Hunting High School

Chapter 6 In And Out Of School

Because the next Lantern Festival is approaching, the manic mood of the mixed race is a bit serious, so many mixed race students, including Dylan, are arranged by the school in the school hospital—most of them have to stay in these quiet wards. a month.

The school provides them with single wards, and three meals a day are served by professional nursing elves. In addition, during the recent period of moon hunting, other students spend most of their time wandering between the hunting ground and the classroom. The young wizards who were hospitalized had a more or less lonely feeling of being 'confinement'.

Just like Dylan.

Originally in the dormitory, he still followed the style of the 'old-fashioned' creatures under the moon, he didn't like to make noise, and he was very particular about his dress, tone of words, etc. But after only half a month in the school hospital, the young vampire werewolf lost many of his old habits.

For example, when eating dumplings, he didn't even tie a napkin around his neck, allowing the yellow-green soup to drip wantonly on the white hospital gown; for another example, he seemed to have completely abandoned the norm of "eat without speaking", When I was still chewing on the dumplings, I couldn't help chattering with other people, as if it would be a great loss to miss a word.

And the most amazing thing is that Mr. Vampire Werewolf actually sleeps on a bed instead of a coffin!

"So you don't have to sleep in the coffin!" Zheng Qing touched the soft bed under Dylan's body, looked at him with drooping eyelids, and wondered if he should go back and smash the big black coffin in the dormitory It was thrown into Linzhong Lake.

"You think I didn't apply?" Dylan rolled his eyes and replied angrily: "Since I was admitted to the hospital, I have to type three or four application reports every day, hoping to move the big coffin in my dormitory to the ward... "

As he said that, he seemed to recall some bad memories, shook his head angrily, and involuntarily used some strength with his hands to crush a dumpling.

The emerald green soup splashed, and the white frog meat rolled into the soup, leaving a piece of oil on the soup surface.

"Undoubtedly, the hospital refused." Fatty looked at the oil flower with greedy eyes, smacked his lips, and finally shook his head: "Although it is not a taboo, I have never heard that there are wards with coffins in hospitals... here It's not a morgue."

"What's the difference between this place and the morgue!" Dylan wriggled his cheeks quickly, chewed the dumpling in his mouth, swallowed it, and said angrily, "Coldly, so miserable... On weekdays, apart from the elves cleaning and feeding, you can’t even see a ghost! You know, this is the number one university! The place where the ghosts of the wizarding world are densest!”

"When I usually go to class, I still encounter four or five ghosts from time to time."

"Compared with a hospital full of dead spirits, undead people prefer a place full of vitality." Xiao Xiao analyzed habitually without raising his head while holding his notebook: "What's more, in this kind of treatment place, the most taboo Those things that hang around with negativity all over your body ... can easily cause complications of certain symptoms. So, your thinking is stupid."

The doctor's explanations are always so ruthless and hit the nail on the head.

Dylan was tongue-tied, his two small fangs helplessly blowing cold wind in the air.

After a while, he remembered that he was eating dumplings. Then he immediately picked up the lunch box and took a mouthful of thick soup.

After putting down the lunch box, Mr. Vampire Werewolf seemed to have forgotten the rudeness of Xiao Xiao a few seconds ago, and happily changed the topic to another direction: "I heard that the hunting team is very cruel, killing 70% to 80% of the prey in the hunting ground. It's in the did you do it? Tell me about it."

"Don't you know? It's cheating!" Zhang Jixin took out a stack of newspapers from under Dylan's pillow angrily, and shook them in mid-air: "Aren't the newspapers full of analysis and comments!"

Dylan glanced awkwardly at the newspaper in the hands of the red-faced wizard, and snorted, "Those were sent from home... I haven't had time to read them yet..."

These words sound a little insincere.

Zheng Qing took a few copies from Zhang Jixin curiously, including the "Beta Town Post" with the largest circulation on Phuket Island, as well as many popular newspapers and publications outside the world, including "Ganghe Daily" and "Sanqing Weekly".

Without exception, the headlines in these publications published the super unpopularity of the First University Freshman Competition—even the official schedule of the 'College Cup' was squeezed to the sidelines.

Moreover, each of these titles is more thrilling than the last.

Such as "Shocked! After two months in school, three hundred monsters were hanged!", or "The story that the public-funded student and the black tiger demon have to tell", or "The terrible freshmen of the 2008 class - the witch screamed after seeing it, and the male The witch watched the silence!", and so on.

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The corners of Zheng Qing's mouth twitched, looking at those outlandish titles, he had the urge to burn all the editors to death.

Zhang Jixin found the most authoritative "Beta Town Post", cleared his throat, and read the commentator's article aloud:

"...Analysts point out that, as a first-year freshman, theoretically, he shouldn't have the strength to forcibly kill more than 300 monsters... The spoils obtained by relying on contracted beasts are immoral from a certain point of view...According to one According to the relevant provisions of the five-year Bavarian Hunting Convention, hunters who use magic that 'disrupts the order of the game' should be punished with a ban of not less than one year but not more than three years, and a penalty of deducting 50 points from their hunting team..."

After reading this, Zhang Jixin grabbed the newspaper, shook it in mid-air, and said with a sneer: "It's lucky, our hunting team has no points that can be deducted... After all, that is the treatment that only regular hunting teams have."

"So, I don't have to be suspended?" Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief. When Zhang Jixin read the commentator's analysis just now, his heart was in his throat.

I thought it was just some envious students in the school making noise in private, but I didn't expect that my hunting team caused such a big disturbance outside the school.

"Even if we are a regular hunting team, points will not be deducted, and you will not be suspended." Xiao Xiao finally lifted his head from his notebook.

He straightened his glasses, looked at the bewildered public servant, and explained in a low voice: "The 15-year Bavarian hunting convention restricts the large-scale hunting groups that were established before 15 years ago, and targets those similar to 'pseudo-forbidden spells'." ' and other magics... are those powerful magics before the emergence of modern forbidden spells."

"All the magic that is within the bounds is on a list - there is no doubt that we have never used the magic on the list on the hunting ground."

"Don't keep your sights so short... When you look at a problem, you have to look at the essence of the problem through the phenomenon."

"Since the beginning of the year, many media outlets, including the Beta Town Post, have questioned First University's teaching methods, management models, campus security, and student quality."

"In September, the incident of Nikita's invasion of the special admission plane was already aroused by the newspapers, and it only disappeared for a few days. Not to mention the incident of a Kappa demon appearing in the school later, which was also hyped by the newspapers for a while. fan."

As he spoke, Xiao Xiao glanced at Lin Guo calmly.

The little wizard's face was flushed red, holding his small schoolbag, staring at the big Mickey Mouse on it. Zheng Qing remembers very clearly that because Lin Guo fainted under the Kappa's Monster Qi, he was ridiculed by those newspapers.

"...In general, judging by the atmosphere, it should be that some forces within the Wizarding Union are testing the bottom line of the First University through public opinion."

"Or call it 'underground'."

"It doesn't necessarily have any bad ideas, but some people outside will definitely be very interested in the things in the school. After all, this is one of the three cornerstones of the wizarding world, and it is also the most mysterious and solid one."

"If the school doesn't care about these 'wind and rain', then these public opinions will naturally calm down after a lot of hype..."

"Is there any doubt?!" Xin Fatty clenched his fist, waved it vigorously in mid-air, and said loudly, "This is the No. 1 University! What kind of wind blows from ghosts and snakes, it can blow the school's sign crooked!"

Xiao Xiao sighed, did not continue to explain, but said one last sentence: "If the principal is here, in theory, it is like this." (To be continued)

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