Hunting High School

Chapter 313 Karma Turning Curse

"Professor, why did the school choose such an extreme education method?"

"If we are really hijacked by monsters next time, and everyone thinks it's a test for the school, wouldn't we die without a place to die?"

"Also, professor, how can a dead person be brought back to life?"

"Although my grades in the divination class are not excellent, I really feel that the anger of the blue bird and Xiao Xiao has dissipated, and they are indeed lifeless!"

"The other monsters, why have they been chasing me? Is it because of my bruised right eye? There is nothing strange about me..."

"And that black tiger, professor, what's going on with that black tiger...Mr. Thomas said it's not a monster, but I can feel a strange aura about it, definitely not from a pure wizard...It also has Two blood-red eyeballs!"

After listening to the professor's previous explanation, more questions arose in Zheng Qing's heart, and he couldn't help shaking them out one after another, so he simply asked them.

Facing his machine gun-like problem, Lao Yao tapped his pipe and sprayed several strings of smoke rings before he said slowly:

"Only when you lose, can you know how to cherish."

"Only by facing Death can one truly live."

"Only by keeping these in mind, can you have the courage to fight stronger monsters."

"And these things can't be learned just by our dictation in class and your notes alone."

"Just like when you faced hordes of monsters before, there were only two choices - kill them, or be eaten by them."

"A little difficult, yes."

"But the choice is pretty easy, isn't it?"

"When facing monsters, never hope that they are a group of deformed Boggarts. When seeing monsters, the correct reaction is to throw a bunch of jinxes at them... If there are too many monsters in front of you, just run away."

Lao Yao's words suddenly had profound meanings and profound connotations, but at other times they were a little vulgar and straightforward. It made Zheng Qing nod repeatedly.

"As for the abnormality you mentioned..."

"Your right eye is indeed just a little bruised. There is no doubt about it. There are medical records in the school hospital, and there are detailed examination records in it. You can check it yourself."

"The reason why those monsters chase you, maybe only those monsters know."

"After all, in the eyes of the demons, any wizard is a very delicious resource... If you have any doubts about your own bloodline, you can consult Professor Montelia. He is an expert in the school's bloodline research and is authoritative enough. "

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Zheng Qing nodded and secretly wrote down the name of Professor Montelia.

He also has a little impression of this name - a few weeks ago, when Zheng Qing and Lin Guo encountered the kappa demon by the lake, he had met this professor. It is said that he is in charge of the advanced rune courses for the senior grades, and also has his own laboratory in the Institute of Applied Magic.

Ever since following Su Shijun around a certain laboratory of the Institute of Applied Magic, the young public finance student has already learned enough about those senior wizards who have their own laboratories.

"Professor, can you write a letter of recommendation for me?" He looked hopefully at Lao Yao.

It is very rude to rush to trouble the senior professor of the school-and the professor agrees to something with a very low probability. But if you can go to visit with a 'note' from a certain dean, the possibility of getting things done will be greatly improved.

"Me?" Old Yao glanced at the young wizard, and snorted, "Your Xiao Su is the one to do this kind of thing. Trouble yard."

My little Su? Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment before realizing the meaning of Lao Yao's words. He blushed immediately and tried to say something, but he was speechless and had nothing to say.

"Don't say that," Zheng Qing smiled wryly, looked around guiltily, and muttered, "I'm afraid I'll be dragged into the gutter and beaten to death..."

Lao Yao blew out a few smoke rings, shook his head, smacked his lips, and looked like he hated iron and steel: "Look at you, you don't have the vitality of a young man... I'm just stupid all day long, so I'm not afraid of your big beauty Su Someone else ran away?!"

Hearing these words, Zheng Qing's little face turned pale with fright.

Although Zheng Qing doesn't know much about the power of great wizards, he knows that great wizards can be keenly aware of things that others mention about them--in religious dialects, they can be called "efficiency" and "retribution"--Old Yao There is no pressure to discuss Su Shijun's matter so casually, but Zheng Qing is different.

If that beautiful woman thinks that Zheng Qing is behind her back and telling her something in front of Lao Yao, then he should make a report to the school as soon as possible and dig a suitable depth of earth pit in the backyard of the school.

"Professor, you haven't said why people can come back to life after death." Zheng Qing forcibly changed the topic to other places.

Sensing the gloomy expression on the young wizard's face, Lao Yao finally stopped embarrassing him.

"Life and death is a very big topic."

"It's a long story. If it's limited to today's hunting match, I can briefly explain it to you."

The professor patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder and motioned: "Talk while walking, don't keep everyone waiting... Since you asked about the concept of Life and death, I will first explain a 'Karma' to you."

"This is also the most important magic that runs through all aspects of the freshman competition."

"Karma turning spell."

"It's a very deep, very complex kind of magic."

"The popular understanding is that in this new hunting ground (including the small auditorium), every monster has been cursed by the school, and every student who enters the field has also been blessed by the secret garden elf... Students who are eaten within the area will contact the blessed Karma through this spell, 'turn around' and return to the safe area of ​​the school..."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing couldn't help but curl her lips as she thought of the crazy puppet figure and the rude old elf in the small auditorium.

He didn't think that old elf's weird words were a blessing to own.

"..." This 'turn around' doesn't mean you turn around, but a very serious term in the concept of magic. Many advanced concepts are involved, so I won't go into further explanation here. "

"So, in this hunting ground, you will really face Life and death, but there is no real Life and death."

"The effect is so amazing, and there are many natural limitations."

"For example, in terms of time, although there are many great wizards in the school working together, they can only last this spell for less than two hours. If there is no significant time acceleration in the secret garden, you may not have the chance to experience this magical magic .”

"Another example is the prey...the spells on every monster in the hunting ground are carved by the great wizards of the school to ensure that the students who are eaten by them can 'turn around'."

"That's why many professors in the school are very dissatisfied with that big black cat..."

"It fought and tore those 'expensive' monsters to pieces. Those members of the hunting competition organizing committee were jumping in anger in the stands..." (To be continued)

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