Hunting High School

Chapter 311: Lao Yao's Roar

The light in the tree hole was a bit dim, and the soft cold wind licked Zheng Qing's neck and ears, making the hairs all over his body explode involuntarily.

Of course, it's also possible that the black tiger behind him added some pressure to him.

Since it is a tree hole, the space will naturally be a little cramped.

At the beginning, it is extremely narrow, but it is only through people. After walking for dozens of steps, it suddenly becomes clear. The stands are towering, the flags are orderly, there are four colors of red, yellow, blue and white, and the cheers are deafening. Among them, the shuttle, men and women smile, all as usual.

Zheng Qing stood blankly outside the tree hole, scratching his head and looking around in a daze.

He originally thought that he would see a group of wizards in black robes waiting in battle outside, as well as the therapists in white robes in the school hospital, but he did not expect that he and others would appear in a spacious lounge—— Although Mrs. Bella is indeed standing in this lounge now, she looks more like she is doing a routine inspection for everyone, without the slightest sense of tension about something big happening.

The shape of this lounge is a bit strange. The entire wall is occupied by a huge floor-to-ceiling window—from the ceiling to the skirting boards, and even a window sill cannot be seen on the window, the entire surface is smooth and clean glass—the sunlight from outside the house obliquely comes in, bright It is not dazzling, so that the eyes of the young wizards who have just stepped out of the tree hole will not feel the slightest sting.

Resting around for a week, there is a row of soft low-back sofas. The thick leather surface seems to be inflated, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Through the 'glass wall', there is a sea of ​​joy outside, with crowds of people, colorful flags flying, the surrounding stands, the cloud-shrouded 'vortex eyes', and the faint sound waves, all clearly show a fact .

Outside are the stands for the hunting grounds.

This made Zheng Qing scratch his head even more.

"You guys, come here!" The tall, fat female head nurse waved to the young wizards who had just walked out of the cave with a straight face, and shouted: "Just out of the hunting ground, you need to do an adaptability check...Male left Female right, if you are not sure, find me."

Her last sentence had the feel of a bad joke, but it failed to elicit any laughter.

The young wizards were all clutching their dharma books, and looked at the head nurse blankly.

"They haven't calmed down yet, they are a little nervous, don't worry, take your time." Thomas followed closely, appeared in the lounge, and said to Mrs. Bella with a sigh: "You know, they were facing each other before. A real dragon..."

"Old Yao is very annoyed right now and is throwing a tantrum outside. You better be prepared." Mrs. Bella looked at the teaching assistant pityingly and reminded him kindly.

Thomas's face became more and more puckered.

Mrs. Bella then turned her eyes to the big black tiger following the young wizards, looked at the mottled blood on its body, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "It's really messing around...the school doesn't care about young people messing around, If the headmaster found out, he would have already whipped him with the boss's stick..."

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Heihu didn't seem to notice, went straight through the crowd, walked to the center of the lounge, chose the most spacious and softest carpet, lay down lazily, and habitually took out his monkey head.

"Put that filth away!! Do you want all the elves in this house to be thrown into the incinerator?!" screamed Mrs. Bella.

Heihu raised his head, was stunned for a moment, then obediently put the monkey head away.

Mrs. Bella's anger subsided a little, and then she looked at the young wizards again, and ordered: "The inspectors pass by one by one, and the people behind are sitting on the surrounding sofas to rest, and there are snacks and drinks on the coffee table, you can eat a little... ..."

She didn't finish what she said.

Because there was a louder roar from outside the house, her voice was completely covered up, and even the wooden door of this lounge and the huge floor-to-ceiling windows were trembling from the roar outside the house.

"...they still have the face to talk about their grades?!"

"It's a good thing that a freshman match was interrupted, what kind of shit is this?! The thing about the monster dragon, one counts as one, and none of them can escape!!"

"This is negligence!! It's dereliction of duty!! It's murder!!"

"How dare you talk about your grades with a straight face?!"

"Throwing a group of young people who haven't graduated from the first grade in front of a demon dragon - this is your achievement? Do you dare to tell the editor of the "Beta Town Post" about this matter? Ah?!! Still Do you think the school has not had enough troubles this year?!"

"...Who is in charge of cleaning up the freshman competition? Where are the members of the Hunting Committee? Where's Lei Zhe? Where's Augustus? If something happens, one or two dare not come to see me. If you don't come, you'll be fine? !"

Hearing Lao Yao's familiar roar, Zheng Qing was inexplicably relieved, and couldn't help but smile foolishly.

Compared with him, the face of the teaching assistant next to him is not so good-looking.

To be precise, his face was getting paler.

"How about... I'll go back and have a look first?" Thomas shrank his neck, glanced at Mrs. Bella cautiously, and suggested in a low voice, "I remember that there are still some things in the hunting ground that haven't been cleaned up..."

Before he finished speaking, the wooden door of the lounge was pushed open heavily.

Lao Yao's roar then spread into the room.

"... Didn't clean up? You also know that it wasn't cleaned up? How did you clean up?!"

"Such a big unmarked demon dragon is staying in the hunting ground. Are you all blind? Did you pass four years of college for nothing? It's hard for you to get a chance to organize it yourself, and you just do things like this?!"

"Is there a little self-motivated?!"

"Do you have any sense of responsibility?!"

"That's how the school teaches you how to behave in the world?!"

"If you hadn't graduated, today's incident would have deducted your credits to minus one hundred!!"

Thomas nodded with a smile on his face, but didn't dare to say a word.

But sometimes, it's not enough to keep your mouth shut.

"Laugh, laugh, laugh, still have the face to laugh?!" Old Yaohu scowled, staring at the young assistant in front of him, his eyes shone with horror: "If someone really dies because of this today, you will die in Danhag Laugh forever in your single room!"

The young wizards in the lounge trembled under Lao Yao's roar, lowered their eyebrows and lowered their eyes, lest their own eyes would arouse the professor's greater anger.

Only Mrs. Bella dismissed it.

"What are you yelling at! This is the station of the school hospital, if you have a temper, go outside!" The head nurse tilted his head and gave Lao Yao a look: "Speak up if you have something to say! I am not a place for you to lose your temper!"

The pipe that Professor Yao was waving in mid-air froze for a moment.

After a pause, he added angrily: "I'll settle accounts with you later... Don't always protect them, it's not good for them."

"Zheng Qing come out!"

"It's time for your hunting team to take the stage!" (To be continued)

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