Hunting High School

Chapter 299 Tiger Might

The black crow hovered in mid-air, chattering, staring at the small scarlet eyes, greedily and longingly staring at the piece of flesh and blood that all monsters covet in the center of the group.

But they dare not land.

Because just now, the group of vulture demons above their heads who landed first had been torn into pieces by the rude beasts on the ground, thrown into the pile of crimson magic flames, and turned into black ash.

Although the pile of crimson flames has been extinguished now, the number of monsters surrounding them has not decreased, but has increased a lot, making these 'unknown birds' in a dilemma.

Of course, the large number of monsters on the ground does not mean that the monsters on the ground can easily carve up the little wizard's flesh and blood.

After all, there are more monsters than meat, and everyone is from different ethnic groups, so there will inevitably be some disagreements.

For example, there was friction between the largest group of snake demons and the strongest wolf demon group from time to time, either a certain big wolf stepped on and broke the spine of the little snake, or a certain big snake swallowed the single little wolf in one gulp.

For another example, monkey monsters wandering around in the wild with big wooden sticks always like to chase after the pig monster's buttocks, watching them scurry about with a smile on their faces, and listening to their sharp howls.

Of course, the largest number are those loose demons who are fragmented and do not make a difference. Such as stone demon, water demon, tree demon and so on. Without the backing of a strong group, they could only guard against each other and form a loose alliance, tremblingly squeezed among several large groups of monsters, looking greedily at the little wizard. Occasionally there is a turmoil, and this loose group will scatter like birds and beasts.


"These monsters have quite a complete range of arms."

Zheng Qing looked at the monsters around him, and originally wanted to count their numbers, but quickly gave up this struggle: "...In this case, one hundred and two hundred seem to be of no importance to me." That's a big difference."

He squinted his eyes, tightened the talisman paper in his hand, and was ready to die with the monster that rushed up at any time.

It's just different from what Zheng Qing imagined.

The surrounding wild monsters didn't seem to be in a hurry to beat him to the teeth. They didn't gather together to surround him, but were divided into groups of different sizes according to their race and strength.

Different groups stare at each other and want to chase after each other, but looking at their eyes, it is not Zheng Qing that the monsters of these different groups want to chase, but other groups of monsters.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, thinking silently: "I haven't been dismembered until now... Is it because they are holding a spoils conference?"

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The hot tingling sensation passed through the nasal cavity, throat, along the trachea, and spread to his lungs. He felt as if he had sucked in a mouthful of sand.

The young wizard couldn't help coughing violently a few times.

The strange sound of 'food' immediately attracted the attention of the monster group. A white wolf demon, a huge monkey demon, a chubby pig demon, etc., all greedy and ferocious eyes focused on Zheng Qing in unison. The dense scarlet eyes flickered on and off, making his hair stand on end.

Zheng Qing immediately raised the Flowing Fire Talisman in his hand.

But before he unfolded the talisman, he just slightly touched the talisman paper, and a severe headache suddenly hit him, causing the young wizard to fall to the ground again.


Zheng Qing covered his head and rolled on the ground twice before giving up struggling again. He spread out his body, lying on the ground in a relaxed manner, and moaned weakly: "I'm going to die anyway... Let's die more comfortably."

I don't know which is more painful, the feeling of being bitten by a monster or a headache. The young wizard stared blankly at the yellowish sky above his head, thinking wildly.

For a moment, he missed the transformation potion he threw into the pool very much—if he drank the potion now, it might not only curb his headache, but maybe he could get rid of those demons. After all, everyone knows that monsters prefer to hunt wizards, and most of the time they will turn a blind eye to ordinary small animals.

However, the thought was fleeting in his mind.

He didn't regret giving that cunning water demon an expensive poison—since he knew it had killed Andrew, he naturally needed to make it pay the corresponding price. No matter what, Zheng Qing and the little Young Master of Taylor's family are together after all.

"I heard that there is acid secretion in the flesh after strenuous exercise..."

"In other words, my current meat is sour... sour these beasts..."

"But having said that, the sour taste seems to be a bit appetizing..."

"What a headache..."

"Just two taels of meat from me is probably enough for a wild monster to squeeze between its teeth."

"But I don't know who will be full of this great meat."

Zheng Qing thought about it, but was a little unwilling. After the headache subsided, he immediately took out a talisman and tried to unfold it again. Only this time, he didn't have the luck he had before.

A headache that was several times stronger than before hit suddenly, and before the young wizard even had time to snort, his vision went dark and he passed out.

a long time.

When Zheng Qing opened his eyes again, the sky above his head was still a dying dark yellow.

Just like his mood.

"Am I dead..."

The young wizard touched the gray cloth bag at his waist with great effort, and when his fingertips touched a talisman, he couldn't help shivering.

" seems that he is still alive."

He blinked, and before he had time to struggle to get up, he felt a heavy breathing sound in his ears. At the same time, a strong smell of blood permeated his nostrils.

Zheng Qing's body froze immediately.

"It can't be so unlucky... Do you have to let me feel the feeling of being chewed by a monster soberly..."

"My God..."

After he silently wailed, he turned his head away, wanting to see whose stomach the 'great skin' would end up in.

A foot away, a pair of golden red eyes stared blankly at him.

It was the black tiger demon.

"Brother Tiger..."

Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, and put on a kind smile on his face: "Actually, there is a black cat living in my heart... We are all cats, and we were a family ten thousand years ago... Let's discuss, How about we eat vegetarian today?"

Heihu looked at him silently, stuck out his tongue, and licked his lips.

Only then did Zheng Qing notice that the tiger demon's mouth, head, and body were covered with scarlet blood.

The young wizard swallowed quietly and stopped making noise.

Maybe it was just full, this tiger demon didn't take Zheng Qing to beat his teeth immediately, but stretched his body lazily, and lazily slapped Zheng Qing not far away, fiddled with a circle with his two palm-sized paws. The grunting thing seems to be playing with a glass ball.

Zheng Qing blinked.

He just recognized it as the head of that monkey monster.

The young wizard took a deep breath and immediately closed his own eyes, pretending not to see this horrific scene. (to be continued)

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