Hunting High School

Chapter 312: Cause And Effect

The low footsteps in the corridor one after another, kicking and tapping, mixed with echoes, made people feel a sense of irritability in their hearts.

Zheng Qing followed Lao Yao with a troubled expression on his face.

A few minutes ago, the conversation between the professor and him outside the lounge has been echoing in his ears.

"...The statistical results have come out. The Forgiveness Hunting Team has hunted the most monsters. You are the captain of Forgiveness, so now you need to come on stage to receive the award."

"Although the members of the jury still have some slight disagreements on the source of your 'trophies', compared to other hunting teams, your performance is the best."

"There is no doubt about it."

"As for the big black cat, don't follow along to the stage. It's not part of your hunting team's official establishment, and its appearance is also unsightly. If it appears rashly, it may cause unnecessary riots..."

Lao Yao babbled at the side explaining that the more Zheng Qing listened to it, the more he felt uncomfortable.

The blue bird swallowed by the wolf demon, Xiao Xiao who was bitten by the monkey demon, and Andrew who was dragged into the bottom of the pool by the water demon, their voices and smiles kept appearing in front of him, making the young wizard's mood worse .

Finally, when the professor asked Zheng Qing to prepare his acceptance speech, Zheng Qing finally couldn't help interrupting the professor, and asked a little angrily, "Professor, have you caught that puppet?"

After such a big event happened and so many people died, how could they still be in the mood to hold a commendation meeting? The brains of these old wizards are probably caught by the door!

Zheng Qing thought maliciously, and his heart became more and more annoyed-what kind of acceptance speech should he think about at this time? What a joke!

However, upon hearing his questioning, Lao Yao's expression was a bit astonished: "A puppet?"

The professor repeated the word.

Obviously, he didn't realize that Zheng Qing would ask such a question.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the professor finally came to his senses, took out his own pipe, bit it in his mouth and smashed it a few times.

One bite, two bites, three bites.

With two puffs of white smoke coming out of his nostrils, the professor finally couldn't hold back and smiled.

"You're the dumbest freelancer I've ever seen." He bit his pipe, said vaguely, and patted Zheng Qing on the back twice, laughing, and added: "Whether it's on the hunting ground The choice, or the current reaction, is the most stupid-no one."

"But this stupidity is also what the school, especially Jiuyou Academy, appreciates the most."

"If you're not stupid, how can you call him a real 'nerd'?!"

Although the professor seemed to be blaming him, he did not conceal his appreciation inside and outside the words. This made the already somewhat dazed young wizard even more confused.

Xu Shi noticed Zheng Qing's expression, and Lao Yao finally didn't continue to be a joke, but replied very simply:

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"You don't need to catch the puppet. It's an old man in the school, and it's been longer than 90% of the people in this school."

"There was nothing wrong with the freshman competition, it all went according to plan..."

"Originally?" Zheng Qing immediately noticed the professor's words.

"Yeah, originally." The professor paused, and a trace of anger reappeared on his face: "According to the original plan, you should face challenges from different monsters in the hunting ground."

"Those who fly in the sky, those who run on the ground, those who swim in the water, those who walk alone, those who live in groups, those who are good at hand-to-hand combat, those who are good at Illusion Art, etc., should be one after another, group after group, with increasing intensity and number... …until Death."

"The hunting team that can persevere to the end is the final winner we expected."

"It's just that the plan can't keep up with the changes...the changes started to happen because of you."

"Because of me?" Zheng Qing pointed to his nose, with an innocent face, and at the same time, there was an annoyance of being deceived in his heart. To be reasonable, if the professor hadn't explained it in person now, and he has been kept in the dark, how could he disrupt the hunting game? !

"Yes, it's because of you." The professor turned his face sideways, looked at the young wizard with strange eyes, and finally shook his head and explained: "Although I don't know the reason, in fact, during the time you stayed in the hunting ground , attracting almost all the monsters in the arena."

Zheng Qing couldn't help but touched Own's right eye, a gloomy flashed in his heart.

But Lao Yao's next sentence dissipated the gloom in his heart, and replaced it with mmp.

"It would be a good thing if you were eaten by those monsters," the professor said regretfully, puffing out a few puffs of smoke rings, "At least if that's the case, our freshman competition can continue normally."

If I am eaten by a monster, I will not let you go if I become a ghost.

Zheng Qing thought silently in her heart. However, when he thought that ordinary ghosts seemed to have no effect on a great wizard like Lao Yao, he couldn't help feeling a little more depressed.

" had that big black cat to help you, and you survived in the end."

"But the prey we prepared for you, those monsters, are all dead."

"In a hunting match, if there are no prey left, what's the difference?... You have already eliminated other hunting teams before they even started. It's a tragedy."

"Of course, after the 'slaughterhouse' incident—that is, the wanton massacre by the big black cat—there were still three little monsters with three cats and two dogs in the hunting grounds. But it's a drop in the bucket, and it has no effect on other hunting teams. "

"No matter how hard other hunting teams try, it's all in vain. The final spoils are definitely not as rich as yours."

"At that time, people from the Hunting Committee had already started a discussion with the school to discuss whether to interrupt the game early and call you bastards back."

"But..." Zheng Qing silently added the turning point in his heart, and at the same time tilted his shoulders calmly.

"But," as expected, Lao Yao patted the young wizard's shoulder vigorously again, puffed out a few puffs of white smoke, and snorted, "But you actually provoked that monster dragon again!——This is the second thing I want to say. accident."

"You know, every Demonic Beasts in the hunting ground is registered with the school - those monsters are special prey domesticated by the school, and they are stamped with our mark from the inside to the outside."

"In addition, the school also dispatched professionals headed by the teaching assistants and supplemented by all the registered hunting teams to search the entire field to ensure that there were no 'accidental' wild monsters remaining in the hunting ground... But after repeated investigations, in the end The demon dragon was not found."

"Anyone in charge of hunting ground inspections should be severely beaten!"

Hearing this, Zheng Qing suddenly realized.

No wonder Lao Yao was so angry before, and Thomas acted like a quail.

He also finally understood the dead man's expression on the teaching assistant's face when he saw him, and what he meant by what he said.

"...This means that if you little guys are killed or eaten by that monster dragon in the hunting ground, then you will really die without a place to die... unless we ask our principal to bring back the time Line, otherwise you will definitely die and die no more."

"So our discussion was halfway through, and it ended hastily-then the school arranged for the teaching assistants to come down forcibly, interrupting the freshman match ahead of schedule."

The words that Lao Yao said were louder than each sentence.

Zheng Qing listened, feeling as if her heart was trampled by tens of thousands of wild alpacas. Although it explained many of his doubts, it also brought him more puzzles. (to be continued)

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