Hunting High School

Chapter 202 Tactical Selection In Hunting Mode

have such a soul

it loves the sun and the chase

on every bright day

it will scream

screaming over the hunting grounds


In the sky above Hunting Ground No. 1, "Monster Hunting in the Sun", an enduring classic hunting song in the wizarding world, floats. In the surrounding stands, young wizards dressed in various costumes came and went, singing this hunting song together under the unique soundtrack of their respective colleges, as if they wanted to compete with each other with their voices and momentum.

Zheng Qing sat in his own seat, holding the binoculars in one hand, squinting to watch the battle between the hunting team and the monsters in the hunting ground, and holding a licorice spicy ball lollipop in the other hand, with great relish—this is The snacks that Linguo dug out from his schoolbag, as the leader of the forgiveness hunting team, the young public finance student accepted this dedication without hesitation.

"Although I can understand it, I still think it's a bit weird." Zheng Qing smacked his lips, and looked at Queen Joan in the hunting ground wielding a Taisao to kill all directions, and exclaimed: "You said a girl with such gentle eyes, how can she move her hands?" Is it that cruel?"

"A Minor World away, can you see whether her eyes are gentle or not?" Xin Fatty complained in a hurry. Unlike Zheng Qing, he didn't accept the lollipop that Linguo kindly handed over, but picked out a small basket of fried clams from his watch, and started snapping them vigorously.

"Temperament, temperament, do you understand?" Zheng Qing gave him a disdainful look, then turned to Xiao Xiao and asked, "I said, where are their dharma books? The group of little mongoose monsters that the queen met just now, if you use As for the Binding Curse, it must be much safer to solve it than to chop her with a knife..."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Before Xiao Xiao could open his mouth, Xin Fatty was on the sidelines.

"Momentum, momentum, do you understand?" Fatty flicked a clam away with one finger, and said in an educational tone: "It seems that she is going to the group of sheep with horns in the she has been sharpening her knife all the way. , use the blood of those little monsters to water the fighting spirit and aura..."

Zheng Qing listened to this mysterious and mysterious argument, shrugged his shoulders, did not comment, but glanced at the doctor again.

Xiao Xiao really did not disappoint him.

"On the one hand, it's because of the speed... It takes less time to kill a goblin than to capture them alive."

Unlike the guys eating snacks next to him, Xiao Xiao has been holding up his binoculars and staring intently at the hunting game in the field, which makes his analysis more reliable: "On the other hand, it is also from saving spells and magic power. Considering the angle... Normally, on the hunting ground, each hunter is only allowed to carry one spell book, and considering the hunting needs, they can't use that kind of unusually thick spell book... so we can judge the spells they store Quantities are very limited.”

Zheng Qing bit the lollipop, nodded with a serious expression, deeply convinced.

The hunting mode used in the round robin is the "hunting mode".

Compared with the performative "hunting mode" at the opening ceremony, the "hunting mode" is closer to actual combat, so the rules and requirements are more complicated.

For example, purely in terms of competition, in the "hunting mode", the entire hunting game needs to go through three parts: "hunting", "hunting", and "hunting", which roughly correspond to the knockout round, finals and overtime.

The 'hunting session' is the beginning of the hunting competition.

All hunting teams in this game will enter the hunting ground at the same time under the arrangement of the hunting committee. The organizer will release a group of wild monsters slightly larger than the number of the hunting team and a variable number of solitary wild monsters in the hunting ground according to a certain ratio. The game time is generally scheduled between 9:00 am and 12:00 am. During the competition, each hunting team can freely attack any group of wild monsters, and finally judge the winner according to the quality and quantity of the prey obtained.

Generally, the top 10-20 hunting teams in each game have a chance to advance to the next round.

In the "hunting session", there will only be one large group of monsters in the hunting ground. But different from the previous link, the number and strength of the wild monsters in the 'hunting' link will far exceed the limit that a single hunting team can bear. So in this link, different hunting teams must learn to abandon prejudices, cooperate with each other, and hunt monsters as quickly as possible.

In order to ensure the independence and fairness of the session, the hunting teams that have obtained the qualification of "hunting" still enter the arena at the same time. The hunting team that has obtained the most number of demon hearts, or the hunting team that has captured the hearts of the wild demon king, is the champion of this hunt.

Most of the time, the hunt lasts here and ends.

But there are unavoidable accidents—the most common one is that one hunting team kills the wild monster king, while the other hunting team kills the most wild monsters.

In case of such an accident, the hunting match will automatically enter into overtime, the head-to-head match.

Different from the previous two sessions, in the hunting session, the two hunting teams did not enter the arena at the same time—according to the points of the previous two sessions, the one with the higher points would be given priority to enter the arena.

It was still the same field, and it was still a group of wild monsters. The team that finally hunted down the wild monster king would become the final champion.

Looking at the entire 'hunting mode', it is no exaggeration to say that time is the guarantee of victory. The hunting team that can solve the prey in the shortest time will always have a certain advantage.

At this moment, in Hunting Ground No. 1, several hunting teams in Minor World are conducting the 'hunting session'.

Xiao Xiao pressed the notebook in his arms, and continued unhurriedly:

"The hunting part, the most important thing is the rhythm."

"Generally, at this stage, only 1-2 times the number of wild monsters of the hunting team will be released in the hunting ground. I just counted, and the ratio of the monster group to the hunting team in the hunting ground today is about 1:1.5... It means that time is very tight."

"In this case, most hunting teams only have time to hunt down a group of monsters."

"So the quantity and quality of the monster group becomes the key to the outcome."

"I don't think it's right." Zheng Qing looked around with the brass binoculars, and questioned at the same time: "...if a hunting team spends most of the day hunting down a strong group of monsters, another hunting team will take advantage of it Chance hunted down two weaker monster groups, how do you look at it, the hunting team that hunted down two monster groups has an advantage in the final calculation?"

"This involves different hunting team styles and the choice of the hunting team leader." Xiao Xiao nodded in agreement, adjusted his glasses, and added: "Just like the Queen Joan you have been staring at, she obviously hopes to be in the shortest time. Solve a slightly stronger monster group within the time, instead of wasting time on the road to surround the weaker monster group."

Zhang Jixin listened to the discussion between the two for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it at this moment, interrupted and came to a conclusion:

"So, on the hunting ground, we need to select the appropriate wild group as quickly as possible, and then end the first battle in the cleanest way to obtain a guaranteed income."

"What an exquisite piece of crap." Sim Fatty's mouth was stuffed with clams, and his words were a little leaky, but that didn't detract from his mocking tone in the slightest.

Zhang Jixin did not change his face, and continued: "...Facing different groups of wild monsters, we need to choose different tactics. If the leader of the hunting team is strong enough, he can try to attack the wild monster king and strive for a one-hit kill. In this way After the death of the wild monster king, the difficulty of hunting the chaotic monster group will be greatly reduced."

"If the group of monsters you are facing is relatively strong, then the hunting team should stabilize your position, first cut off the wings of the wild monster king, hunt down the little monsters around him, and then gather the strength of the whole team to surround and kill the wild monster king ...After all, most of the wild monster kings have many strange abilities, which make people hard to guard against."

At the end, the red-faced wizard clenched his fists and made a gesture of enclosing him forcefully, ending his impassioned summary.

Next to them, Zheng Qing and Lin Guo raised their hands together and clapped their hands, giving some spiritual encouragement to the apologetic master hunter.

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