Hunting High School

Chapter Seven Goodbye Wandering Wizard

"If the principal is here."

It seemed an unquestionable premise—if not at the school, where else would the president of First University be?

But when Xiao Xiao said this sentence with a serious face, it became a little strange.

Until leaving the school hospital and on the way back to the dormitory, the words Xiao Xiao said still sounded in Zheng Qing's mind from time to time. Although a little ignorant, he was keenly aware of the meaningful expression on Dr. Xiao Da's face when he said this.

Of course, this doubt quickly dissipated as time passed.

The young public fee student still has a lot of troubles on his mind.

For example, the night patrol of Linzhong Lake on Saturday night, the agreement with Jiang Yu on Sunday afternoon, or he still has time to go wandering——Dr. Xiao finally refused to help Zheng Qing run errands, but asked Yu The captain of the crime hunting team should go wandering in person, and discuss with that skinny and gloomy old wizard about purchasing 'public opinion'.

Friday night is out of time. Some time ago, in order to prepare for the freshman competition, Zheng Qing accumulated a lot of extracurricular homework. Although the professors leniently allowed him to delay the submission, the delay does not mean exemption - there are several courses whose homework is approaching the deadline, if the parchment is not lying on the desks of the professors before midnight on Friday In fact, Zheng Qing has no doubt that the credits he just earned from the freshman competition will be deducted a few times.

There's not much time on Saturday either. On the one hand, it is necessary to continue to make up homework, and on the other hand, Zheng Qing has to stay in bed during the day because of the need for night patrols at night to recharge his energy.

As for Sunday, I have to catch up on sleep in the morning, there is a regular class meeting in the evening, and I have already made an appointment with Dr. Duzem to re-examine the elves in the afternoon. .

According to Zheng Qing's plan, after patrolling on Saturday night, try to get up before twelve o'clock on Sunday morning, and then go straight to the pedestrian street to wander after lunch. Before the time, get this troublesome thing done.

The plan was rigorous, and nothing went wrong in execution.

Just five minutes after twelve noon on Sunday, the young public finance student was already standing at the door of the vagabond bar, holding a cardboard box in his arms—this box was made by the witches of Tianwen Class 08-1 for the elves Although the elves have not fallen into deep sleep at present, they can fly around and follow Zheng Qing around, but because there are many people in the Wandering Bar, just in case, Zheng Qing arranges them to stay in the paper house , waiting obediently.

It was a little different from the first time I came to the Wandering Bar a few weeks ago. At noon, this prestigious entertainment venue in First University was a little less crowded, and there were not many people.

Pushing open the door, the shadows in the corridor immediately shrouded it, blocking the bright sunlight outside the door.

Zheng Qing skillfully took out an admission ticket and stuffed it into the mouth of the big frog squatting at the door—for some reason, many wizards like to use this greasy creature as food, pets, and even totems.

The gatekeeper frog bulged its cheeks, chewed and chewed, and after chewing a few mouthfuls, it spit out a hand card with some transparent mucus, and then handed it to the public fee student who was waiting by the side with its long tongue.

Zheng Qing conveniently took out a handful of salted dried flies from his pocket and fed them to the gatekeeper frog. Pet rations, so that you can buy these annoying little brutes anytime, anywhere.

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"This way please, Lord Wandering Wizard will be here later." After receiving Zheng Qing's gold card and request, a multi-armed waiter immediately brought him to the private room on the second floor with a smile on his face.

The quiet, small room was as dark as ever. Perhaps because it was noon, the fireflies were a little drowsy, lying between the winding vines of the spider plant, shimmering feebly.

Zheng Qing sat on the sofa, tilted his head, and noticed a bottle of Amber-colored liquid on the bar in the corner of the room, and the dots of light were circling in the liquid, which was truly beautiful. He vaguely remembered that it was a wandering wizard's private brew, and it seemed to have a pretty name.

"Ah, rare guest, rare guest."

Accompanied by several old greetings, the old wizard in a large gray robe strode into the private room: "The strongest freshman of First University, the future star of Jiuyou College, the undoubted leader of the freshman competition... Zheng Please classmate!"

"Welcome, welcome... Sorry, the room is a bit dark."

As he spoke, the wandering wizard stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

The fireflies who had been lying drowsy among the vines seemed to have been shocked by electricity, their wings exploded, and their belly lights lit up. In just an instant, the originally dim private room was shrouded in bright light and became brighter.

Seemingly noticing Zheng Qing's surprised gaze, the old wizard added with a smile: "Sometimes, necessary reminders can save a lot of time... some little bugs always lack memory."

Zheng Qing frowned, feeling that the old wizard's words meant something else, but he couldn't grasp the essence of it. Then he wondered if he was thinking too much - some old guys always like to talk about it, and it is obviously very simple, but they say it like a gatha.

"Something to drink... Green Bee or Amber Light?" The wandering wizard interrupted the reverie of the young public servant and asked kindly.

Zheng Qing subconsciously glanced at the bottle of Amber-colored liquid in the corner of the room.

"Ah! The Golden Years!" exaggeratedly shouted the wandering wizard: "What a picky guest! But I have to admit, your eyesight is very sharp...that is the best drink in this bar!"

The face of the young public funder immediately turned red.

He opened his mouth and tried to defend himself, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by the wandering wizard again.

"Let me guess why you came here... The freshman competition is a bit too rich, and the price given by the school is not suitable, so you plan to sell some through the vagrant bar, right?" The old wizard held a Burgundy cup The bottom of the cup was filled with "Golden Years", and it was stuffed into the hands of the young public finance student without refusal, while sighing:

"...This is my private aging wine! Drink it while the starlight in the wine has not dissipated, that way the taste is the most mellow... Not every gold card customer will have the opportunity to drink it."

Zheng Qing had no choice but to raise his head and take a sip first.

Compared with Green Bee, this glass of 'Golden Years' tastes slightly softer and less irritating; but compared with the authentic Amber light, this glass of 'Golden Years' is much warmer, and the wine is mixed Seeing the starlight burst in Zheng Qing's mouth, it seemed to make his blood burn with it.

"I'm not here to sell things." The young public finance student ignored the taste of the wine, and immediately replied after waking up: "I'm here to buy things." (To be continued)

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