Hunting High School

Chapter 300: Slaughterhouse

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes.

The tiger demon was playing with the monkey demon's head as a ball, Zheng Qing could only lie there motionless, and kept saying 'I don't exist', 'I don't exist', 'I don't exist' silently in his heart.

One hour, two hours, three hours.

Time passed by like this.

The waiting time should have been extremely torturous, but Zheng Qing fell asleep unknowingly because he was too exhausted. When he opened his eyes again, he stared in a daze for a long time before he suddenly realized his current situation.

Cold sweat trickled down his temples in an instant.

For a moment, he fell in love with his admiration—the sky was about to fall, yet he was still able to sleep! If he was really decapitated by the tiger demon in his deep sleep, he didn't know if he would turn into a headless ghost in the future.

After recovering, Zheng Qing first took a look at the sky.

Not surprisingly, he didn't see anything.

The sky is still dark and unclear, giving people a hazy feeling. The sun hangs lazily on the horizon all the time, with a half-dead look—in Zheng Qing's memory, it was like this in the hunting ground a long time ago. But I don't know if there is something missing in the basic rules of this Minor World.

Thoughts were pulled back from time, Zheng Qing took a light breath and felt his body regain some strength.

He tilted his head quietly and looked to the side.

The huge black tiger demon was closing its eyes and seemed to be asleep too. Its two front paws, which were as big as palm-leaf fans, were put together, and the poor head of the monkey monster was still pressed under the paws. Under the slightly drunken sky, Zheng Qing could clearly see that the place where the monkey monster's eyes were located had turned into two pitch-black holes, and two dark purple bloodstains dripped from the eye sockets, leaving scars on its dark yellow rough skin. Deep marks were made, finally sinking into the matted hair on the nape of the neck.

Zheng Qing felt own heart beating violently.

He slowed down and breathed a sigh of relief, while staring at the black tiger demon closely, he 'arched' his body stiffly, trying to get up quietly.

The tiger demon, who was taking a nap with his eyes squinted, slightly raised his eyelids and glanced at him.

Zheng Qing's movements immediately froze there.

"I was targeted by a fierce tiger demon! I dare not move! What should I do?!"

"Do you want to become a cat and be its grandson?!"

"A person's dead egg is turned upside down, and he will not die for thousands of years, so be a coward! Don't be afraid, just do it!!"

"What if you can't do it... Wait online, I'm in a hurry!"

A lot of messy thoughts immediately floated in his mind, but before these thoughts faded away, the tiger demon changed his posture and continued to lie down to take a nap, as if he didn't care about the young wizard's small movements at all.

Zheng Qing froze in place for a few seconds, finally gritted his teeth and sat up.

Then he glanced a little farther away, and immediately froze.

dead demon.

There are dead monsters everywhere.

As far as the eye can see, there are dead demons everywhere, like a huge demon slaughterhouse.

A few cow monsters turned on all fours, lying on their stomachs in the field, with dark red blood still bubbling from the horrifying wounds on their necks; compared to them, the snake monsters seemed more miserable— —They were almost all cut in two from head to tail, and hung among the bushes in the field like strips of jerky to dry.

There are also wolf demons, those cunning monsters who were chased by the forgiveness hunting team and had nowhere to escape, were 'planted' into the ground one by one.

Yes, it literally means "planting", just like transplanting rice seedlings in a rice field, with the head pressed down into the soil, the body halfway in, with only the tail exposed, and a square "wolf field" is neatly planted.

Even the white wolf demon king was not spared, occupying a foot in the center of the 'wolf field'.

As the breeze blows, the furry and thick tails of the wolf monsters sway slightly like ears of rice, unexpectedly giving people the illusion that everything is harmonious and beautiful, and a good harvest this autumn is in sight.

In contrast, the situation of the monkey monsters whose heads were just picked off and played as balls did not seem to be so embarrassing.

Zheng Qing turned his neck stiffly and looked around.

Four weeks without exception.

Centering on where he and the tiger demon were, the torn bodies of the dead demons were scattered all over the ground, densely packed in the field, almost dyeing the entire grassland red.

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The abundant Blood Qi slowly evaporated under the dim sunlight, floating in mid-air, slowly accumulating a dark red mist, like a rotting peach blossom miasma.

The young wizard swallowed involuntarily, the talisman paper between his fingers slipped down without a sound, and then he quietly pulled his hand out of the gray cloth bag.

Originally, he had planned to attack the tiger demon by taking a cold breath, but after seeing this purgatory-like cruel scene, all that innocence vanished in an instant.

Can beat such a group of monsters to pieces, is this black tiger the legendary big monster?

Even the big monster has appeared, that damn puppet is trying to wipe out all the rookie hunters! ! It definitely didn't want to let people out! !

Zheng Qing crazily cursed a certain perverted middle school puppet in his heart, wishing that a fireball would burn it into black coals!

The only thing to be thankful for was that the black tiger demon didn't tear him to pieces.

Maybe it's because it's just full?

Zheng Qing knows that besides feeding on wizards, monsters transformed by erosion can also rely on mutual devouring to maintain their existence-but this kind of cannibalism is basically limited to wild monsters driven by instinct-this is also the reason why hunters One of the ways to judge the type of monster.

In other words, this tiger demon is very likely to be a demon that has been eroded and transformed.

But it's not sure - what if this tiger demon has a quirk and doesn't like to eat wizards? This naive thought suddenly popped up in Zheng Qing's heart.

The young wizard moved his limbs cautiously, allowing the blood to flow into the almost dry blood vessels again. Then he tilted his head and greeted the tiger in a soft voice: "Master Tiger? Are you hungry?"

"If you're not hungry, I won't bother you?"

(Full score for the tone!) He encouraged himself from the bottom of his heart-very polite, keep working hard!

The tiger demon raised an eyelid and glanced at the wizard, but there was no further action.

This gave Zheng Qing great courage.

He stood up straight, limped around the corpses of a few monsters, trying to leave the slaughterhouse.

After walking a few steps, he turned his head, only to find that the black tiger that had been taking a nap on the ground opened its mouth wide and yawned big, then shook the blood scabs and dust on its body, and Shi Shiran followed.


Zheng Qing wailed in his heart, and Sa Yazi ran away.

But within a short distance, the tearing pain in his chest reappeared.

Glancing to the side, the Black Tiger Demon was briskly following him obliquely behind him, neither too fast nor too slow, snorting and shaking his ears from time to time, as if on an outing. (to be continued)

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