Hunting High School

Chapter 307: The Whereabouts Of The Loot

"In other words, we didn't hunt any monsters because they were all attracted by you?"

"And those wild monsters have been slaughtered by this black tiger??"

"Have you collected all the loot?!"

Matthew Karen uttered the above three questions in a slightly sad and indignant tone, revealing a bit of despair in his tone.

When Irina judged that Zheng Qing was not lying according to the polygraph, she quickly summoned the rest of Karen's hunting team. Although there was a big cat eyeing him, the witch didn't think it was a threaten.

"If according to what you said, this big cat can kill hundreds of wild monsters, then what's the difference between us hiding or not, standing in front of it or hiding a hundred meters away?"

Elena's words were frustrating, but they hit the nail on the head.

Zheng Qing thought about it, and had to reluctantly admit that her judgment was very reasonable.

After hearing the briefing from the gypsy witch, the other hunters of Karen's hunting team who walked out of the talisman also nodded in agreement with her judgment. It's just that the hunters of Karen's hunting team are more interested in Zheng Qing's story than the daunting big cat.

Facing a group of curious faces, Zheng Qing had to tell his own experience again.

Everyone expressed their admiration for his courage to lure away the monsters alone. Only Matthew didn't pay attention to the blood that disappeared from Zheng Qing's right eye, nor was he interested in why the monsters chased Zheng Qing.

The only thing the young vampire of the Karen family cares about is that the prey is gone!

Merlin on!

Oh no, it's Cain on top! !

If Zheng Qing took away all the parts from those wild monsters, how can the Karen hunting team win? !

Especially when Zheng Qing ostentatiously showed his full booty to the rest of Karen's hunting team, Matthew's despair had reached its peak—so much so that for a moment, he even had the urge to kill and rob.

For the nobles under the moon, honor is more important than morality. When faced with the dilemma of maintaining the principle of hunting competition or maintaining the honor of the surname, most of the nobles under the moon will not hesitate in the slightest—only the inexperienced cubs who have just walked out of the castle may hesitate a little bit. Pay attention to the morals and principles taught in books.

Unfortunately but fortunately, Matthew Karen is one such cub.

While Matthew was worried about the prey, Zheng Qing tried his best to persuade the Karen hunting team to change their combat philosophy and look for other hunting teams:

"You should join the other hunting parties!"

"This is the hunting ground of His Majesty the Puppet Man. If we cannot cooperate sincerely, there will be no way out."

"Do you really believe that the hunting team that won in the end has a chance to get out alive?"

"Don't forget, if you go out as a monster, you also go out alive..."

This speculation is quite scary, but it must be admitted that Zheng Qing's statement has some truth. For a moment, whether it was Adam, Yi Lianna, or the brothers and sisters of Nankai and Nanjian, they all frowned and began to think about the possibility of joining forces with other hunting teams.

Seeing that own's persuasion was effective, Zheng Qing felt relieved, and couldn't help but intensify his persuasion: "From here to the northeast, go straight for about 50 kilometers, which is the location of the Forgiveness Hunting Team and Ouroboros Hunting Team...Of course, they It may also be transferred, but if you start from there, it will definitely be easier..."

"Why do we go to other hunting teams to cooperate?" Matthew finally remembered his responsibilities as the captain of the hunting team, and immediately interrupted Zheng Qing's words, and said in a cold tone: "Since it is in the small auditorium, no one can break The blockade of the puppet man, why do you think that we will become stronger if we unite in the hunting ground? Not to mention that the owner of this Minor World is the elf of the secret garden, and he and the puppet man are in the same group."

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment: "But..."

He 'but' several times, but he couldn't think of a suitable reason to refute. Although his intuition told him that in this strange hunting ground, it was the most correct choice for everyone to unite. But Matthew's analysis is not without reason.

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"...In my opinion, according to the puppet man's request, winning the first place in the hunting competition is the only way out." Matthew finally added.

Zheng Qing finally found a way to fight back: "But, you have no chance!"

He raised the gray cloth bag in his hand and reminded: "If I'm not mistaken, most of the monster's eyeballs in this hunting ground are in my bag... There are also some nerves and bone meal... Well, the tiger's back And a few bundles of leather..."

The corners of Matthew's eyes twitched, and he couldn't wait for a book to fall on Zheng Qing's head.

In this way, the topic returned to the place where he was struggling at first.

"If you are willing to cooperate with other hunting teams, then this bag will be handed over to you." Zheng Qing suddenly raised the gray cloth bag in his hand and said loudly: "But I must emphasize one thing, the spoils in this bag are for participating in the Freshman Competition All the newborn trophies, not the trophies of a certain hunting party!!"

All ten eyes focused on the inconspicuous gray cloth bag in Zheng Qing's hand.

There was an expression of undisguised surprise on everyone's face.

"In this hunting ground, we will not sign any contracts." Matthew snorted.

"I don't have a contract for you to sign either." Zheng Qing rubbed his head and laughed.

"Then why do you trust us?" Adam couldn't help asking.

"Do I have to trust the big cat next to me?" Zheng Qing couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "As you said, there is nothing to believe in this hunting ground... I can only choose to trust classmate Own."

"And, isn't there still Matthew!" Zheng Qing turned his head, looked at his own classmate, and said with a smile: "If a reliable nobleman like Matthew can't be trusted, I really don't know if he can." What to believe."

Thousands of breaks, ten thousand breaks, flattery is not broken.

This is an unbreakable truth.

Even Matthew, who was annoyed at being robbed of his prey, couldn't help curling his lips up and his expression softened a lot in the face of Zheng Qing's praise and unreserved trust.

"What about you?" Yi Lianna suddenly asked: "We brought the spoils to find other people, what about you?"

"Me?" Zheng Qing rubbed his head again, then looked back at the big black cat lying under the shade of the tree, and shrugged helplessly: "With such a big cat following me, I really dare not go to see you...but you guys Don't worry, according to the previous situation, this big cat is more least I won't be besieged by wild monsters."

As he spoke, he laughed again.

The members of Karen's hunting team were either worried, inquiring, or uneasy. All kinds of eyes focused on the young wizard. For a while, it seemed that everyone lost interest in arguing, and the room suddenly fell silent. (to be continued)

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