furious, but his eyes were like a sharp knife, gouging the doctor's body back and forth, one knife left, one knife right.

Xiao Xiao was a little hairy from being stared at by him, and finally raised his hand to signal reconciliation.

"I'm not to blame for this." Dr. Xiao put away his notebook and shrugged: "I just reminded you of what need to face the reality bravely."

"Hmph." Zheng Qing sneered twice.

"Okay, tell you the truth, Professor Yi told me to do this." Xiao Xiao finally betrayed the boss behind him helplessly: "He called me to the office yesterday and arranged this for me." The task...he also rewarded me with a credit."

"Why..." Zheng Qing sat up a little bit, looking a little dazed: "Could it be to disgust me?"

"Disgusting you?!" Xiao Xiao's eyes widened. "You are just a freshman... Even if you have won a third-level Merlin Medal... Which professor would find you to have fun in his spare time!"

A blush appeared on Zheng Qing's pale cheeks.

Fortunately, the doctor did not continue to taunt him, but patiently explained: "Transfiguration is a very complicated magical project, and it includes a series of extremely risky operations."

"It's not that you drink that potion before going to bed, sleep, change your shape, and everything will be fine... If so, this magic will not be included in the ranks of advanced magic by the Wizards Union."

"That is to say, at the First University, there is guardian formation. After you drink the potion, you can sleep peacefully. You don't need to worry about the invasion of foreign demons or evil spirits. You don't have to worry about someone taking advantage of the fire and killing you after your transformation. Put it in a cage and sell it."

"Of course, even so, you still need to pay attention to the sequelae of deformation."

Zheng Qing heard the deep meaning behind these words, and a layer of cold sweat could not help but break out on his forehead.

"Sequelae?" His voice was a little dry.

"It's not a big trouble." Seemingly aware of Zheng Qing's uneasiness, Xiao Xiao comforted him, "It's the impact of transformed creatures on self-awareness...Under Mundell's law, your self-awareness will not be lost, but it will be It is slightly affected. For example, preferences, Life habits, etc., there may be slight deviations compared with the past."

"The same goes for the memory you lost just now."

"Obviously your subconscious doesn't want to face this... so bury those memory fragments deep in your memory."

"It's very bad, very bad."

"According to Professor Yi's explanation, if you are timid to face yourself for a long time, those hidden memory fragments may condense, and a new soul projection will be born under the shadow of your subconscious... At that time, you will be truly spiritual. split."

Zheng Qing was dumbfounded.

The toothbrush in his mouth almost fell into his collar without noticing it.

"If you feel that your mouth has been cleaned, then get dressed quickly. We are going to the Federation of Associations to submit relevant work reports." Xiao Xiao glanced at the feeble student with a pale face, and snorted.

"A meeting..." Zheng Qing muttered, for some reason, a large group of cats squatting behind the conference table appeared in his mind.

Suppressing the discomfort rolling in his throat, he rubbed his cold face vigorously: "I remember that the work report should have been submitted yesterday... Why are you going now? Did I remember the wrong time?... Also, why did I You have to follow. According to the constitution of the knight order, you are responsible for these matters.”

"No, you didn't remember the wrong time. Yesterday I was dragged to the office by Professor Yi, so I missed the time to submit the report... The office asked me to make up the report today, and I was on night shift." Dr. Xiao Da dragged Zheng Qing to Walking outside the dormitory, he replied without raising his head: "As for's already ten o'clock in the evening, you won't forget to go on patrol at night, right?"

"Ah!" Zheng Qing woke up like a dream.

The short cat life during the day made him feel a sense of space-time confusion until now, and he almost forgot this important thing.

Before going out, he thought of something again, turned around and rushed back to the dormitory.

"I still want to tell Ling Guo about the timeline." Zheng Qing dug out a stack of materials from the drawer of the desk, and shook his head at the curious doctor: "... I asked several professors about the timeline of Linguo before." Things, the professors said that such deep-seated lesions are difficult to completely eradicate, so let me chat with Xiao Linguo to see what he thinks."

"Speaking of which, I don't know where the other two animals in the dormitory went." Xiao Xiao closed the door of the dormitory forcefully, complaining: "Dylan's activities at night are understandable... Where is Fatty? There has been no one since morning..."

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