Hunting High School

Chapter 172 Zheng Qing's Trouble

The speed at which rumors spread among students is always unexpectedly fast.

It's as if they really have wings, can easily fly over countless obstacles, and slip into people's ears.

It seems that one minute ago, only two or three people knew about it. Five minutes later, the whole school had already started discussing it. In less than ten minutes, the whole First University was discussing these things.

Perhaps only the footsteps of the school newspaper reporter can keep up with the speed of these messages.

Of course, along with the speed on campus, there is also the degree of distortion of these messages. So much so that Zheng Qing once wondered whether the faster the news spreads, the lower its accuracy.

The news that Su Shijun held a small meet-and-greet at the school had spread throughout the entire First University less than ten minutes after the end of the spell class.

Every student who knows Astronomy Class 08-1 is swearing to tell their friends what Su Damei said in East 601 of the teaching building of the school.

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It's just that this kind of retelling will inevitably inadvertently lack some words in word of mouth. Let the accuracy of these messages be greatly reduced.

"What do you mean I have an ambiguous relationship with that beautiful woman?! We didn't say five words in total!" Zheng Qing frowned, and his tone was full of disbelief: "The person who said that has a zombie brain have you eaten?"

"Oh... you are a personal attack." Dylan shrugged and protested: "This is the first university, and casually labeling the zombies as eating human brains will easily lead to group incidents... I remember Some experts have analyzed that people who subconsciously believe that zombies eat human brains generally also think that werewolves like to eat human flesh and vampires always drink human blood."

"You know I didn't mean that!" Zheng Qing corrected angrily.

"That's why I didn't rush to knock out your teeth in the first place." It seems that only at this time, Mr. Vampire Werewolf can reveal some of his invisible factors belonging to the Star Academy.

Based on his usual image of a gentle and refined aristocrat, young public finance students often mistakenly think that he belongs to Alpha Academy.

"Aren't these facts?" Zheng Qing suddenly felt a toothache.

"It's because it's the truth, so I can't say it casually... This is a sensitive area." Dylan looked in the mirror, carefully polished his fangs with a small brush, and explained vaguely: "Some It's good to know things well...Speaking out will make everyone unhappy."

The young public fee student snorted heavily and turned his head to look out the window.

It was noon now, and the Charms class had just ended for over half an hour. The young public-funded student who got rid of all the booing from his classmates returned to the dormitory early, and didn't even have time to buy lunch.

Because he has been discussing with Deng Xiaojian about a series of follow-up training matters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, and there is still a lot of paper work to be done.

This also made him lucky to avoid all kinds of troubles after the rumors spread.

But there are some troubles that you can't avoid by pretending you can't see or hear them.

For example, the stack of envelopes that Dylan brought back after class has now been opened by the young public student and scattered on the desk.

These are invitations to a duel.

Part of it is also a challenge letter-of course, no matter which format, the purpose is very clear. The owner of each envelope will use very gentle and polite language to invite Zheng Qing to carry out the most brutal and bloody campaign.

You can't refuse casually!

The reason why young public finance students can receive these letters is also very simple.

It was what Su Shijun said at the end of the meeting.

"To me, they are all too old. I don't like them... Comparatively speaking, I admire young talents like you more!" Dylan stood in front of the mirror, repeating this sentence with a deep aria, Finally, he smacked his lips: "Did you offend Miss Su somewhere? I always feel that this sentence is full of some kind of 'maliciousness'?"


The scene of the little fox girl howling and crying immediately appeared in Zheng Qing's mind.

He shook his head immediately, clearing these images out of his mind.

If Su Ya had complained in front of Su Shijun, he would have been hung up and beaten by beautiful woman Su... There was absolutely no need to use such oblique methods.

The young public finance student thought to himself that the greater possibility might be because of the question he asked.

"Maybe the question I asked made her unhappy." Zheng Qing snorted sullenly.

"Never ask a witch to do multiple-choice questions in front of her." Dylan warned as someone who has experienced it: "Otherwise you will find that you will always have to make a choice in the end... I feel that just based on the words of Miss Su , half of the wizards in the school will rush over to challenge you one-on-one."

"Hehe." Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth: "At least half of the boys in the school have enough brains to tell right from wrong."

"No, no, no," Dylan denied, shaking the small brush in his hand, "The rest of the wizards don't know right from wrong, but they have self-knowledge... Anyway, you are also a public servant, from the legendary Kunlun , Mastered more than a thousand runes, won a Merlin Medal, and faced the "practical" wizard of the three-headed demon! It's really not easy for someone who doesn't have two brushes to make up his mind to send this challenge."

"I'm actually a 'practical' wizard too?!" Zheng Qing took a deep breath, not knowing what expression he should show: "Should I be happy about this?"

"Maybe you can keep going the way you were doing," Dylan suggested.

Zheng Qing also had this kind of treatment in the beginning of school. At that time he had not yet received the Order of Merlin, and was just a small, newly enrolled public-funded student. Most of the people who challenged him were freshmen, hoping to grab some glory from the public-funded students.

At that time, Zheng Qing adhered to the policy of avoiding if possible, and did not cause any major trouble in the end.

"If you can hide for a while, can you hide from the whole school?" Zheng Qing muttered, with a faint feeling of suffocation in his heart.

If he was a great wizard, I'm afraid there wouldn't be so many messy troubles.

While speaking, the dormitory door was kicked open heavily.

Xiao Xiao squeezed in through the door with a lot of food in his arms.

"Excuse me, who will help!" The doctor snorted, "Here is your lunch!"

"Where's Fatty?" Zheng Qing took the paper bag in his hand and said in surprise, "I remember asking him to help buy lunch..."

"He is working on a manuscript, and he plans to write an extra issue when the news is not fully fermented at noon." Xiao Xiao piled up the remaining paper bags on the desk, and took a breath: "Beauty Su's meeting... This is his Exclusive news. Maybe it can help him get rid of the word 'apprentice' and become an official reporter for the school newspaper."

"Indeed." Dylan nodded, showing an expression of approval, and said, "This news is more interesting to ordinary wizards than the report of the 'forgotten magicians in the northern part of Beta Town'."

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