Hunting High School

Chapter 283: Wolves

The blue bird lowered its body, slowed down its breathing, followed the marks it had made before, and swiftly galloped forward.

His sword was hanging on his back, and the slender cloth strips that were originally wrapped around the sword had been torn off and thrown somewhere. The dark red hunting suit was a little conspicuous on the grass, so when he passed the mud pond before, he rolled in it by the way. On the one hand, it could eliminate the breath on his body, and on the other hand, he could adjust the color of his body to match the surrounding environment Get closer to reduce the chance of being discovered by monsters.

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After this hunting match, we must propose to modify the uniforms of the hunting team, at least change the color of the clothes.

He thought silently in his heart, and at the same time unconsciously recalled the experience of rolling in the muddy pond before. The black mud is creamy to the touch and cold, like a lump of cold bean cake that has melted in the sun, but it does not have the sweet smell of the cold cake, but instead exudes a unique fishy smell on the grassland. I don't know if there is a wild animal defecating in it. Sable hates the smell very much, but for safety, he still presses it into the muddy pond and wipes it.

So, until now, Sable—or, it should be called Black Sable—resolutely hid her body in her hood and refused to talk to him.

A deep growl sounded from behind, and the hood trembled slightly. The young swordsman immediately calmed down, his gaze became sharp again, and his running steps became lighter.

Several short fights gave him a very deep understanding of the cunning of this group of demon wolves.

They can pretend to be dead, can lure the enemy, can restrain the temptation of the wizard Blood Qi, strictly execute the orders of the wolf leader, and carry out outflanking assaults according to the three-three system principle!

More importantly, these demonic wolves have rough skin and thick flesh. If a sword does not hit a vital point, they will only lose a few drops of blood, and they don't even have the effect of dizziness.

They are not manic cannon fodder that were infected by a casual bite from a demon at all, but have been infiltrated with demon blood while being infected. To understand it in a layman's terms, the core members of this pack of demonic wolves each have the strength of a wild demon king among ordinary demon packs, which is close to the strength of a registered wizard, not to mention the white head wolf.

Another very important thing is quantity.

Blue Bird was very suspicious. This group of demon wolves gathered all the wolf demons in this hunting ground together, there were nearly a hundred of them! Although less than twenty of them belonged to that kind of core wolf monster, the other ordinary wolf monsters became even more terrifying under their restraint and leadership.

This is not at all the number that Xiao Xiao discovered in his previous divination - he suspected that it was most likely caused by the wolf.

Lan Que believed that if he hadn't hunted wild monsters in the Qilian Mountains since he was a child, and replaced him with another hunter with less actual combat experience, he would definitely be lying in the warm stomachs of wolf monsters by now.

Even so, he still lost his own pocket in the battle with the wolf demon, which contained the armor horse talisman, phantom body talisman, and breath talisman that Zheng Qing gave him, and most importantly, it was used to communicate with the hunting team. The communicator is also in it. This made it impossible for him to issue an effective warning to the hunting team.

So, now the blue tit is in a dilemma.

Either take this group of wolf demons beyond anyone's imagination to the camp of their own hunting team, and let them face the raging beast tide in panic-if they haven't solved the monkey, the hunting team will definitely face two sides Risk of pinching.

Or, take the pack of wolf monsters around by yourself, and then find a way to notify the camp on the way. If possible, killing one or two aggressive guys can reduce the burden on the family, so just reduce it a little.

It would be fine if you had a Dharma book with you.

As soon as this thought came to the bottom of my heart, it was decisively suppressed by the blue bird.

Indecision, indecision, worry about gains and losses, etc., these thoughts are not what a real swordsman should have.

"I'm not alone."

Thinking of this, the young swordsman lowered his body a little lower.

The grassland was clearly divided into two pieces in front of him.

To the left, there is a piece of low twisted yellow grass. The blue tits knew that if they ran five minutes along the twisted yellow grass, there would be a small hill full of mulberries - Fatty always likes to call them bright oil seeds - and these shrubs were covered with small Beautiful flower clusters, sables like to bite off them bit by bit.

Around the small hill, there is a shallow water, from west to east, flowing towards the forest that was burned by the forgiveness hunting team. Going down the river, within three minutes, he could see the familiar figures of his teammates.

To the right is a tall yellow-backed grass. This tufted herb of the Panicaceae can grow more than a meter high, obliterating any unevenness in his field of vision.

There are no ditches, no raised stones, no vines and twigs crawling on the ground like poisonous snakes.

The good news is that if he chooses to go to the right, he can easily disappear on this tall grassland and buy some more time for his own hunting party.

The bad news is that the wolves will also 'invisible' in this piece of yellow-backed grass. Grass stems as high as 1.5 to 2 meters can easily submerge the heads of most wolf demons. If the hunter accidentally lost his way, dozens of bloody mouths may be waiting for him.

Blue Tit didn't hesitate.

He took out the 'Black Gray Sable' from the hood with his backhand, the mud on its back was slightly dry. The swordsman moved his eyes slightly, put his fingers together, and quickly wrote a few words on the back of the mink.

"Go, let them come and save me... Tell them, the wolves are strong, many."

The swordsman who usually speaks few words is speaking fast in his own ear, and then he raised his hand and threw it to the twisting Huangmao on the left. For Diao Er, the 50 to 60 centimeters tall twisted yellow grass is enough to completely cover up its figure.

As for himself, he threw himself into the Yellowback Grassland and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After landing on the ground, Sable stayed for a few seconds, twisted his waist, and immediately jumped into the twisted yellow grass grassland, and ran straight to the camp of the forgiveness hunting team.

Ten seconds later, dozens of galloping figures came to the place where the blue tit and the sable parted.

Although the smell is already very weak, it does not affect the subtle differences in how these demonic wolf monsters can distinguish their prey. The shorter gray wolf demon looked hesitantly at the tall black-backed wolves.

The big wolves were also uncertain about paying attention.

But soon, the deep roar from behind dispelled their hesitation.

With a few well-arranged howls, the wolves also separated on this grassland.

A big black-backed wolf and two gray little wolves were adorned with the scent of sables, and the other wolf monsters, led by the remaining big wolves, plunged into the tall yellow-backed grassland, chasing the A significantly stronger wizard atmosphere.

The breeze blows, the grass leaves whirling, and there is only a mess of fallen weeds in the wild.

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