Hunting High School

Chapter 59: Shadow Wall And Academy

"What are the characteristics of this door?" Nicholas led a group of newcomers to an arch on the side of the hall, and patted the heads of Guardian Stone Lions squatting at the door imposingly.

The Guardian Lions tilted their heads so that Nicholas wouldn't mess with his mane.

Then it raised its giant paw and slapped the dishonest guy flying.

The newcomers screamed in shock.

In the hall, other old students watched the scene with a smile, and whispered something to the newcomers they brought.

He got up indifferently and brushed off the dust that didn't exist on his body. Nicholas salivated and looked at the lion with a charming smile: "It's just educating these pink new dolls, adults don't care."

Guardian Lions closed his eyes solemnly, put his feet on the stone ball, and squatted silently. It seemed that the claw just now had nothing to do with him.

Nicholas shrugged uninterestedly, and looked at the own newcomers again:

"What are the characteristics of this door?"

"There are two, um, guards at the gate." Zheng Qing whispered.

"There are nine ancient talismans on the lintel."

"There is also the circle logo of Jiuyou College." Others said in a hurry.

"Well, that's good, that's about it." Nicholas sighed, glanced at the Guardian Lions at the town gate, grimaced, and snorted, "Now, let's go in."

The newcomers walked past the Guardian Lions cautiously, watching the guards with a bit of awe.

Guardian Stone Lions sat silently, as if the slap just now was an illusion.

The feeling of walking through the arch is ordinary.

Nothing unusual.

Zheng Qing felt that his eyes suddenly brightened, and he was already in a lush environment. Right in front is a huge blue-black screen wall, and behind it is a simple and heavy gate, with dense vines clinging to the tall walls on the left and right.

The freshmen had just come out of the low side door next to the main gate.

A muffled grunt came from behind.

Zheng Qing turned his head quickly, and saw Nicholas tumbling in.

"In front is the screen wall, you first find your own name on it."

Grinning his teeth and sitting on the ground, Nicholas yelled at several stunned freshmen: "Remember? Never provoke any existence in the school, especially this seemingly rigid stone statue."

"I must remind you that the intelligence level of the First University is quite high, or in popular terms, the magic level is very high. Many items or existences that you can often see will exist in ways that you don't understand."

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As if he felt that his explanation was not very successful, Nicholas added very seriously: "You will understand this later. What I need to remind you is, don't insult—or have similar behaviors—these existences. Compared with you , they have a more fragile psychology, and they are more worthy of comfort."

"Just like I did just now, you will be punished for this... Hiss." He gasped, and patted his own butt with the law book, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

In the end, he gave up trying and continued to lead the way with a limp: "Did anyone find the name of own on the screen wall?"

This is a huge screen wall about four or five meters high and one meter long.

The base of the screen wall is a Sumeru seat carved from white marble, and the upper and lower squares are carved with strangely shaped Demonic Beasts.

The whole body of the stone wall is black and smooth, but it is not dazzling, but reveals a simple and elegant atmosphere.

The eaves and bucket arches on the top of the wall are covered with blue and white glazed tiles, and complex talismans can be clearly seen on the tiles.

"Stare at the screen wall, and silently say own's name." Nicholas guided from the side.

Zheng Qing blinked nervously, staring at the center of the screen wall, silently chanting own's name in his heart.

"Zheng Qing, Zheng Qing, Zheng Qing..."

Slowly, a few lines of writing appeared on the screen wall.

At first the handwriting was blurred.

But as he continued to read silently, these few lines became larger and clearer.

"Zheng Qing, male, born in 1990. Students from China District. Jiuyou College Astronomy Class 08-1. Primary school grades: none. Intermediate school grades: none. Wizards unified examination score: 480."

Zheng Qing let out a long breath, and his heart suddenly became much easier.

He turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao, this short boy was frowning, thinking hard about Zhaobi.

Then he had an idea and stared at Zhaobi again.

"Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao!"

He silently said Xiao Xiao's name in his heart.

The blue-black wall stones are quiet and introverted in the late summer sun.

Facing Zheng Qingxin's request, the wall silently refused.

"What's for lunch?" Xiao Xiao suddenly asked beside him.

"Oh, well, I haven't thought about it yet." Zheng Qing looked away in a panic and looked around.

His face was a little hot, as if a thief sneaked into someone's house and was discovered by the owner.

Xiao Xiao looked at him suspiciously.

In front of the screen wall is a gate.

The black door was closed tightly, and two stone turtle-shaped monsters were pressing under the thick doorposts on both sides. The purplish-black fence several feet high extends to the left and right along the gate, all the way to the extreme distance.

The breeze blows by, and the vines attached to the fence make a rustling sound, further reflecting the tranquil atmosphere here.

On both sides of the main entrance are two Zhang high side doors. Looking at the left door, Zheng Qing knew that the first hall was behind it. They just came out of this side door.

Raising his head, outside the wall, towering trees stood quietly in the breeze, and the sound of rustling leaves made Zheng Qing feel in a trance. If he didn't come out of that side door, he would never be able to imagine what kind of world is behind the door.

"Every door is an adventure, and behind every door there is a magical world."

Xiao Xiao flipped through his own notebook, and muttered a sentence behind him.

Zheng Qing didn't hear clearly, and his mood has calmed down a lot.

He gestured to the appearance around the screen wall, and asked curiously, "Is this also the case behind the gates of other colleges in the first hall?"

"As I just said, there is a magical world behind every door. Other colleges are definitely not like this!" Xiao Xiao waved his black notebook weakly.

"Behind each gate is the temperament and style of the college. Just like Alpha College, you can't see the 'screen wall' when you enter the gate. They have placed a self-service inquiry machine behind the gate, which stores relevant information of the students .As far as I know, what we are seeing now is the territory of Jiuyou College, which should belong to the 'school'."

"School." Zheng Qing muttered softly.

"Jiuyou Academy, Alpha Castle, Atlas Palace, Star Academy." Xiao Xiao put away his own notebook, his tone full of yearning.

"Everyone gather around and look at this wall, that's right, this screen wall." Nicholas greeted cheerfully not far away.

He was holding the Own Dharma book with his fingers, spinning it quickly. Tiny electric lights flickered all over the Dharma book, making a crackling sound.

The new students were immediately attracted.

"This screen wall is also called the screen wall. It is the landmark building of Jiuyou College's 'school'. Inside the screen wall are information about all the professors, students, janitors, and even spirit beasts of the school. Intruders with malicious intentions will have nothing to do under the screen wall. Therefore, any unauthorized intrusion will trigger Zhaobi's counterattack."

"Don't underestimate its counterattack. This screen wall is a hub of the entire school's protective formation. Even registered official wizards cannot resist its restraint."

"Remember this screen wall, it will be your witness to knowledge and truth."

Zheng Qing raised his hand.

Nicholas nodded modestly.

"I just wanted to see the information of other students," said Zheng Qing, who seemed to feel Xiao Xiao's gaze, and his voice was a little dry: "But the screen can't show it."

Nicholas showed a satisfied smile on his face:

"A very sharp attempt! Very sharp."

He praised loudly and applauded Zheng Qing lightly.

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