Hunting High School

Chapter 320: Great Secret Treasure

The ceremony said: "Ox sacrificed to heaven and earth, with cocoons and chestnuts; cattle in the ancestral temple, hold the horns; cattle for guests, horns." It means that the cattle sacrificed to the world, the horns are shaped like cocoons, or chestnuts, which are small horns; sacrifices to the ancestral temple The horns of the ox are slightly larger; the ox for entertaining guests should use a big fat ox with bigger horns.

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The arena of the freshman competition is a secret garden—that is, a Minor World—though the world is small, it has all internal organs, and it is also a world. Therefore, after this competition, the school needs to sacrifice to heaven and earth according to the etiquette system.

The pure white calf was dragged by the puppet man, and slowly came to Zheng Qing, staring at two big black eyes, looking pitiful.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" the puppet yelled impatiently: "Our family's time is precious!"

It's really hard for its wooden face to squeeze out such a vivid expression, Zheng Qing secretly sneered.

Behind him, Thomas stepped forward quickly and explained his duties to Zheng Qing in a low voice.

"You are the captain of the forgiveness hunting team, so now I need you to hold the ear." The teaching assistant couldn't help but put a small silver knife into Zheng Qing's hand, and motioned: "Grab its ear, and put it at the root of the ear." Just poke it, let some blood come out...don't poke too deep, "

Hearing this, Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

"It scared me to death," the young public finance student heaved a sigh of relief, "I thought you wanted me to slaughter this calf in front of everyone... so it was just bleeding."

The white calf was originally somewhat resistant. Hearing this, the bull's eyes suddenly widened. As soon as he lowered his head, he wanted to poke the young wizard in front of him with two small horns.

Thomas pressed its head down, turned around, and looked at Zheng Qing helplessly: "According to the ancient system, it was to be 'sacrificed'...but now it's about 'advancing with the times', what does it mean to bleed?" It’s enough if you mean it... Besides, the Hunting Committee doesn’t plan to fill out dozens of application forms for a freshman competition.”

"After all, the budget is limited, and the school will certainly not pay a high 'murder tax' to Danhag's Animal Protection Committee for a first-year hunting game."

The little white bull flopped under Thomas's palm for a moment, and finally gave up struggling, bowed its head and ears, showing a look of being slaughtered.

Zheng Qing looked around, and under the encouraging eyes of his partners, he lifted one of the little white cow's ears and stroked the back of the ear lightly.

The bright red blood slowly flowed down the soft pekoe, and landed on the white dish that had already been connected below. Among the red Baixiang, it is particularly eye-catching.

"Enough is enough." Seeing the cow's blood submerge the bottom of the plate gently, Thomas immediately took Zheng Qing's hand and stopped him repeatedly: "This much is enough... a little is enough."

As he spoke, he took out a small box of green ointment from his pocket, and wiped it on the cow's ear, and the bleeding on the cow's ear stopped immediately.

The little white cow also knew that his torture was over, he raised his head, shook his ears, and angrily glanced at these two-legged Damn it monkeys, turned his head, and ran down the stage.

The puppet didn't take it seriously, sticking to the side like a piece of wood, it didn't stop the fleeing calf.

"When you are ready, you are playing, and the flute is ready!"

"The sound of Jue Jue, Su Yong and Ming!"

Suddenly, the old elf's hoarse and high-pitched curse sound came from the puppet's top hat.

Accompanied by this incantation, a brilliant golden light suddenly appeared in the void. In the bright light, there were many figures holding flutes, pan flutes, and even bells, drums, and zithers. Not for a moment, the majestic music resounded over the entire hunting ground, the sound was harmonious and loud, showing the extraordinary superb skills of the performers.

"Next, we invite our award presenters!"

"The dean of Jiuyou College, Professor Yao Xiaomi, presents trophies and prizes to the hunting team that won the championship today!"

The puppet said these two sentences quickly and hastily - he didn't even read all of Lao Yao's "head up" - which seemed extremely unprofessional.

But soon, Zheng Qing knew what this mentally ill puppet was planning.

While waiting for Lao Yao to take the stage, the puppet man did not relax his mouth, but wandered back and forth on the rostrum, chattering incessantly. It sounds like you are in a 'hot field', but it gives people a strong feeling of 'smashing the field'.

"These five young wizards standing on the stage formed the Champion Hunting Team for the 2008 Freshman Tournament!"

"They are high-spirited, red-faced, and full of fighting spirit!"


"They are not the only surviving hunting party in the hunting ground!"

"Many people know that according to our rules, only one hunting team can walk out of this arena alive!"


"As you chanted..."

As he said that, the puppet man raised the civilized stick in his hand high and stretched it towards the auditorium. At the same time, he turned his head sideways and closed his ears, as if holding a microphone.

As it wished, in the Alpha Stand, the voices that had been gradually lowered rose again.

"Cheating! Cheating! Cheating!!"

Looking from a distance, the white robes were undulating on the stands, as if waves were crashing on the rocks, splashing deafening tides.

"Yes! It's cheating!"

The puppet seemed to be very happy to hear this kind of speech. He turned the windmill version of the civilized stick in his hand, and shouted happily at the same time: "...As you said, this decadent university ended halfway through dirty and despicable means. This game is over!"

"How many honorable Alpha hunters are waiting on the hunting ground!"

"How many starry sky academy hunters who don't lack courage in their hearts are looking around in the hunting ground!"

"There are many…"

It was as if the tape had been muted, and the voice behind the puppet suddenly disappeared. The young wizards could only see its mouth opening and closing, its face full of excitement, but they couldn't hear every word it said.

Soon, Zheng Qing knew the reason.

A yellow-faced sorcerer in a black robe with a big back came striding over from the side of the rostrum. Beside him, Thomas was holding a small white dish filled with cow's blood, following his steps.

"Thank you very much, His Majesty the Puppet, for being the host of this freshman competition... and the host of the awards ceremony."

"It's just that he seems to have a little misunderstanding about our champion."

Lao Yao chuckled, he didn't seem to use any magic, he was just talking plainly, but his voice easily suppressed the noise of thousands of spectators, allowing everyone to hear clearly.

After saying this, the dean of Jiuyou College walked in front of the hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

Zheng Qing and others lined up in a row, a little nervous.

Lao Yao looked at the young wizards, nodded in satisfaction, didn't say much, just raised his right hand and stuck out two fingers.

Thomas immediately handed over the small dish containing the cow's blood.

The professor dipped his fingers into the dish and dipped it.

Then he walked up to the blue bird standing at the end of the line, and tapped the blue-robed swordsman's forehead with his blood-stained finger.

"Assess the situation!"

"Pride cannot grow, desire cannot be indulged, ambition cannot be fulfilled, and joy cannot be extreme."

Then he came to Xin Fatty and put another blood mark on Fatty's forehead.


"Words with people are warmer than cloth; words that hurt people are better than spears."

Xiao Xiao followed.

"Easy to learn!"

"Learning without thinking means nothing, thinking without learning means nothing."

Then Zhang Jixin.

"Shang Yong!"

"Where righteousness lies, do not lean on power and disregard its interests. Xiaoyong is what Blood Qi does; great courage is what righteousness is."

Finally, he came to Zheng Qing.


"The existence of the Tao, even if there are thousands of demons, it will go away!"

"It is Daren, Dazhi, and Dayong who lead away hundreds of crazy monsters alone. Even the seniors who have graduated from the school, and your seniors who have obtained the title of registered wizard, face this situation. corresponding quality."

"With the determination to die, do the right thing."

"This should be your biggest gain in this year's competition!"

After finishing speaking, he swiped his finger across the plate, soaked up the last bit of cow blood, and dabbed it on Zheng Qing's forehead.

Then, he turned around, facing everyone in the hunting ground, and said loudly:

"Courage, friendliness, trust, and many other beautiful characters, as well as various principles of being a wizard-this is the great secret treasure we hide in the hunting ground. It is also able to support you young people to go further on the road of wizards, Even if you go to the great wizard, or even surpass the great wizard, it will never become a treasure that will never go out of date!"

"Isn't the person who can get this treasure the real champion?" (To be continued)

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