Hunting High School

Chapter 319: The Leader

"ladies and gentlemen!"

"Idlers who come from afar with invitations!"

"There are also sleepy professors and aging janitors!!"

"And the brats in the audience!"

"good afternoon!!"


"Welcome to the scene of the 008 'Campus Cup' freshman competition!!"

"I am the award presenter who was temporarily invited—the great Ye? Phantom Shadow? Puppet Master? Your Highness the Puppet! The one above is my partner, an amiable elf from the Garden of Secrets..."

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As he said that, the puppet man grabbed the brim of his hat and raised the high hat on his head, revealing the ugly elf sitting on a gorgeous little chair.

The old elf waved his cane and laughed loudly. The tip of the cane shot out golden beams of light, which fell in mid-air and exploded into golden fireworks, making the atmosphere of the whole venue much more heated.

"You're so hot and brainy, I'll choose a son of a bitch as the host..."

Zheng Qing's brain twitched, and he couldn't help but uttered such a sentence.

From the side came Xin Fatty's sympathetic response: "Yes, yes, these two guys are obviously crazy... Is there no one in the school?"

"I don't know if anyone is there, but I know that if you continue to speak out, I'm afraid you will have a hard time later." Behind him, Thomas lowered his voice and warned: "Don't say it's unpredictable!"

"In addition, as far as I know, although the hunting committee is responsible for the selection of hosts, commentators, etc., but in the end, Lao Yao passed the eye... It doesn't matter if you are tired of life, next time I go away Seek death later."

Hearing these words, Zheng Qing and Xin Fatty wiped their mouths at the same time, breathed lightly, and carefully looked around, lest the few complaints just now would be overheard by others.

On the rostrum, wearing a top silk top hat, wearing a black tuxedo, and holding a slender civilized stick, His Majesty the puppet figure seemed to have not heard the rustling 'slander' in the corner at all, but continued to speak enthusiastically. The voice introduced to the audience the protagonists on stage today:

"...The intense competition is over!"

"The horn of victory is sounding in the distance!"

"The wind is whispering in everyone's ears, clamoring... tell you who is today's 'leader'!"

"Now! Let us use the warmest cheers and applause to welcome the champions of this year's School Hunting Freshmen Competition - the Excuse Hunting Team - to make their debut!!"

Following the puppet's invitation, the hunting ground was filled with fireworks, and the bells and drums rang together, making it very lively.

The five hunters of the forgiveness hunting team lined up, followed a thin line on the ground, stumbled from the backstage to the front desk, and came to the side of the puppet.

A few meters away, the puppet's pale face, narrow eyes, big gaping mouth, and slender nose looked more and more abrupt, making people flustered and afraid to look more.

So Zheng Qing tried to look away from the puppet, turned to the surrounding stands, trying to find some familiar figures from the vast crowd.

Then he seemed to hear some dissonant voices.

These voices were very small at first. Compared with the warm atmosphere at the venue, they were like gurgling streams and surging rivers, which were easily ignored by people.

But with the development of time, the streams merged into small rivers, and the small rivers merged into big rivers, and the big rivers rushed all the way to the sea.




The uniform shouts from the stands of Alpha and Atlas Academy easily overwhelmed the chaotic cheers in the stands of Jiuyou Academy—even the students of Starry Sky Academy who had been friends with Jiuyou Academy on weekdays seemed to agree The Forgiveness Hunting Team was slightly dissatisfied with winning the freshman championship, and did not beat their big drums to cheer for Jiuyou Academy.

"Cheating! Cheating! Cheating!!"

Hearing these shouts, Zheng Qing couldn't help turning his head, looking left and right in shock.

The other hunters of the forgiveness hunting team lowered their heads one after another, as if they didn't dare to look him in the eyes.

"What's the situation! What are they shouting?!" The young public finance student still seemed to have not recovered from the huge gap. A minute ago, he was happily waiting for the champion's medal and the cheers of the audience.

A minute later, he was overwhelmed by a storm of accusations and panicked.

"...Some people in Alpha feel that our trophies are all 'picked up' by you from the hunting grounds, and the means of getting them are disgraceful." Under the pressure of Zheng Qing's eyes, Xin Fatty finally began to explain with a whimper: "After all, those monsters were killed by that big cat, and we basically have nothing to do."

"And our hunting team has 'died' two people." Zhang Jixin added in a muffled voice.

"Someone in our academy said that if the big cat hadn't killed most of the prey, other hunting teams would have had a chance to win." Blue Bird suddenly spoke up, expressing another point of view in a soft voice—obviously, his opinion represented Starry Sky The thoughts of many people in the academy, even the usually taciturn swordsman had to speak out.

Zheng Qing opened his eyes wide, feeling a rush of anger rushing into his head from his chest, and almost couldn't help rushing to the stands, yelling at the noisy spectators for hundreds of rounds.

"Actually, you can stay here and not come out." Zhang Jixin said suddenly, and said softly, "You have already been voted off by us, and you have been dismissed from the position of captain...Leave the rest to us."

"I guess it's just some rotten vegetable leaves and tomatoes at most... The brawl a few days ago has just subsided, and Alpha and those brats don't have the courage to throw evil spells at us." Xin Fatty added with a smile.

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment, and finally understood the reason why his teammates insisted on dismissing him as captain. The anger accumulated in his chest seemed to be poured by a clear spring, and it was instantly extinguished.

"They know shit!"

"Even if a thousand more monsters are put in the garden, will the other hunting teams have the ability to gather those monsters together?"

"Even if those monsters are gathered together, are other hunting teams capable of facing such a beast tide?"

"Being able to attract so many monsters and then kill them all, even if it's a champion due to luck, is still an unparalleled champion! A solid, undeniable champion!!"

Next to him, Xiao Xiao had a sullen face and a calm tone, but he criticized the chaos on the field fiercely: "Some people always attribute other people's victories to luck, but they don't know how much courage and how much courage this luck contains. effort!"

Facing the clumsy relief from his teammates, Zheng Qing opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

He only felt that his eyelids were a little hot and his nose was a little sore.


A low-pitched bull roar sounded around the hunting ground, interrupting the chaotic din of the audience, as well as the young wizards on the stage who were reacting fiercely.

Holding a long rein in his hand, the puppet pulled out a pure white bull with cocoon horns from the other side, and dragged it to the center of the rostrum.

"Now, I would like to invite the leader of the hunting team this year to pray for the heaven and the earth!"

"Receive the salary from heaven, and protect the life of the right!" (to be continued)

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