Hunting High School

Chapter 309 Warning! Warn! !

For Zheng Qing, dragon is an extremely unfamiliar but very familiar word.

It is strange because for Zheng Qing, this kind of creature has always belonged to the creature in the "legend".

The spirit of scale insects in mythology, the celestial signs in the zodiac, the symbols and auspiciousness in legends—in Zheng Qing’s imagination, such miraculous animals should be camel heads with staghorn horns, snake necks with ox ears, eagle claws with fish scales, teng It swallows clouds and mist, and has a myriad of phenomena; when it falls, it can appear and hide, and it can be small and large at will;

In short, in the hearts of every Chinese, the word dragon always contains too much spiritual sustenance.

I say familiar because since Zheng Qing came into contact with the wizarding world, he has read books and treatises about dragons in the library more than once, and he has heard this creature mentioned by his classmates, friends, and even janitors and professors more than once.

For example, Zhang Jixin once showed off to his companions the story that he followed the big brothers to hunt Tanggula ice chinchillas in a certain summer vacation; Lin Guo made a thick notebook, which was filled with the characteristics, strength, and habits of various dragons and beasts Wait, this little wizard even learned how to roast roasted swallows - it is said that it is the dragon's favorite food.

Therefore, when a ferocious giant dragon appeared in front of Zheng Qing, his first reaction was not to run away, but to reflect on whether someone ate the roasted swallow, and then led this big guy out.

After all, it is clearly stated in all the materials and writings that dragons are very lazy creatures, and only delicious food or treasures can arouse their interest.

"Not a dragon in our world...just a Demonic Beast with dragon veins."

Nan Jian was the first to recover, and analyzed with a slightly trembling voice: "Although its monster reaction is very weak, there is no doubt that this dragon has been corroded by Monster Qi... The yellow color of its eyes is not pure. Golden yellow, but orange with a tinge of blood."

"Keep quiet, everyone don't provoke it." Matthew also added softly.

Zheng Qing stood in front of Elena, silently looking up at the giant beast.

As the saying goes, the wind follows the tiger, and the cloud follows the dragon. It means that when the dragon appears, the sky will inevitably be filled with clouds. I don’t know if this old saying played a role. In short, with the appearance of this giant dragon, the sky of the entire hunting ground suddenly became much darker. Gray-white cumulonimbus clouds slowly rolled over from the sky, and the clouds could faintly hear to the roar of thunder.

But this drastic weather change, compared with the giant dragon in front of Zheng Qing, is very inconspicuous.

It is indeed a huge monster.

The body is a few miles long and covered with dark yellow scales. A few messy red beards protruded from the long and narrow cheeks, and on both sides of the corners of the mouth were staggered fangs of different lengths, with sour saliva dripping from them.

From the back of its head, four huge twisted horns shot up into the sky, and the flame-like mane fluttered on its back, extending to the tip of its tail. A pair of thick bat wings drooped by the side, and the sharp claws protruding from the wingtips firmly clasped the rocks on the hill, leaving deep marks in the grass. And that slender and powerful tail drooped down gently along the hills, like a khaki low mountain range.

From its peculiar shape, it can be clearly judged that this dragon does not belong to the Eastern "Shenosauridae", nor does it belong to the Western "Giantosauridae", but is more inclined to "Saurica-Pterosauridae". Some kind of independent drake under it.

This kind of dragon beast is often found in some independent Minor Worlds-according to the wizards who explore the new world, almost every world has its own unique dragon creature, the difference is only the strength and weakness.

It's just that for the young wizards present, no matter how weak the dragon beast is, it's also a dragon creature, and it's not something they, young people who have just entered school for less than half a year, can deal with—— Zheng Qing is even very skeptical, the spell in his gray bag Can the and talisman penetrate the thick scale armor on this monster.


With the sound of heavy breathing, a string of golden-red sparks spewed out from the nostrils of the giant dragon in front of him from time to time. It turned its two huge eyeballs, its eyes slowly gliding over the young wizards, and finally fell on the public-funded students of Jiuyou Academy.

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Zheng Qing's heart skipped a beat.

Before he could recover, a terrifying roar suddenly sounded from behind them, breaking through Long Wei's heavy restraint. Immediately, a tall figure slowly came out from the shade of the trees, paced squarely, and walked in front of the young wizards unhurriedly.

It was the 'Black Tiger Demon'.

This surprised and amazed everyone.

The surprise is that there is a "big monster" that can deal with hundreds of monsters blocking the front, and these young people seem to be able to save their lives.

The surprise is that no one can understand the logic of this tiger demon's behavior. Whether it kills demons or does not eat wizards, it seems strange to everyone—maybe this is the original meaning of "everything goes wrong, there must be a demon"?

The giant dragon lowered its eyelids slightly, and glanced at the big black tiger in front of it.

To young wizards, a big tiger with a shoulder height of two meters can be regarded as a huge beast. But for a giant dragon with a length of hundreds of meters and a shoulder height of tens of meters, whether it is those wizards or this tiger, they are all the size of an ant, and there is no difference.

It's just that the black tiger's roar just now made it a little dissatisfied, so the giant dragon slowly raised its head and opened its mouth slowly, as if planning to make a big move to cleanse the smoky world in front of it.

Heihu didn't respond with barren teeth and claws.

It just raised a paw and pointed to the sky where the clouds were getting thicker and thicker.

The giant dragon shook his head, turned his head to look at a few bugs on the ground, and seemed to have sensed something, and raised his head to look at the sky.

Based on their actions, all the young wizards present raised their heads at the same time, looking at the rumbling sky.

"It's not thunder!" Elena suddenly said, breaking the silence in the room.

"Isn't it thunder?" Zheng Qing couldn't help but listen carefully.

Sure enough, after careful identification, the rumbling thunder in the sky gradually became more interesting, as if someone was roaring wildly in the sky with a tweeter.

Gradually, the thunder was getting closer and closer, and the sky was getting darker and darker. Dark red clouds filled the sky, giving people a feeling of the end of the world.

Gradually, the 'thunder' became clearer.



"An unmarked high-intensity monster was found in the hunting ground!"

"An unmarked super-strength monster was found in the hunting ground!!"

"Stop the game immediately!"

"Stop the match immediately!!"

"Fully activate the emergency plan!"

"Please listen to the staff's instructions and leave from the safe passage..."

Accompanied by deafening warning sounds from the sky, dozens of black figures suddenly appeared in the middle of the hunting ground. One of them was a tall, blond and blue-eyed wizard, Zheng Qing was very familiar with.

It was his interviewer, Assistant Professor Thomas. (to be continued)

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