Hunting High School

Chapter 147: The First Thing When Entering The Hunting Ground

Zheng Qing didn't know what the 'secret garden' meant to a hunting team, but this didn't prevent him from feeling the strong sense of pride in the blue-robed wizard's tone.

It's just that Deng Xiaojian didn't give him a chance to ask questions. Instead, he changed the subject and asked a few apologetic hunters:

"The second step of training is to strengthen your understanding of the hunting ground... What do you think is the primary task of the hunting team after entering the hunting ground?"

The mission of the hunting team to enter the hunting ground?

Zheng Qing scratched his head and glanced at Zhang Jixin.

Young public finance students are very self-aware. Although his first feeling was that it was time to hunt after entering the hunting ground, his intuition told him that it was not that simple.

Sure enough, Zhang Da Elder gave a very different answer.

"We should first establish a defensive position," the red-faced wizard changed his rough and simple response in the battle, and said a very conservative answer: "After entering the new hunting ground, the hunting team should first establish a base to provide guarantee for subsequent missions... …The base should include safe houses, large-scale monster search equipment, fixed defense formations, additional baggage, etc.”

"This is a response method only for large-scale hunting activities." Deng Xiaojian nodded, then shook his head, and vetoed: "You are just newcomers... The school will not arrange hunting for you for more than one day. In this case, you Something more aggressive should be done."

As he spoke, he turned his gaze to other people, trying to find other answers.

"You should do a comprehensive self-examination first." Xiao Xiao's answer made Zheng Qing completely puzzled.

"Self-check?" Deng Xiaojian seemed a little surprised by the answer: "Check what?"

he asked in a curious tone.

"Check the status of the dharma book, check whether the spells and talismans can be activated normally, check whether the efficacy of the medicine has changed...etc." Xiao Xiao pressed his notebook, his tone was very serious: "At the Baghdad Invitational Tournament in 1991, Hussein Because the hunting team did not do a complete self-inspection beforehand, when a large number of magic props failed, they were easily hanged by the Sam hunting team..."

"Oh, oh, this matter." Deng Xiaojian was stunned: "Indeed, whenever a hunting team enters a new world, the first thing the hunters have to do is to test whether their own magic, talismans, formations, etc. are still in place. efficient."

"Many hunting grounds with harsh conditions will impose various restrictions on the environment. For example, the full version of 'Yin Qilei' can kill a big monster on Buji Island, but in some hunting grounds, it can only make people feel scalp numb , The hairs exploded."

"This is because the hunting grounds need to simulate actual combat to the greatest extent... In actual situations, monsters are very good at introducing wizards into an environment that is not suitable for them to cast spells. Of course, the most thorough implementation of this requirement is those who conquer new worlds Hunters, they pay special attention to the effect of magic in different worlds."

"However, for a new hunting team, it is indeed very important to develop good habits at the very beginning, and you need to write this down." While adding nagging, Deng Xiaojian instead He took out a small notebook and drew a few strokes.

Zheng Zheng stared blankly at him.

"This, did you not think of it..." The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team felt that it was necessary for him to confirm this matter.

"Haha, how come! I just want to see how far you have reached..." Deng Xiaojian touched the back of his head, laughed loudly twice, and forcibly continued the previous topic: "Is there any more? Do you think that after entering the hunting ground What is the first thing to do?"

"Maybe we should tidy up our attire." Dylan raised his hands, his expression a little melancholy: "I heard that demons are more interested in disheveled wizards because of their chaotic if you dress neatly, you should be able to go from To some extent, it reduces our risk when facing demons."

"Gah?!" Deng Xiaojian was dumbfounded.

"You should eat first when entering the hunting ground!" Xin Fatty also actively answered this question: "It is very important to maintain a good mood and physical fitness in the hunting ground... and the only thing that can satisfy these two things at the same time is food."

This answer made the interim coach of the Forgiveness Hunt completely silent.

Zheng Qing smiled dryly, and reminded cautiously: "So...senior, what do you think the first thing we should do after we enter the hunting ground?"

"I think, before entering the hunting ground, you all should go to the school hospital and prescribe 'Qing Xin San' to stop those weird thoughts in your mind..." Deng Xiaojian sighed deeply.

Obviously, this is a bad joke.

Zheng Qing was very cooperative and let out a few hahas.

It's just that no one else joined in, so he quickly shut his mouth.

Deng Xiaojian raised his index finger, waved it in the air, and continued: "...the first thing after entering the hunting ground, you need to get to know the hunting ground."

"From the basic size of the hunting ground, to the topography and landform, to the basic environment, temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, etc., every detail must be well known... This is the responsibility of the assistant hunter."

As he spoke, he glanced at Xiao Xiao and smiled.

"Understood." Dr. Xiao Da raised the brush in his hand, signaling that he understood.

"There are a few commonly used mantras here. For example, 'Dingzhifangzhong' is used to determine the orientation - at the turn of October, when the star is fixed in the evening, it is suitable to determine the orientation; another example is 'Kuizhi' which is used to measure the time of the shadow of the sun. With the sun', most of the time, this spell is more reliable than the timers in your hands; of course, there is also the most commonly used 'Tianwei Xiansi, the daily supervisor is here', which is used to monitor the four directions and ensure that there is no trouble in the hunting ground. It's within your grasp."

"Of course, there is monitoring magic, and naturally there is counter magic... We can learn about these details later."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"In addition to these common spells, you will also use several basic skills when you first enter the hunting ground."

"For example, 'Jingweige', maybe some of you will have read this term from professional journals such as "Glorious Hunting Road"..."

Zhang Jixin agreed loudly, expressing that he knew.

"...The basic significance of Jingweige is that the positions of hunters, prey and other competitors can be determined through the horizontal and vertical coordinates set by the hunting team, which can provide very effective help for the hunting team to accurately locate the entire hunting ground. "

"The origin of the coordinates set up by most hunting teams is where they entered the hunting ground... This method can also effectively prevent other hunting teams from stealing the hunting information you communicate with each other... You know, whether it is 'birds chirping' Or paper cranes, they are not as safe as they appear."

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