Hunting High School

Chapter 308 Has Any Of You Eaten Roasted Swallows Yet?

"Just send a small gray cloth bag, don't need everyone to go."

"I can stay on behalf of the Karen Hunt."

Elena spoke suddenly, interrupting the quiet atmosphere in the venue.

She folded her arms, raised her chin slightly, revealing her slender, fair neck, so shaking that Zheng Qing didn't even dare to lift her eyes.

The gypsy witch didn't notice Zheng Qing's embarrassment, she paused, and continued: "...Moreover, you should need a qualified fortune-teller, at least to ensure that you won't step into someone else's trap for the second time. "

This pain point immediately awakened Zheng Qing.

"The truth is this," Zheng Qing reluctantly nodded, hesitating: "But..."

"However, I should be the fortune teller of Karen's hunting team. So, if I stay, it should be me who stays." Another voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the conversation between Zheng Qing and Irina.

The wizard turned his head in surprise.

It was Nan Jian who spoke, the fortuneteller who was born in the Nan family of Runan - she had no intersection with Zheng Qing, and she didn't even speak a few times. This is one of the reasons why Zheng Qing feels strange.

Apparently, he wasn't the only one who felt strange.

"Are you kidding me!" Nan Kai pushed Adam in front of him, stuck between Zheng Qing and Nan Jian, staring at the astonished public fee student, and shouted, "Stay here? Follow that deadly tiger Strolling around? Are you tired of living? If you want to walk together, no one should think about being a hero by staying alone!"

As he said that, he turned his head again and persuaded Nan Jian in a soft voice: "Everyone knows that Jiuyou College is a bunch of nerds, we Alpha people, don't follow him to be stupid..."

"Ahem!" Matthew coughed twice with a dark face.

Nankai was stunned for a moment, and then realized that besides Zheng Qing, there were also two 'nerds' from Jiuyou Academy.

"That's not what I meant." Nan Kai scratched his head and muttered, then changed the subject and said something else to Nan Jian: "Don't worry about Zheng Qing's shit...I think you should Take care of the little white marten, it's about to get into that tiger's mouth!"

As he spoke, he pointed to not far behind him.

More than ten meters away, Nanjian's little white sable was biting one of the black tiger's beards, cocking its tail, trying to pull it out. The black tiger didn't seem to notice it, and was still lazily playing with the monkey's head under its paws, but the action of the white sable scared the young wizards not far away so that their hands and feet became cold.

"I finally know why you said that this tiger is weird." Yi Lianna bit her lip, leaned into Zheng Qing's ear, and whispered: "If I was that tiger demon and was harassed by an ant, I must have A slap was drawn."

The rich fragrance drifted over along with the witch's breath, wrapping the young public fee student tightly, making him feel suffocated.

He felt as if there was a Luban No. 7 in his mind who was holding up a machine gun and shooting wildly, splashing golden sparks, and blasting a piece of scorched earth with a grenade at the same time, making people dizzy.

Maybe it was Merlin who heard the rumble in his head.

Maybe that magical Luban No. 7 threw the grenade across the dimension.

——In short, the magical world has never lacked the phenomenon of 'surreal induction'.

Not far from the young hunters, a raised hill suddenly trembled violently as if hit by a grenade. A steep cliff on the top of the hill made a crackling sound.

Before the young wizards could react, the gravel on the cliff fell down like dust, and a thick sound wave rose into the air, rolling out a cloud of dust.


Matthew Karen roared.

The hunters of the Karen hunting team skillfully formed a triangle battle formation, surrounding Zheng Qing, Nan Jian, and Yi Lianna in the center.

"Actually, I can stand outside." Zheng Qing blushed, trying to speak in a casual tone.

As a wizard, he was really ashamed to hide in the center of the defensive formation like the two witches.

In particular, one of the witches was Elena.

"Is it a wild monster? Did the wild monster attack us?" Nankai was gearing up, his face full of excitement.

"The cordon didn't issue an early warning... I feel like it's just a landslide." Adam quickly analyzed, with a bit of doubt on his face: "Is this feeling an earthquake?"

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Matthew didn't speak, but stared at the rising dust.

When the breeze blows and the dust is cleared away, what appears to the young hunters is a huge, Amber-colored thing. It was embedded under the cliff like a gem.

This scene stunned everyone.

Nankai was the first to react.

"Baby!" He jumped up with superhuman agility, left the battle formation, and rushed to the front of the 'gem', and at the same time shouted excitedly: "The rules of hunting are first come, first served, whoever gets it counts." ,Right!"

"Is this the 'big secret treasure' that the puppet man said?"

"No wonder it boasted so much, saying that it's enough for us to use the great wizard... such a big gem, I'm afraid it's rare even in the great wizard's treasury!"

The rest of Karen's hunting team looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless.

Even Matthew just frowned, and didn't reprimand Nankai for his wrong behavior of leaving the battle.

Nankai touched the huge yellow gem, turned around excitedly, and waved to everyone: "Hey, come and take a look... The shadow on it is so clear, the color of this gem is really amazing!"

"And its feel..." the wizard said, and couldn't help turning his head again, muttering intoxicatedly: "The hand feels as warm and moist as jade, the texture is delicate, it's just..."

Before he finished speaking, his face changed drastically, and he drew back his paw like lightning, and ran back rolling and crawling at the same time.

On the huge yellow gemstone, a white shadow flashed quickly, making a crisp 'click' sound.

Immediately afterwards, a pitch-black pupil floated out from the base of the 'topaz', swayed slightly in the 'topaz', and stared blankly at the group of young wizards.

"That white shadow is the eyelid?" Zheng Qing suddenly realized.

However, it was too late for him, or for all the young wizards present, to wake up.

With the return of the pupils, a violent aura slowly rose from the ground, making everyone tremble. Then the sound of "rumbling" underground suddenly increased, as if the moment a rocket took off. The crackling stones shattered into one place. Boundless and endless dust rose into the sky.

"Perhaps, you don't need to discuss who goes and who stays." Zheng Qing looked back at Elena, forcing out a difficult smile.

The gypsy witch was pale and seemed to have lost the ability to speak.

a long time.

The dust cleared.

A huge and ferocious monster appeared in front of everyone who was limp on the ground.


With trembling lips, Matthew spit out a terrifying name.

The faces of the others were pale, and they didn't know if they heard his low trembling voice.


Zheng Qing stretched out his hand to grab a clump of thatch by his leg, stared blankly at the gigantic monster in front of him, and murmured, "Has any of you eaten roasted swallow?"

No one talked to him about his soliloquy.

Everyone was intimidated by the surging Peiran dragon. (to be continued)

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