Hunting High School

Chapter 60 Nicholas' Ambition

It was almost evening, and the sun was slowly setting behind the tall walls of the academy. Now when he raised his head, he could only see a small half of its golden-red figure. Sunlight passes through the dense canopy behind the fence, casting mottled tree shadows.

The breeze blows, and the shadows of the trees dance with the trembling of the branches and leaves, like a group of drunken ghosts.

Zheng Qing was not drunk, but he also stood blushing in the slightly drunken sunset.

Nicholas' high-pitched admiration caught him a little off guard.

The curious eyes of other freshmen made him even more uneasy.

Zheng Qing turned his face away in embarrassment, and returned his gaze to the screen wall not far away.

He doesn't like people staring at him.

So, he regretted raising his hand a bit.

Nicholas held the Own Dharma book with his finger, and it turned quickly. From time to time, a few orange-red sparks burst out between the pages of the book, making a sound like popping beans. He explained in a cheerful tone of eagerness:

"The screen wall actually records Jiuyou's history."

"So what you can see is the history you know."

"You can see your own name because you know enough about yourself."

"You can't see other people, on the one hand, they are not enough to have their own marks on this wall, and on the other hand: not everyone can see the real history."

"If you want to see other people's names, you can try to recall specific historical events - such as the 1945 Wizards Union Grand Wizards Conference."

Zheng Qing was impressed by the meeting Nicholas mentioned, and he had just previewed this history a few days ago!

He silently recalled it in his heart.

On the blue-black stone wall, densely packed small characters slowly emerged:

"...July 21, 1945...The Great Wizarding Conference of the Wizarding Union...the 1,536th meeting...considered and passed the "Administrative Measures for Wizarding Behavior"...The honor of the Great Wizarding Conference Chairman, Vice President of First University, Ms. Shi Hui made an important speech at the meeting..."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Many of the contents are described in "Modern World History".

But there are also many details that are not shown in the history books.

Zheng Qing greedily looked at the knowledge on the stone wall, and Nicholas's high-pitched voice came from behind:

"This wall is the dream of all Jiuyou College students!"

"If there is anything in this world that can make everyone yearn for it."

"That must be acceptance!"

"Accept your favor."

"Accept your badness."

"Accept your successes, your failures."

"Accept your glory and riches."

"Accept your powerless, stumbling away back."

"Accept that you grow old slowly."

"We are all lonely travelers in time."

"Everyone wants to be accepted by others."

Zheng Qing turned his head and stared blankly at Nicholas who suddenly became agitated.

His dark yellow skin was a little red under the setting sun, and his brown eyes trembled violently in his excited voice.

Xiao Xiao spread out his own notebook, and took notes quickly with a brush. The corner of his mouth was stained with a small piece of black ink from licking the brush.

"If you say, what is my wish for this world."

"I hope that this stone wall can accept my name."

"I hope that everyone can see my name on the wall!"

Zheng Qing swallowed quietly.

What a great wish!

really brave!

Not everyone dares to shout own dream in front of everyone!

Xiao Xiao closed the notebook and clapped his hands vigorously.

The others followed suit and began to applaud slowly.

Nicholas blew his nose. Some of the old robes on his body showed a brand-new color in the sun, and the polished cuffs and collar were also gilded with a layer of golden red by the setting sun.

He looked at the new students gratefully.


A chuckle came from behind.

Zheng Qing turned his head a little annoyed.

A few senior girls walked past them covering their mouths.

Their crimson robes had two black borders.

This is an old student in the third year.

"Okay! Let's continue to visit the school." Nicholas greeted the freshmen in a panic.

The breeze was blowing, bringing the whispers of those senior girls.

"He was talking about his own dream in front of the screen wall again."

"How embarrassing!"

Low laughter came from not far away.

Nicholas blushed, and roughly pulled Xiao Xiao away who was thinking about Zhaobi.

Zheng Qing could still hear a few words of those girls.

"Isn't this kind of thing usually given to sophomores and juniors? How could he get such a task?"

"It seems Lei Zhe suggested it to Professor Yao."

"Did you hear what he said just now?"

"I want to hang my name on the screen wall!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I think he has done it now, at least he has become the 'history' of the entire First University!"

In the distance, a few girls turned their heads and pointed at the newcomers, laughing nonstop.

The backs of the girls disappeared around the corner not far away.

The journey continued, but Nicholas's spirit was significantly lowered.

Zheng Qing finally remembered.

Thomas once told him that there was a famous old student in Jiuyou College who had been in his freshman year for two years, his name was Nicholas.

He quietly glanced at the thin figure in front of him.

Under the setting sun and in the evening wind, Nicholas's back is desolate and lonely.

Maybe that's why he craves acceptance.

Those mocking voices are disgusting.

There is nothing worse than hurting someone else's dreams.

Zheng Qing wanted to chase him very much, patted him on the shoulder, and told Nicholas, you are really brave!

He doubted whether he had the courage to repeat a grade twice.

He had no doubts that he would not stand in front of others and shout out his dreams.


After walking around the screen wall for a few steps, the vision suddenly opened up.

A square appeared in front of everyone.

This is a green square. The tender green lawn fills every open space, and as far as the eye can see, there are large patches of green everywhere.

Some old students sat leisurely on the lawn, flipping through their textbooks.

Around them, all kinds of small animals are chasing and playing happily.

The golden-red sun puts warm clothes on this beautiful world.

All freshmen are intoxicated in this wonderful scenery.

"I will also lie on this grass and read in the future." A freshman murmured.

"You will prefer reading in bed in the future." Nicholas looked at him sullenly, his voice a little frustrated: "The premise is that you are still willing to read in the future."

In the center of the square is a rockery fountain, and at the end of the square behind the rockery, three buildings can be seen from a distance, standing in the nave in a pattern of one horizontal and two vertical.

"Three buildings in the distance." Nicholas gestured and introduced to the freshmen: "The building across is the main building, which is where you will mainly study in the future. The east side of the main building is the office building, which belongs to professors and lecturers. The bishop On the west side of the building is the laboratory building, which houses most of the laboratories of Jiuyou College."

The three buildings are all painted in the color of red Baixiang, and they stand quietly at the end of the square, solemn and solemn.

"The main teaching building, where most of the courses are basically taken, but I have never counted the specific floors of the main teaching building. The floors are constantly increasing and decreasing with the changes of the courses every day." Nicholas shrugged: "The First University is always in the In the constant changes, I doubt that this school is a living thing. Of course, some iconic buildings—such as the first gate, the first hall, etc.—are relatively stable and will not run around.”

"Office buildings are dull, and the average person doesn't like to be there."

"The inside of the laboratory building is more complicated, such as the underground alchemy room, dispensing room, various testing laboratories in the middle, and the astrology monitor on the top floor, etc. The courses with strong practicality, including the activity rooms of various student organizations, are all Concentrate here." Nicholas raised his index finger and warned: "Unless you are required or invited; otherwise, I do not recommend that you enter this building. This may be one of the few high-risk areas in this university that are allowed to exist normally. .”

"That is to say, there are still some illegal high-risk areas in the school?" Zheng Qing was keenly aware of the unfinished meaning of this passage, and couldn't help asking curiously.

Nicholas pretended not to hear what Zheng Qing said, and led everyone to move forward.

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