Hunting High School

Chapter 310 Retreat

"A yi yi is its yin, and a scorpion is its thunder!"

"Yin Qilei! In the Sun of the Demon Dragon!"

"Yin Qilei! Beside the demon dragon!"

"Yin Qilei! Under the demon dragon!"

"The wind and rain are miserable, and Xiaoxiao is like darkness!"

"Bo Xi, Qie Xi, hold on to the front of Shu Shu!"

Dozens of wizards in black robes stood scattered around the dragon, holding dharma books in their hands, and chanting spells aloud. Just in an instant, the wind and rain roared and enveloped the area. For a while, the sky was dark and the sky was dim. Suddenly, many burly and strong men jumped out of the void, charging into the battle with various weapons in their hands, blocking the attacks of the dragon's tail and dragon's claws for the wizards, bringing out a streak of fire on the dragon's skin from time to time.

At the same time, there are many wizards in the periphery who are repeatedly superimposing control spells such as 'Ge Zhiqinxi', 'My Horse Snake', 'My Horse Xuanhuang', and the colorful spells rained down on the giant dragon, making it Dizziness, weakness in legs and feet, and weakness in struggling.

It only took a short time—the buzzing of Zheng Qing's ears being shaken by the thunder curse hadn't subsided—the giant dragon, which was extremely ferocious in the eyes of the young wizards, lay down on the grass and rolled his eyes , motionless.

Although there was no counting, Zheng Qing felt that from the appearance of the black robes to the execution of the dragon, it seemed that not even a minute was spent.

"Is this the strength of a registered wizard?" Zheng Qing took a deep breath, looking at those tall figures in black robes, his eyes were a bit fiery: "In two years, I will be able to form a group to fight dragons... Of course, the premise is to learn the Thunder Curse."

Thinking of the short and intense thunderstorm just now, Zheng Qing couldn't help grinning and rubbing his ears.

A few months ago, when he was buying books in Damingfang, he had the honor of seeing Thomas cast the spell 'Yin Qilei'. Although Thomas was only alone at that time, he cast a single thunder curse, but it also made the young wizard shudder and unsteady, which left a deep impression on him.

Today, when he saw this lightning curse again, and saw dozens of people casting a combined thunder spell together, this feeling strengthened his previous impression countless times.

Zheng Qing felt that he would never forget this shocking scene for the rest of his life.

Now that the giant dragon has been put to death, the rest of the aftermath will naturally be dealt with by someone specially assigned for it. Some of the black robes took out various tools from their bodies, giving priority to earning some extra money for themselves; some of the black robes explored around and repeatedly searched for the huge pit where the dragon just emerged; there were a few black robes who did not participate in these activities Instead, he hurried towards a group of young wizards.

The leader was Zheng Qing's former interviewer, Thomas.

"You are such a troublemaker." With a dark face, Thomas strode from the dragon to Zheng Qing, and complained from a long distance, "Do you know, you have caused us a lot of trouble..."

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Before he finished speaking, he was drowned out by the cheers and curiosity of the young hunters of the Karen hunting team.

"You guys are amazing!"

"Is this the teaching assistant team of the school?"

"How did the school find us?!!"

"Did you catch that puppet? It commanded Gulu to eat several students!"

All kinds of messy questions were thrown at the black robes in front of them without distinction, which caught them off guard. Zheng Qing clearly saw the astonished expression on Thomas's face.

It was Matthew who came forward to stop the messy performance of his own hunting team.

"Quiet!" The captain of Karen's hunting team turned pale with anger—although his face was already pale—and his voice became a bit shrill: "It's unseemly... Where is your politeness?! It's too shameful Already!"

This reprimand immediately calmed down the excited young wizards.

Thomas finally came back to his senses, coughed softly, turned his gaze from Zheng Qing to the other hunters, and added in a dry voice: "Everyone is doing very well today...Your problem, if you leave the hunting ground, there will naturally be someone to take care of it." .I won’t say much here.”

"As for screwed us to death!"

As he spoke, the teaching assistant gave Zheng Qing a vicious look.

The young public fee student blinked blankly, turned to look at the other hunters, and shrugged innocently: "What did I do?"

Thomas didn't seem to be in the mood to explain in detail to Zheng Qing. With a stinky face, he took out a row of ampoules from his pocket, distributed them to several young wizards, and ordered: "Drink it, calm your mind, and adjust the state of the potion... It's good for you."

Zheng Qing shook the light green potion in his hand, skillfully broke off the head of the ampoule, raised his neck, and poured it into his stomach.

After regaining consciousness, Thomas had already walked in front of the Eucalyptus eucalyptus, pressed his hands on the tree, and slid his fingertips through the deep criss-cross grooves of the dark brown bark, muttering and chanting words.

Not for a moment, there was a rumbling sound from the trunk of Eucalyptus eucalyptus—as if a train was coming out of it—then the bark rolled over, the trunk split, and a dark tree hole two meters high and one meter wide appeared. In front of everyone.

"Retreat now!"

"One by one, enter the tree hole in order, and the opposite is the school safety zone."

"Women first, boys last...the big cat will go last! Don't mess up the order!"

"Hurry up!"

Thomas pressed one hand on the tree trunk, waved the other vigorously, and greeted, "Zheng Qing, you are the last one to go!"

Hearing the stern voice of the teaching assistant, Zheng Qing couldn't help but look back at the 'black tiger demon'.

From the appearance of the black robe to the execution of the giant dragon, only a short time passed, so short that Zheng Qing almost forgot the big cat that was always by his side for a short while.

Even though the thunderstorms, the wind, the wind and the magic riot just now, even the ferocious dragon beast was beaten to death by the black robes, but the black tiger seemed to be completely unaware of it, and slapped back lazily. In the shade of the tree, it began to play with its 'monkey's head'.

This made the young public finance student feel agitated and a little confused.

He hesitated for a moment, trotted a few steps, approached Thomas, and asked in a low voice, "That black tiger demon is also retreating with us? Is it a little dangerous... Or, let it stay here."

"Black tiger demon?" Thomas looked around and landed on the black tiger who was playing with the monkey head.

Then he raised his eyebrows: "That big cat? Who told you that it belonged to a black tiger demon?... Is it a demon with two red eyes? Do you believe that Lao Yao will slap you to death!"

"I remember that one of your eyes was red some time ago. Are you a half-demon?"

Zheng Qing was stunned and shook his head vigorously.

Then he got dizzy even more. (to be continued)

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