Hunting High School

Chapter 201 Heart Q

"...'Queen' is good at runic text, she is accustomed to using Tai Dao, and her slashing moves are masterful. It is said that she has already broken through the limit of eight swords... In addition, although there are many rumors between her and Lei Zhe on campus, these news have not been confirmed. ..."

"Should we make an announcement to the whole school when we are in love?" Xin Fatty sneered and interrupted the doctor: "Not everyone has the courage to show love to Mr. Sima in class."

Xiao Xiao suddenly pulled his face down.

This black history has become a hurdle that he can't get over. Whenever he chats, he will be dragged out of the pile of old papers and beaten several times.

"This kind of news does not need to be verified deliberately." Seeing that there was a risk of conflict among the hunting team, Elder Zhang finally began to play his responsibility as the main hunter and made peace with him: "But what the doctor said is also reasonable... ...If there is no way to confirm the relationship between the two, other hunting teams will inevitably suffer when formulating tactics."

Zheng Qing nodded in agreement.

'Lei Zhe's Rumored Girlfriend' and 'Lei Zhe's Real Girlfriend' are two completely different concepts.

If it's the former, when the other hunting teams face her, they can pretend that they don't know the relationship between her and Lei Zhe, and can intercept, suppress, or even force them back at will; if it's the latter, the other hunting teams can face her Sometimes, it is inevitable that hands are tied up, and the room for manipulation is immediately much smaller.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"I didn't see Lei Zhe in the stands today." Lin Guo's weak voice sounded from the side: "If the two of them are really related, no matter what, Lei Zhe should come and take a look."

Xiao Xiao turned his head and gave him an appreciative glance.

"Say it as if you've been in love." Sim Fatty muttered.

Lin Guo blushed, and seemed to want to argue. But the blue bird resolutely stretched out its hand, pressed it on his head, rubbed it, and stopped his urge.

The little wizard immediately turned his attention to his rumpled hair, forgetting about the damned Fatty next to him.

Feeling that the surroundings became quiet again, Xiao Xiao spread out the notebook in his hand again, turned over a page, and continued to analyze.

"The two auxiliary hunters of the Red Peach Q Hunting Team..."



When the spectators in the stands around the No. 1 hunting ground started to yell and discuss with each other the performance of the hunting teams in the hunting ground, enjoying the moment of relaxation before the hunting match, in the hunting ground, the Red Peach Q hunting team had already deployed in a standard spiral formation. , quietly and skillfully focused on their respective tasks.

In the textbook, the appearance of the spiral formation is similar to the "Fermat spiral" - with the main hunter as the coordinate origin, the two auxiliary hunters are scattered left and right, standing at the starting center of the two spirals; the hunter and the safari Then search the hunting ground at a constant speed according to the direction of the two spirals, one in front and one in the back.

The advantage of this is that the hunting team can completely and rigorously 'plow' the hunting ground they are in, and will not be caught off guard by some sudden blows, which is very, very safe.

The disadvantage is that this set of tactics is too 'conservative', and the progress of both search and hunting seems a bit slow. For most aggressive hunting teams, unless they are facing smaller and hard-to-find opponents such as rat monsters and insect monsters, otherwise few people choose this tactic.

"Coordinates East 12, North 32, located at the foot of the northern mountain, there is a Monster Qi source reaction with an intensity of 35, moving north, moving slowly, temporarily numbered 01..."

"Coordinates North 21, West 18, located in the north-west direction, there is a Monster Qi source reaction with an intensity between 2 and 4, suspected of a small insect swarm, the danger level is low, and the temporary number is 02..."

"Coordinates West 14, South 31, there is a Monster Qi source with an intensity of 7 in the southwest direction, at the junction of the Great River Swamp and the southern wilderness, there is no sign of movement, the danger level is relatively high, and the temporary number is 03..."

A thin and small wizard was holding a Feng Shui compass, and while calculating the formula on the straw paper, he quickly reported the relevant parameters: "Now the hunting ground time is 9:36 in the morning, the temperature is 18 degrees, and it is still rising slowly. , there is a breeze in the northeast, and there are no other influential weather conditions, suitable for all kinds of spells around the clock... This should be because the Hunting Committee has adjusted the relevant modes for the sake of fairness."

"There are obvious warning magic fluctuations near the two Monster Qi reactions in No. 2 and No. 3, which are the hunting ranges delineated by other hunting teams...the strength of some of the fluctuations has reached the critical point of registered wizards. We should not start at the beginning of the game. quarrel with them."

"To sum up, the recommended target number is 1." Fang, the skinny wizard, took the Feng Shui compass in his hand, and finally concluded.

"There is a slight wind from the northeast, and we are just downwind of No. 1. In any case, we have already taken a little advantage." Another gray-haired wizard added in a deep voice: "...according to its moving speed , the hunting team is sure to intercept it within half an hour...and this is our first battle, in order to maintain the hunting team's confidence, I second the opinion of 'Prongs'."

After the two assistant hunters gave their opinions, they all looked at the queen standing between the horns of the elk.

"Moon face!!" Joan put one hand on her hip, held the knife in the other, and shook her head again and again: "Our invincible Heart Q! If you shrink your head when you encounter a little difficulty, you will be laughed at by everyone!"

The gray-haired wizard who was named gave a wry smile, and looked at the skinny wizard with a tangled expression.

His companion shook his head vaguely at him.

Moon Face finally bit the bullet and insisted: "...Maybe we can get rid of the prey number 1 first, and then turn it back..."

"The day lily was cold at that time!" The captain of Heart Q cast an annoyed glance at own's left and right assistants, and finally stomped his feet: "We don't look like each other, let's go!"

The elk raised its head and snorted, flicked its tail, and ran southwest.

"Where are you going?" The assistant hunter suddenly lost his composure, and shouted loudly: "Padfoot and Wormtail are still doing spiral searches around the periphery..."

"Naturally, we're going to hunt the strongest prey!" The queen's voice drifted with the wind, looking a little broken: "You...follow up...don't fall behind!"

The two assistant hunters looked at each other blankly, speechless.

In the end, the wizard code-named "Moon Face" opened the book, muttered softly, "Birds chirping, begging for their friends", and began to summon the hunters and hunters who had been thrown out.

"You know her temper... just follow along. Just let Padfoot pay attention to other hunting teams around later." You Bi, code-named Prongs, persuaded.

"Since you know, why did you tell her about the Monster Qi source with an intensity of 7?" Moon Face said in a somewhat dissatisfied tone, "We've discussed it before... Safety comes first in hunting competitions."

"You should be grateful to me," the skinny boy spread his hands, looking very innocent: "There is a Monster Qi source with an intensity of about 9 8 kilometers to the south, don't say you don't feel it...Since she can feel a strong force in that direction anyway... If she is arrogant, let's find her a slightly gentler opponent before she challenges that big guy on her own."

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