Hunting High School

Chapter 298 The Third Party

Crimson flames with a few shadows emerged from Zheng Qing's right eye, and spread to his whole body in the blink of an eye, like a flowing afterbirth, tightly wrapping the young wizard's figure.

An invisible wave suddenly swayed away with the flames rising suddenly, as if sending some signal, which made the monsters' offensive stagnate, and even a few gray wolves who rushed forward even whimpered in their throats. He retracted with his tail between his legs.

The white wolf demon king jumped off the head of the big black wolf, showing his original shape, and came out more and more, stepped forward, tilted his head, and cautiously looked at the burning flames around the wizard.

The snake demon king, the pig demon king, the cow demon king and other wild demon kings who were of equal status also stepped forward one after another, surrounding the young wizard vigilantly and greedily.

In this way, densely packed monsters tightly surrounded Zheng Qing, forming a circle, neither biting nor retreating, and the scene was filled with a tense and quiet weird atmosphere for a while.

Occasionally, the flames would linger, and the sparks would splash a little farther away. These monsters would subconsciously take a few steps back, but soon they would move forward as the flames shrank, tightening the circle of siege again.

No demon can resist the temptation to leave from the depths of the blood.

Even in front of their eyes, a flying squirrel demon had already been burned into a cloud of black ash by the flames.

But there is no demon foolishly acting as an early bird.

After all, they all have developed spiritual wisdom. Although their logical thinking is not strong, they still know how to advance and retreat.

But smart doesn't mean you can stay out of it all the time.

Accompanied by several demon leaders at the head growling and communicating with each other, the White Wolf King took the lead in contributing his own subordinates.


It growled lowly, looked back at the team behind it, and tilted its head, signaling a gray wolf demon to move forward.

The gray wolf demon was whimpering, drooping its ears, trembling with all fours, almost wanting to run away. But he had no choice but to move towards the pile of flames step by step under the indifferent and ferocious gaze of the White Wolf Demon King.


As soon as it was contaminated with the flames around the wizard, the wolf demon screamed loudly and wailed. Its cry was so fierce that the crowd of monsters involuntarily spread out, as if staying away would make them feel more at ease.

And those crimson flames seemed to be sticky, sticking the gray wolf demon to Zheng Qing's side, even if he shook his head and wagged his tail frantically, he couldn't escape.

The besieged monster group spread out a little bit in the restless commotion.

The only good news is that the number of those flames seems to be limited. After burning the gray wolf demon, the intensity and concentration of the flames have dropped significantly.

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Several demon leaders keenly sensed the gap between them, and inexplicable cruelty and excitement were revealed in several pairs of scarlet eyes—but they obviously ignored that the black shadows in the red flame were gradually disappearing with the disappearance of the red flame. Thick up.

Those who are driven to the flames first are those weak demons.

For example, stone demons, water demons, tree demons, etc., if it is lonely, it will inevitably be driven away by a group of wolf demons, pig demons and cow demons, and driven into the crimson flame.

One head after another, until the black ashes had accumulated more than three inches beside Zheng Qing, the crimson flames finally faded away, and even disappeared.

Before the joy in the eyes of the leading monsters rose, it turned into surprise.

Because with the disappearance of the red flames, a vague black shadow slowly climbed up from the wizard, taking over the work of those crimson flames.


The White Wolf Demon King let out a warning roar from his throat, bared his pale fangs, and looked at the strange black figure threateningly. The other monsters also followed behind it, sending out terrifying roars.

The black shadow didn't make a sound, just shook his head, opened his eyes, and looked around.

Under the slightly drunken sky, a pair of crystal clear red eyes are particularly dazzling, making the eyes of all monsters pale in comparison.



Zheng Qing closed her eyes and remained motionless.

A few minutes ago, the fierce and severe headache, as if someone had hit his head with a sledgehammer, made him faint instantly.

But as the headache subsided, his spirit gradually recovered, and his consciousness gradually regained consciousness.

Although conscious, Zheng Qing did not open his eyes.

The strange scorching smell and the howling of monsters one after another made the young wizard have a very strong tendency to pretend to be dead—although he also knew that for the monsters, there was not much difference between a living wizard and a dead wizard—only But the throbbing pain in his temple told him that even if he opened his eyes, it would be useless.

With his overdrawn spirit and magic power, he couldn't even make a small fireball.

Instead of watching those ugly monsters grinding their teeth and sucking blood slowly chewing themselves to pieces, it is better to close your eyes and pretend that you are having a realistic nightmare.

So, Zheng Qing continued to close his eyes, listening to the messy roars coming from his ears, thinking wildly in his mind, with various images floating in his mind like flying.

For example, seven or eight wolf demons rushed over, bit his arms and ankles, and cut him into six wolves; or those damn monkeys wielded huge wooden sticks, smashed him into a pulp with one stick, and then Stuffed it into his mouth together with the weeds under him.

All kinds of horrific ways of dying played out in his mind one after another, becoming more and more terrifying, and finally made the young wizard give up waiting for death, and groped into the gray cloth bag at his waist.

"Even if you die, you have to hold your back."

Zheng Qing held a few fire-flowing talismans, secretly made up his mind, and then opened his eyes.

The slightly yellowish sky faintly reveals the color of tulle, but there is no cloud in the sky. As far as the eye can see, there is an endless emptiness, which makes people feel a sense of emptiness at first sight.

Zheng Qing struggled, tried to prop up his body, and glanced around.

A thick layer of black ash was piled up beside him, among which were mixed with many bones of unknown character. Zheng Qing picked up a cluster of black ash, put it under his nose and sniffed it.

A burnt smell-although it is not clear what was burned, it must be the relics left after the fire.

This made the young wizard feel somewhat surprised.

Could it be that the puppet is doing a demon evolution experiment? I've never heard of demons eating wizards and lighting up a fire to grill them.

Beyond the black ashes, a hundred or ten meters away from him, the surroundings were densely packed with all kinds of monsters. Flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water - you said it is a carp demon, why is it jumping around on the grass?

Of course, this doesn't affect Zheng Qing's ability to judge the fish demon's identity from its scarlet eyeballs.

But this fish demon is not the most conspicuous.

The most conspicuous of these demons is a black tiger demon.

It is more than two meters tall at the shoulders, with bright red eyes, standing in front of the group of monsters, with its head held high, its tail drooping slightly, and it looks all around. Although there is only one, but just relying on its aura, it completely suppressed the other demon group. (to be continued)

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