Hunting High School

Chapter 148: Details Matter

"Now that you know the hunting ground, what should you do next?"

Deng Xiaojian glanced around with an inquiring gaze.

Zheng Qing hesitated, and replied: "...Can you start hunting?"

"A non-nutritive answer." Deng Xiaojian shook his head: "From the moment you entered the hunting ground, you were in a state of hunting... It's not just hunting with magic bindings or suppressing monsters with talismans."

"All the preparatory work you did in the early stage is part of the hunt."

This sentence seems very reasonable.

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth, but did not refute.

"It's time to send hunters," Zhang Jixin arranged confidently, "The hunters need to go deep into the hunting ground as soon as possible to provide accurate information for the hunting team's next decision... In addition, the hunters should also start to delineate the range of own cruising to prevent the hunters." those prying eyes all around us."

"East? South? West? North? Northeast? Southwest? The hunting ground is so big, where do the hunters start searching? Where is the key direction?" Deng Xiaojian immediately asked the next question.

The apologetic chief hunter frowned, thought for a moment, and then slowly replied: "Then, before sending out the hunter... maybe I should burn a piece of tortoise shell?"

Burning a piece of tortoise shell means to let fortune tellers make some simple predictions.

This is wizard slang.

In ancient times, wizards judged good luck by burning the plastron of white tortoise or the shoulder blade of bison, and then judging the omens on the back of the bone.

This is one of the first divination methods mastered by wizards, so burning oracle bones has gradually become synonymous with divination.

"Oracle bones can be burned, and crystal balls and tarot cards can also be read, but you need to use the correct spells." As he spoke, Deng Xiaojian flicked his fingers in the void, leaving behind a colorful spell: "Everything is clear."

"This is a spell used to gain insight into Monster Qi."

"In modern hunting grounds, most hunting teams like to use the concept of 'Monster Qi' to distinguish the difference between monsters and ordinary spirit beasts—the one with chaotic breath, violent and fierce, is Monster Qi—this is easy to distinguish."

"Monsters have strengths and weaknesses, and Monster Qi naturally has its own distinction."

"Weak ones, such as 'softball monsters', have no mouth, nose, eyes, limbs, round and round, no different from a softball, they can only bounce and hit wizards, and live by the little wizard breath they get... They belong to the lowest existence of monsters , so their Monster Qi is defined as 'strength 1'."

"Slightly stronger ones, such as those wild monsters produced by polluting large animals such as tigers, leopards, wolves, eagles, eagles, falcons, etc., not only inherit the keen intuition and skilled hunting skills of wild beasts, but also strengthen the ferocity and violence of monsters. Very high... as the bases of these creatures vary widely, their Monster Qi tends to hover between 'strength 2' and 'strength 9'."

"In addition, there is the Wild Monster King with Monster Qi'Strength 10'... Any group of monsters, their leader, the Monster Qi of the Wild Monster King can basically reach the level of 'Strength 10', infinitely close to the 'True Monster' 'level—that is, what we usually call a 'registered wizard' level monster, is very dangerous, but the points it brings are also very impressive."

"As for monsters with Monster Qi'strength 10+' and above, it is impossible to encounter them in the freshman competition, so you don't need to pay attention to this part for the time being."

Deng Xiaojian spoke very fast when explaining.

Zheng Qing has also given up manually recording every word he says. He had already taken out the shorthand quill pen he bought at Green's grocery store some time ago from the gray cloth bag, and threw it on the notebook, making it spit desperately.

In the distance, there were long howls one after another from the depths of the hunting ground, as if the hunters of Judgment were greeting in some hidden language.

Deng Xiaojian frowned when he heard it, and took out the timer to check the time.

"Well, our hunting team is going to the next step of training..." He put away the timer and took a deep breath: "Then I will finally emphasize to you the few precautions mentioned before..."

"First of all, on the hunting ground, you must always pay attention to temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and most importantly, time. These variables will constantly affect your performance and the momentum of the monsters, so don't ignore any details."

"You must remember that in the hunting ground, the details determine success or failure."

"Secondly, I also mentioned before that you must pay attention to the environment when using spells on the hunting ground. You can expand this one."

"For example, 'Great Sunrise, Gentle Valley Breeze', in addition to being a comprehensive buff-type magic, it can also provide you with side effects such as drying your clothes and lighting at night. But this spell must not be used in rainy weather, especially in rainy weather. It is used in cloudy and rainy weather at night... It does not mean that it will not work in this environment, but using this spell in rainy weather, while it consumes more mana, the effect will be greatly reduced, and it is easy to punish the spell backlash."

"It should be noted that in the hunting ground, any trace of magic power is a very important strategic resource, and it must not be wasted casually."

"The last thing is about hunting animals, or hunting birds."

"Many hunting teams will have one or more hunting beasts to help hunters search for prey, guard the surroundings, and assist in hunting. These hunting beasts are usually animal companions raised by wizards and need to be trained... Canines, cats, falcons And other varieties are the best."

"If your hunting team has suitable animals, you can bring them with you when you come next time. Judgment has professional trainers who can do some simple training for it, which is enough for you to use in the freshman competition."

"I believe that there is absolutely no one else in the new hunting team with hunting animals except you." Deng Xiaojian smiled confidently: "This will definitely help you gain a huge advantage in the hunting ground."

Zheng Qing hissed, and immediately turned to look at the own team members.

"I don't have any animal companions." Dylan immediately raised his hand and said jokingly, "Most animals don't like the smell on me...and it's hard for me to be friendly enough to them on a full moon night, so... ..."

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As he spoke, he shrugged, expressing helplessness.

Zheng Qing turned his head to look at the other person.

"I don't have either." Xin Fatty shook his fat palm, his tone a little frustrated: "My family is always worried that I will stew my own animal companions to eat meat, so they have always opposed me raising them... But what do you think of Tuantuan? It has a good relationship with us."

Zheng Qing thought of the grumpy and lazy orange cat in the dormitory, who was eating and drinking, and shook his head immediately.

"Impossible, impossible, it definitely doesn't have the willpower to hunt animals." While denying this suggestion, the young public finance student turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao.

Before he could speak, Dr. Xiao raised his eyebrows: "Why, you still want to use an old tortoise as a hunting animal? Can it crawl! I think the effect of divination may be more prominent if it is peeled off."

There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

Zheng Qing couldn't help sighing.

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