Hunting High School

Chapter 284 One After Another

The Excuse Hunting Party met Sable when they passed the shallow creek that skirted the hill.

They had already left camp and were going to pick up the blue tits.

When this little thing rushed towards Zheng Qing from the thicket of twisted yellow thatch, the young wizard almost punched it in the face of the ferret—after all, it was on the hunting ground, when suddenly a black and gray strange figure came towards him Pounced, no matter how aggressive he reacted, he couldn't exaggerate it.

Fortunately, the anxious cry of the little thing saved its life.

Hearing a slightly familiar cry, Zheng Qing stopped in time, but at the same time he also turned sideways to avoid Sable's pounce.

"The sable of the blue bird?" Xiao Xiao stared at the sable who fell to the ground after flying through the air, adjusted his glasses, and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "How did you make it look like this?!"

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"He has writing on his back!" Zhang Jixin, with sharp eyes, looked at the row of scrawled marks on Sable's back, and immediately pointed and shouted.

Fur plus mud is not a good carrier for letters.

What's more, the sable was still running wildly in the grass, and even scratched many flower marks on the layer of mud that was originally not thick, making the original scribbled writing even more blurred.

"...Intensity 10+...100+...Beware of the wolf king."

Zheng Qing patiently distinguished the handwriting on Sable's back, frowned, and quickly analyzed the information contained in these incomplete words in his mind.

The blue bird was going to explore the wolves, so there is no doubt that his message is most likely to describe the wolves that he has never met. That's why it's all the more puzzling.

An intensity of 10+ means that the combat effectiveness is similar to that of a registered wizard. If a wild monster king in a group of monsters has a Monster Qi reaction of this intensity, it is impossible for the fortune-teller of the hunting team to detect it.

Also, what does the '100+' mean in the back? Wild monster strength? Just kidding, wild monsters with an intensity of 10+ are already registered as wizards. Based on this, what is the concept of an intensity of 100+! I'm afraid this Minor World can't carry such a powerful monster.

But if 100+ refers to the quantity, it can barely be justified - but in this way, there is a huge difference between this information and the number of "dozens" obtained by Xiao Xiao's divination.

It's the last sentence, be careful of the wolf king, Zheng Qing has no objection to this.

After all, among a group of wolf monsters, the most dangerous one should be the wolf king.

The sable was obediently lying in Zheng Qing's palm, motionless, but its little head was twisted back forcefully, making anxious and anxious sounds constantly, and the big tail hanging behind it was also swinging back and forth like a windmill. It makes people dizzy.

"I think it's urging you." Zhang Jixin looked at the restless Sable, with a hesitant voice.

After all, in anyone's eyes, the hunter who went out to search did not come back, but his pet came back in a state of distress, with a letter engraved on his body to convey the message. This situation is very abnormal.

Very abnormal.

Zheng Qing turned his head sideways, and glanced at his main hunter - he knew what Zhang Jixin meant, but why couldn't he think of the questions that Zhang Da Elder, who was mostly muscular, could think of?

Blue Bird must be in danger now, otherwise he wouldn't have stopped using contact symbols, and he wouldn't have used sables as messengers.

The only question is what to do with the Forgiveness Hunters.

"We must prepare for the worst." Xiao Xiao said softly beside him.

Zheng Qing nodded slightly, he had already made up his mind.

But before he could open his mouth, the sable in his hand suddenly tensed up, and let out a sharp warning howl.

A gray giant wolf suddenly jumped out from the grass, opened its mouth wide, and bit the head of Zhang Jixin who was standing at the outermost edge of the hunting team.

Even if he didn't see its scarlet crazy eyes, just relying on the sharp warning from Sable in the palm of his hand, Zheng Qing had already reacted between the calcium carbide sparks.

"Ge Cu is tired!"

He shook the magic book away with his backhand, and shot out a spell quickly, summoning a powerful vine in a moment, and rolled down the wolf demon that had rushed into the air.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhang Jixin, who had his back to the grass, realized it. He immediately turned around and looked at the wolf demon struggling frantically on the ground. A few drops of cold sweat involuntarily fell from his temples.

"Is this one of those wolf monsters?" He asked in a low voice with a hoarse voice.

No one answered his question.

What answered him was another figure that suddenly rose from the bushes.

"Susu Rabbit Fu!"

"Ax to Ezra!"

Zheng Qing's and Xiao Xiao's incantations sounded at the same time, and they smashed at the second gray wolf demon that burst out.

The densely packed net that spread all over the sky covered the wolf demon's head and face; at the same time, countless small and sharp axes also emerged from the air, smashing at the wolf demon caught in the invisible net like hailstones.

"Bang! Bang!"

The stinking wolf blood spattered wantonly in mid-air. Obviously, the second prey did not have the same luck as the first one. When it landed, it had already been chopped into pieces by the axe.

Zhang Jixin took a deep breath, the faint smell of blood was mixed with the moist breath from the grass leaves, and a strange smell was mixed, which made people want to vomit.

He gritted his teeth, tightened his gloves, squinted his eyes, and carefully looked at the murderous grass all around him.

The breeze blows over the dense grass leaves, leaving behind a rustling sound and waves of undulating grass. Without rich experience, even a senior registered wizard would find it difficult to notice those subtle anomalies in this peaceful picture.



Two voices sounded one after the other from diagonally forward.

Zhang Jixin looked intently, and saw a huge black wolf twice the size of the two gray wolf demons just now, being held by the waist by a huge blue palm and held in mid-air.

"It just wanted to sneak away!" In front of the hill, the blue titan looming in the air said in a low voice, "It's just bad luck..."

"Is there any more?" Zheng Qing asked without thinking.

"According to what you said, I went around the hill and only found these little mice." Blue Titan replied honestly.

"Well, very good." Zheng Qing nodded and ordered: "Break it at the waist and throw it here... You stand here and don't move around. The only one I improved is this one. If you lower the activity It should last for a while.”

"It's a good feeling!" Blue titan snapped off the body of the black giant wolf in his hand, threw it to his own teammates, and said happily at the same time: "After transforming before, I always felt that it was inconvenient to move, and people always stared at me. You see... you can draw a few more of these improved symbols in the future, it looks very useful."

"Why are you still so noisy after you become a blue titan!" Zhang Jixin muttered, stepped on the head of the giant black wolf, and crushed it hard: "I remember that the blue titan was very quiet during training."

"That's because the school's training ground is too small, which makes me feel depressed." Lan titan Xin groaned, sat on the hill and twisted his buttocks, smoothing the originally sharp hilltop: "Like here , the environment is much bigger...I feel that I can let myself go a little bit."

The scarlet eyes of the giant black wolf fixedly stared at the young wizards, and a long howl came from the corner of its mouth as its belly bulged.


"Oops!" Zhang Jixin's complexion changed, his feet slipped, his heels moved from the wolf's head to the wolf's neck, and then with a strong force, the wolf demon's throat was instantly crushed.

But it was too late.

The howling of this wolf demon just now has triggered some kind of mysterious connection among their groups. For a while, long howling wolves resounded everywhere behind the hill.

One after another.

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