Hunting High School

Chapter 171: The Extra Number Of The School Newspaper

Our newspaper has an urgent report at noon on Monday, September 23rd (October 21st in the Baiding calendar) in Wuyuan, Phuket Island:

Ms. Su Shijun, a well-known witch in the wizarding world, the current member of the Council under the Moon, an outstanding graduate of the First University, and an outstanding contemporary representative of the Qingqiu Su Clan, officially confirmed at the school today: the child’s nickname is Neptune, and now he lives with his father in the First University Among the universities.

Ms. Su Shijun was recently invited by our school to attend the opening ceremony of the annual "College Cup" as a distinguished guest of the next month's council. At the further invitation of Dean Yao Xiaomi of Jiuyou College, a simple meeting was held this morning in Room 601, East Teaching Building, and a series of issues that everyone concerned about recently were explained.

The first-year freshmen of class 08-1 of Tianwen had the honor to participate in this meeting.

Ms. Su wore a red robe today, and she drove lightly, followed by only a personal maid, showing her usual approachable style.

The meeting was hosted by Ms. Su's personal maid, Su Ya.

Su Ya is a maid from a typical family. The style is rigorous and the words are serious. Although short in stature, he has a strong aura. In the process of hosting the meeting, she was always able to see all directions and listen to all directions, and blocked all unnecessary harassment for Councilor Su.

——The existence of "mysterious characters" is finally confirmed.

Ms. Su Shijun revealed for the first time that she was married and had a son in a response to the Duke of Milton in early August. However, no further evidence was found to prove the above statement in the multi-party investigation by many reporters. Therefore, it was once rumored that Ms. Su Shijun was only unable to bear the troubles of her suitors, so she made such a bad strategy to curb rumors with rumors.

In today's meeting, Ms. Su reconfirmed the authenticity of this news:

"The child's father, I won't disclose his name...but I can tell everyone that he is at No. 1 University."

This answer came in the second half of the meeting, when the fifth question was asked.

Ms. Su Shijun's expression was very serious, and her tone was very affirmative, without any perfunctory due to the age and status of the wizards present.

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"I think the goddess' answer has fully explained everything!" A certain wizard surnamed Duan from Tianwen 08-1 class told our reporter excitedly in an interview after the meeting: "Those who suspect that Goddess Su is playing tricks on the so-called The 'source' should be able to completely shut up now!"

Of course, in this meeting, Ms. Su did not make any further explanation on the identity of the man.

Xiao Xiao, a special commentator of our newspaper, who was enrolled in Tianwen 08-1 class, said in the subsequent analysis that according to Ms. Su Shijun's standard, there are about 27 young wizards in the First University who have the possibility to become "mysterious characters". . (A list of relevant personnel is attached at the end of the article)

"If you take into account the attribute of 'bringing children', there may be fewer qualified wizards." Xiao Xiao further said: "The First University is not big, but it is not small. There are many drunk Hearts Demon Young wizards who don't study law rarely appear in the public eye. I think they're more likely to be 'mysterious figures'."

"Of course, according to the standards of most wizards in the wizarding world, let alone the first university, the entire Phuket Island, or even the entire wizarding world, there is not a single person who can meet the standard." At the end of the interview, Xiao Xiao smiled made such an explanation.

——The child's baby name is 'Nepton'.

Another focus of public attention in this "birth event" is Ms. Su Shijun's newly born child. This is also one of the important contents of today's meeting.

"The child has a baby name, Neptune...he has always been with his father." Ms. Su Shijun informed the above information when answering students' questions. (Because of the language, the reporter of this newspaper cannot judge the specific gender of the child from Ms. Su's answer, but judging from the baby name, here we temporarily use 'he', hereby explain)

Neptune (neptune), the Latin term 'neptunus', is one of the twelve main gods of Rome. The temple was established near the racetrack in 25 BC. In charge of oceans, storms, earthquakes, and horses, it is the etymology of Neptune.

In divination, this word has strong sensibility, represents hazy and vague fantasy, heralds sacrifice and redemption, symbolizes those elf-like mysteriousists, and is the guardian star of Pisces.

In astrology, Neptune circles the Yellow Dao Palace in about 164 years, staying in each constellation for 14 years. Wizards refer to this mysterious being by a fork with three arrows.

In potions, neptune refers to some difficult-to-diagnose disorders. Examples include unusual allergies, psychosomatic disorders of spiritual origin, sleep disorders, seasonal hallucinations, and clairvoyance. At the same time, in some witch doctor studies, it also refers to the two body organs of 'feet' and 'pineal gland'.

To sum up, this is a name with rich meanings and unclear meanings.

It is difficult for us to know more information just through such a word. Perhaps this is why Ms. Su Shijun gave the child such a baby name-of course, this does not affect our judgment whether the child really exists.

In this round of question and answer, there was also a touching scene.

The girl representative of Tianwen 08-1 class, Jiang Yu, and the witches of the first university Su Shijun's support team, sent a sincere blessing to the "Nepton" child who had never met before. Crane's blessing bottle.

"Everyone wants to send you the best wishes." Jiang Yu said when presenting the blessing bottle.

Ms. Su Shijun was very moved, but she refused another witch surnamed Li who took the opportunity to ask her to reveal the man's name.

—They are all too old for me.

In this meeting, Ms. Su also responded to a series of controversial topics.

"Which one do you prefer, the Duke of Milton or Prince Wilhelm?" Zheng Qing, a public-funded student of Jiuyou College and the famous winner of the Merlin Medal, asked such a tricky question to Ms. Su Shijun in the special questioning session.

As we all know, the Duke of Milton, who was born in the Karen family, and Prince Wilhelm, who was born in the Potter family, have been the strongest competitors in the pursuit of Ms. Su Shijun for a long time.

Although the two were unfortunately defeated by a certain mysterious wizard, they had to admit that these two outstanding young nobles in the next month's council were on equal terms in terms of status and ability, and it was difficult to distinguish between them.

To such embarrassment, Ms. Su Shijun replied wittily and politely: "For me, they are too old. I don't like them... Relatively speaking, I appreciate young talents like you more."

This kind of reply caught our young Merlin Medal recipient by surprise, and as a result, after the meeting, he was ridiculed and ridiculed by many young wizards-it is difficult for us to distinguish how much of it is a reaction of envy and how much of it is jealousy.

It must be admitted that an 18-year-old recipient of the Order of Merlin is qualified to receive such an evaluation from Councilman Su.

Matthew Karen, who is also studying in Jiuyou College Astronomy Class 08-1, is the nephew of the Duke of Milton, and he performed quite well at the meeting. Regarding Ms. Su Shijun's above remarks, he declined to comment, and said that "the relevant situation is still under investigation."

There are two young wizards in the Karen family studying at the First University.

The other is Friedman Bu Laike Karen, known as 'Sir', a young outstanding wizard who inherited the two noble surnames of the Bu Laike family and the Karen family. He is now the vice president of the student union of Alpha College of First University , the vice president of the Veteran Society of the First University, and the general director of the extreme bloodline wizard society '3a Society'.

Our correspondents were unable to find any presence of jazz in the residences of the above-mentioned associations and societies. It is said that he is doing tactical training for the hunting team for the upcoming hunting game of the 'Academy Cup'. Therefore, the reporter randomly interviewed some students of Alpha Academy.

A young wizard from the Alpha Academy, who did not want to be named, said: "For nobles under the moon, the age division of wizards has no reference for them."

"For example, newborn babies of the zombie race are often tens or even hundreds of years old according to their age, but their mental state is as clean as a sheet of paper, which is no different from that of a newly born wizard baby. Similarly, there are also pure blood races, such as their The toddler, who has only been in infancy for a hundred years, can't enter the first university at the age of eighteen... Naturally, the Fox Clan is also like this."

Although Ms. Su Shijun's age is listed as "twenty-five years old" in the personal resume published by the Parliament next month, but according to the analysis of many experts, this age does not fully meet Ms. Su's personal situation.

"Ten years ago, when the little girl from the Su family (referring to Ms. Su Shijun) came to the First University, she looked like this... If I have to say something has changed, it would be her personality. That little girl was still very naive back then. .”

The above statement comes from a wandering wizard on the pedestrian street of Beta Town. Although his name has been listed in the "Suspected Black Wizard Red List" of the First University Working Committee, it is undeniable that he has opened a shop outside the First University for a long time. history. Therefore, many old news about the students of the First University can get some content from him that we can't find in the archives.

At the meeting, Ms. Su Shijun, like other witches, responded with a mysterious smile to reporters' questions about her age.

As a supplement, Ms. Su happily shared some secrets of maintenance and beauty with the young witches of the First University in the follow-up answer.

(Due to limited space, the relevant shared content will not be presented outside this issue, and will be fully published in the next issue of the school newspaper)

Perhaps for many young wizards who were still lucky, today will be a sleepless day. But to the staunchest supporters of Senator Su, our First University, and indeed the entire wizarding world, tonight will be a day of congratulations.

Let us raise our glasses together and bless Neptune:

"Merlin bless you!"

(Published by our reporter Xin Banner Schmidt-Bayer on September 23rd, Wuyuan)

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